35 Departing At Long Las (2/2)

Million World Game Hecate_ 26820K 2022-07-20

”The [Summon Random Familiar] it's a bit of a magic drain,” I replied not moving my eyes from the circle. It felt like I was peering into the dark void of space, which was exquisitely beautiful. So many colors and lights.

”It looks like it, using a five-tiered magical circle to summon something, you might have gotten lucky. But it looks like it's a one-time use skill, you can either get a good or bad familiar,” he explains by my ear.

I raise an eyebrow but don't say anything. Even if it was a one-time use skill, I had a bit of confidence that I wouldn't do too badly in the end as far as what I managed to obtain.

[A Monster has been found and has replied to the summoning, preceding to summon it from the void]

A notification appeared, I kept peering towards the void. But it turned into a beautiful blue and golden color as it began the summoning process.

The magical circle actually shrunk and rotated itself, it fell to the ground and slowly began to move back up. A collum of light began to appear and I could see a creature starting to take shape.

As it drew upwards, the beast that started to take shape was huge, it stopped at about two good feet above my head. The collum of light slowly vanished, and I could make out four hoves.

Soon the light completely vanished and a monster appeared in front of my face, it was a...deer?

I was a little shocked, but it radiated a huge amount of power. My stomach did a flip, it looks like lady luck hadn't abandoned me, yet.

[Completed Summoning]

”You've summoned a deer,” he chuckled by my ear. I didn't pay him any attention I couldn't tear my eyes away from the huge beauty.

It was at least a six-pointer, it's horn were a glowing gold. Its fur was blue and white, its legs were thick and strong and plated in scales, the scales bad a bit of a golden glow. Just like a tank, it's cyan eyes were trained on me, it's nostril's flared before it took a step forward.

”You've called into the void and I've answered, I'm a Ceryneian Hind. I'm willing to enter a bond of Familiar with you, do you wish to accept my offer?” Its void was calm and strong like the earth, yet I felt a strong sense of wildness as it spoke.

Walking forward, I head towards the huge Hind. Its head dipped lower as I approached, I didn't break eye contact with it. Reaching a hand out, I place it on the beast forehead.

”I accept,” I breath. A surge of power rippled up through my arms, and into the rest of my body. It felt like a bolt of lighting, the huge Hind in front of me shrank downwards into about the size of a large dog.

”It's done,” it voice was giddy and it trotted around my body. I laugh a bit, bending down to rub its head and ears.

”Well done Alice,” Haru clapped behind me, I turned and gave him a small smile.

[You've used all your attempt at Random Summoning, please find ingredients the next time you'd like to summon a monster]

A rumbling starts and then the sound of rock cracking open sounds. Turning to the right, I look as see a door appear out of nowhere. Looks like it was time to leave this hell.

”That our queue to head out before space begins to break down,” Haru says casually as he begins to walk towards the door.

Picking up my new pet, I walk towards the door.

”Come on Envy it's time to go,” I shout at him. He gives me a sly grin and quickly head towards the door.

Haru had it opened and I could see a road on the other side of the door.

”Ladies first,” he smiled. I rolled my eyes and stepped through the door.