218 Learning Spiritual Manipulation (1/2)
Nekoma rubs her silvery eyes and then looks towards me and her bigger sister, Shirone. Her very much bigger sister. In all the right places too. Eh?
That is the perverted side of me talking, and even as a fallen angel, I am still a man deep down inside, and as a man, I do have needs.
Special needs that only a beautiful woman of all the right proportion can truly provide, and I am pretty sure that Nekoma will grow up to be as beautiful and alluring as Shirone.
It is practically her future.
And no. That is not the reason to why I have brought these two low-class devils to live with me in this secluded place far from any sign of life or civilization.
One is a low-class devil. The other is what others would call a devil spawn.
Nekoma is not a devil yet. She is not old enough for her demonic power to awaken, thus transforming her into a devil. That explains why she does not have a tail or wings or both.
Anyway, the reason that I have brought them to live with me is not solely due to the fact that I enjoyed their company. I do enjoy that immensely. They make each of my day here in this place more colourful.
I have brought them here because Shirone is my kindred spirit even though she is not aware of it. She is considered to be my better half or evil half, depending on the point of view.
Like almost everyone living here in Hell or up there in Heaven above, she does not remember anything about the lives that she had lived previously, but I believe that she will be able to one day.
As long as Shirone continues to evolve as a devil, she would remember everything about her past lives as well as being able to learn from the accumulated experiences.
But to remember everything about herself, it might take thousands of years. Millions of years even. It all depends on her demonic potential and growth rate.
Nevertheless, I am willing to wait for Shirone to remember for however long it will take. To remember the person who she once was, and more important, to remember who I am.
While it is strange for an angel to love a devil, but in my eyes, Shirone will always be an angel. She was one alongside with me, for we were born in heaven.
Unfortunately, Shirone died under tragic circumstances, and the burning desire for revenge is the only reason that I am still living right now, waiting until the day that she finally reincarnated again.
But due to her karma, Shirone was reincarnated as a devil. I am curious to why that is, considering her overall karma should be positive. She is an angel, always is and always will be, regardless.
”Big sister sounds indecent.”
Nekoma mumbles, and the laugher stops as soon as my tickling does.
Honestly, Shirone does sound indecent. Like incredibly indecent, but I like it, and I would love to hear it way more. Not here though, as Nekoma is too young to know those sorts of things. The sexual part, I mean.
Nekoma does understand them somewhat due to my playful sexual advances, and because of that, it always resulted in me getting punched in the face. Shirone is so violent in this life, but I like it.
Leaving her stuffed toy on the bench, Nekoma leaps off her seat and then jogs towards me while I pull myself up and away from Shirone.
The astral tails that I have summoned with my spiritual energies can support my frame effortlessly.
They are more like hands than tails, thus allowing me to use them in combat. Having more limbs allows me to wield more weapons. The coordination is a problem, however, but it can be overcome with lots of practice.
Spiriting limb is a variation of Spiritual Manipulation skill. That skill is one of the first ability that I have learned when becoming an angel. It is a common skill that any denizen of Heaven or Hell can learn as soon as they evolve into an angel or devil.
Mastering Spiritual Manipulation allows the user to forge all manner of things from their own spiritual energy. Weapons and armours are the most common but living beings too.
Shirone has great attitude towards Spiritual Manipulation, as she learns the skill very quickly. It has to do with her parents, who is probably a high-class devil. They are killed by other devils, thus forcing her and her little sister to flee.
By the way, their names are Japanese because their parents were Japanese before they become devils.
There is a lot of Japanese spawn several thousand years ago, from multiple realities. Not just Japanese, but other nationalities too. Something big must have happened in the mortal world. Possibly a global war.
It is not that much different in Heaven or Hell, as billions upon billions of angels and devils perish every day for one thing or another, mostly through violent confrontation. While that sounds a lot of deaths, it is not even a drop in an ocean.
There are more devils and angels than there is grain of sands in all the planets within the universe. No matter how many have died, more are spawned, and not always to devils.
Mindless demons can give birth to devil spawn, as demons are more or less devils who have lost their sense of self. That is the worst thing that could happen to devils.
Nekoma requests when she is standing in front of me. She even lifts her head towards me for a kiss.
I shrug and give Nekoma a kiss. One on the lips. Just a light one, more like a peck really, but it is more than what Shirone have gotten so far from me. Sure, I could have kissed Shirone properly, but it is far more fun to see her frustrated.
The expression that Shirone had during those frustrated moments really make my day. It is due to that alone that I have spent most of my free time teasing day. It is my thing, and I have a lot of free time.
”Hmm. Tasty. Like sour cream and a hint of chocolate chip? Were you in the kitchen again, Nekoma?”
I question as I examine her face closely.
And true to her name, Nekoma responses by licking my face like a little kitten. Her name means kitten in Japanese. Or maybe grandmother.
I like the first translation better since she does look like a super cute cat in her current outfit. Once her tails manifest, I will dress her up like one. It would be way more cutter.
”Tastes horrible.”
Nekoma comments, making me frown. Even so, she continues to lick my face a little while more.
I allow her to do so, as it is cute. Super cute. She will stop licking my face eventually, once she has her fill. Should be any time now. It takes a few minutes.
”Sorry for the taste, Nekoma. I only taste this way because your sister does not wash her hands before handling me.”
I reference what happened a moment ago. I have a look at Shirone too. She is still panting heavily right there on the floor due to the forced laughter at my hands. My many hands.
Shirone is quite ticklish, and I use that as a mean to torture her. I mean to mess around with her. Also to feel her body up too.
”Bad Shirone.”
I state and point at Shirone with my index fingers.
”Bad Shirone.”
Nekoma copies me. She also mimics my hand gesture, pointing at her sister in a patronizing manner.
Seeing that, Shirone is shocked. She obviously has tried to raise Nekoma in place of her dead parents, but the girl just like me more. Not sure why though. Maybe it is because I bribe her with candy?
Shirone growls, making Nekoma to immediately hide being me, using me as a shield of sort.
”Shirone is scary.”
Nekoma pouts, making me chuckle. I pat her on the head to assure her that Shirone is not angry with her or anything like that. I also take her into an embrace before tossing her into the air playfully.
She is really light, but even if she is not, I could still toss her into the air effortlessly.
”Nekoma is a good girl. Yes, she is. Yes, she is!”