72 The Villiage of Bones (1/2)
After a while I got them to stop bowing to me, which took a while. I had them take us to their village, which was surprisingly well set up. Apparently, they didn't spend a lot of time in their monster form. It seems that it was more practical for them to remain as humans, and just work that way.
They'd made their village in a deep cave that was actually located behind the waterfall, they'd led my little party into their cave village. It wasn't as damp and ugly as I had expected it to be, considering they'd decided to make their home in a cave, and that they were born monsters.
At first, the cave was dimly lite, but the deeper into it we went, the warmer and bright it got. I noticed that along the walls, a glowing purple plant was growing, it looked a lot like moss. But it was very luminous and bright.
Soon, I caught sight of more and more of the moss-like substance, however, it was in a plethora of different colors. Blues, Reds, Yellows, Pinks, Greens, and more hue of the color spectrum lite up the cave.
After a while, we reached a huge open aired area of the cave, looking upwards I could see the sky, however, it had changed from daytime to a nighttime sky.
I shot a look towards the grandpa, he clearly understood what I meant because he started to explain, ”The fluorescent moss that you saw on the way hear grows atop of the dormant volcano that we made a home in. The volcanic ash is perfect to raise our young, and it's rich for planting the [Fruit of a Thousand Tongues], we also grow other assortments of fruits.”
”I'll have them sent to the tent that we have prepared for you,” he humbly says giving me a slight bow as he continues to lead me forward.
The teenage girl that has been beet red, since she saw Royal, was still following closely behind the grandpa. I wonder if she was rather important, the grandpa hadn't shooed her away, as he'd done to others that had ventured to close to us.
I glanced at her with curiosity, the whole time we'd been walking she hadn't taken her eyes off of Royal, who'd been slithering by my side the whole time.
He didn't seem oblivious to the looks that the young girl had been casting towards him. His amber-gold eyes would narrow every now and then as he cast glances back towards her. I couldn't help but snicker to myself.
This was the first, time I'd seen him this nice to someone. Maybe, not nice, more curious if anything. However, his eyes never lingered on her for longer than was necessary.
We arrived at the village promptly. It was rather huge, but I suppose that made sense since there seemed to be so many of them. I'd counted another twenty people since arriving at the village, there had been forty of them outside and I was sure that there were even more of them.
I was thankful, that it hadn't come down to a fight. I don't think that we would have won, not with this number of them, plus almost all of them seemed to be quite strong. They radiated a good deal of power.
Envy had stuck close to me the whole time, he shot dirty glares at anyone that stared at me too long. He was a little bit overprotective, Royal had kept him from wrapping his arms around me.
I could feel the crackle of electricity when those two made eye contact, it was like a nemesis meeting after a long break. They quickly would turn their noses up at each other. It was a bit comical to watch it all happen.
Janus had been rather silent but still had followed me down into their village. Looking around, I couldn't help but find their building rather impressive.
They were constructed out of a mixture, of bone and fabric, along with the bases of the building being reinforced by a cement-like substance. But for the most part, they were all decorated and a great deal and thought had been put into the layout of the village.
”This way,” the grandpa spoke as he leads me towards the far right, where a couple of bigger building could be seen. I saw a huge tent that I assumed was the chieftain's tent, that being the grandpa, to the far right there was another equally large building.
Then to the left, there were two mid-size tents that had been put together, that's where he leads me towards. We stopped when we near the first tent. ”Your companion can stay here,” the grandpa motions towards Janus and I look at him.
He steps forward and gives me a look, but I just give him a small smile.
”Thank you, Chief,” he says with a small nod to the grandpa. Who seems rather pleased by that, he give Janus a hearty smile and slap on the back. Janus gave me a small wink as he slipped into the building.
The puppet glances towards the Oldman that had struck his master, but after analyzing it found no hostile intent. He decided that there was nothing for him to do, so he quickly followed his master inside the tent.
”Then Mistress your tent is this one,” he quickly took me towards the second tent that was no more than about twenty feet apart from Janus tent.
I look over the tent and found that it's embezzled in gold and other precious materials, I suppose what they said about dragon's being greedy too. Because Igna's whole body started to vibrate with happiness as we neared the gem and gold encrusted tent.