Volume I Part 44 (1/2)
Inhabits West Australia
The Netted Grammatophore Grammatophora reticulata
Grammatophora decresii, Gray, Grey's Trav Austr 2, not Durey, vered; back and nape with a central series of larger keeled scales, with distant cross series of similar scales; sides of the nape and parotids with series of rather larger keeled scales; scales of the back sular nearly equal keeled scales, and 1 or 2 cross bands of larger scales at the base
Inhabits West Australia
The Yellow-spotted Grammatophore Grae yellow spots, smaller on the sides; the tail and limbs yellow-banded, beneath yellow; the throat black-dotted; chest blackish; nape with a slight scaly crest; ears with a few tubercular scales in front; neck with 3 or 4 groups of short tubercular scales on each side; the scales small, ovate, ier, and with a few rather larger (white) ones scattered on the sides; nostril near the front edge of the orbit
Inhabits West Australia
Stokes' Sea Serpent Hydrus stokesii
Grey; white beneath; scales of the back, broad, ovate, cordate, keeled; of the sides larger, and of the belly largest, all keeled; of the two central series of the belly rather larger, h band-like; the 4 and 5 the highest 1, cheek scale; 1, anterior, and 3, posterior ocular, the lower hinder largest; the hinder labial shi+elds behind the eye small, the hinder one smallest
Inhabits Australian Seas
This species is the giant of the genus, being very er than the Hydrus major of Shaw (Pelamis shawi, Messem) froh, and it erous enemy to any person in the water
Head ovate, depressed, covered with small rather acute scales, with 2 small frontal plates just over the rostral in front; rostral se, rather anterior, in the ht slit to the hinder edge; labial scales rather larger; the lower ones with a concavity in the ; throat with sular; back covered with very ser ovate keeled scales on each side, and 2 or 3 rows of sier keeled scales over the vertebral line; the sides covered with er beneath the belly, covered with a series of transverse rounded plates Tail elongate, rather co, like the back above, and with a single series of rounded transverse plates beneath
Gonionotus plurey, belly and beneath white Length of body 9, of tail 4, total 13 inches
Inhabits --
This animal is at once known from all the other Ho only a single series of plates beneath, and in the lower labial shi+elds being pitted
Crocodilus palustris, Lesson Belanger, Vog 305 Gray Cat Reptiles British Museuaris, Dum and Bibr Erp Gen n 108
Crocodilus biporcatus, Cuv Oss Foss toure 4 Skull