Volume I Part 43 (2/2)
Inhabits Australia
Head quadrangular, rather tapering in front Head shi+elds convex, rugose
Nasal shi+elds ovate-triangular, rather anterior, approxiular, erect; internasal lozenge-shaped, as long as broad; frontonasal rhombic, lateral, separate; frontal and interparietal , contiguous in front; parietal moderate, half ovate Temple shi+elded Orbit without any scales between it and the labial shi+elds Ears oblong, with 4 small scales in front Body fusiform Scales of the back, sides, and upper part of the li in a spine, larger on the loins, those of the nape 3- or 5-grooved, of the throat and belly thin, broad, ovate, 6-sided Legs 4, strong Toes elongate, co as the body, round, tapering, with 6 series of broad 6-sided, keeled, strongly-spined scales, with a series of broad 6-sided shaical Society 1832 to 1840
Olive, white spotted head, brown chin, and beneath white; ears with 3 or 4 pointed scales in front
Inhabits Australia
Fae, covered with small rather unequal not ie scales upon the edge of the eyebrows Parotids swollen, unarht cross fold behind The sides of the neck unarular distant scales Body coh uniforer, obliquely keeled; of the li, rather compressed, with keeled scales, those of the under sides rather truncated, the keel of the scales of the end forhtly keeled, subdentated Toes 5-5, moderate, unequal Femoral and preanal pores none
The Chelosania Chelosania brunnea
Pale brown, rather paler beneath
Inhabits West Australia
Head ular keeled scales, of the occiput rather sed with se of rather larger conical scales over the ears above Nostrils lateral, medial Throat rather lax, with a cross fold behind Nape and back rounded, not crested Scales of the back equal, rhoitudinal series; on the sides ses; of the belly siitudinal series, with the keels sharp and rather produced at the tip The tail round, tapering, with iitudinal ridges Femoral and preanal pores none Toes 5-5, unequal
The Gindalia Gindalia bennettii
Pale brown, rather paler beneath; the scales of the back ses, which converge together just at the base of the tail towards the two upper ridges formed by the keels of the scales of the tail; of the lier
Inhabits North-West coast of Australia
The Crested Grammatophore Grammatophora cristata
Olive; head black varied, beneath pale; throat, chest and under side of the thighs black; tail black-ringed; scales rather irregular, with a central and two lateral series of compressed keeled scales; nape with a crest of compressed elevated distant scales; sides of the neck with scattered single elongated conical spines; tail tapering, with uniform keeled scales, keeled above, rather dilated at the base, with indistinct cross series of rather larger scales