217 A Devil and An Angel (1/2)
And I think I have just jinxed it. Because the first thing that I get to experience after activating the spell while sitting in a meditated position within the magic incantation circle is agonizing pain.
Incredible agonizing pain.
So much pain that I immediately snap out of the memory and sweat profusely. My hands quickly grab my chest, as my heart races rapidly within its ribcage.
I can still feel each of those deadly angelic blade pierces through my body, ripping my spirit apart.
And from what I can recall, I realize I was being executed. Despite being executed, I did not resist. I did not even bother to. There is no reason for me to, not anymore.
That is what I have felt in that very moment. It is as if there is no reason for me to remain in existence anymore. Honestly, why would I feel something like that?
I did not fully understand until I have Legion replays the memory for me to view on the big screen.
Everything is recorded, just in case I have missed something myself. Having another set of eyes looking over things is extremely useful, especially one that does not miss anything ever.
The screen flickers for a moment as the memory is being deciphered and rendered as clear as possible for me to view. It does take a lot of computing power as some things have to be extrapolated. Or worst still, simulated based on the data.
It cannot be helped as the mind sometimes fill in the blanks automatically, thus what one remembers is not always what actually happen.
That is quite a problem. One that I cannot really solved since it is due to how the brain work. To actually fix that, I would have to do some extremely complex genetic engineering.
Anyway, that is all for another time.
On the holographic screen, there I was. With six majestic jet-black wings sprouting from my back. They are tattered and torn, bleeding heavily while a dozen or so angels spear me from all side with whatever holy weapons they are wielding.
Sword. Spear. Mace.
A bit of an overkill, but they have to make sure that I actually die. I have a knack of surviving the most impossible odd. I mean in my past life.
Well. In this life too, I guess.
And that is the last memory that I have before I expired and then reincarnated into this new life. One that I have decided to call myself Maximilien Maxwell. What was I called myself when I was an angel?
Maximus. Oh. Nice coincidence. Guess something remains from that life. Have always curious to why I like the word Max so much.
”Interesting. I was an angel. Thought I would be a devil because devil sounds a lot cooler, but I suppose I must have plenty of positive karma. Does that mean I should do more evil stuff from now on in order to get negative karma? To balance thing out. Is that how it works?”
I question myself as I recall what I know of the Samara Karmic Cycle.
To become an angel in the immortal plane, there must be a net positive overall karma.
Therefore, in order to balance out the positive, I need to acquire negative karma, by committing more heinous acts. Maybe there is no need to do that since I already commit quite a lot already.
Does genocidal burning an entire civilization count? If not, how about a dozen? I am sure that causing the extinction of an entire alien species count towards my negative karma.
It should, as taking a life for whatever reason is considered a negative thing.
All of this assumes that I would want to enter the spiritual realm other than Heaven or Hell. That also assumes that I would die again on the mortal plane, thus re-entering the immortal plane.
Dying is kind of impossible since my temporal power would not let me die as a mortal. Speaking of my power, why did it not stop my death as an angel?
Even if I did not resist the execution, my power would still activate, thus rewinding time.
I know the answer to that question immediately. It is because everything in Heaven or Hell are spiritual in nature. Simply because of that, my power is unable to resurrect myself when I get killed there.
Does that also mean that I would actually die if I get killed in the Twisted Nether? It is a spiritual realm just like Heaven or Hell, thus my temporal power will not work there.
Zeus did warn me about the danger, and I am cautious enough not to go charging in there alone. How are Zephyr and Zeus are doing? They should still be where I left them. I hope so.
In any case, I was able to die and finally be reborn into the mortal world. That also means everyone in the world was either an angel or devil at one point.
Wow. Should I tell the Pope this when I finally see him?
It might make or break his religious view. Would be interesting to see.
Judging from my jet-black wings and what I manage to remember from the previous life, I was actually a fallen angel. One who get casted out of Heaven and fall into Hell. Why does that sound so familiar?
Oh right, the Bible. It seems that there are some truths in that book. Glad to know, and I wonder how many stories in the bible that are actually real history? History that had happened in another place.
Probably quite a bit in my opinion. Will check them out when I have free time. For now, I want to know more about my previous life. The life of Maximus. Or just Max.
The magic incantation circle is powered with magical energy once more. It takes a lot of magic to keep the circle empowered, but I do have unlimited magical energy, so it is no big deal.
I take a deep breath to calm myself before closing my eyes again to enter a state of deep slumber, and this time around, I will try to recall something further, way before I was executed. I did not really enjoy getting stabbed by holy weapons.
It hurts as much as getting burned by Ingra. Must be spiritual in nature. Obviously, as everything there is spiritual based. Must learn how to manipulate spiritual energy before I try to summon a demon just to test out the Black Bible.
So many things to do, so little time.
The blackness in front of my eyes soon fade away, allowing me to capture someone. A beautiful young girl with silvery hair and silvery eyes.
Her fist aims straight at my face, and I smoothly meet it withy my left hand. It wraps around her rather warm fist and then pulls her hands towards me with a twist.
And as I did so, I bend it and then press it against her rather ample chest, forcing her bare back tightly against the floor. The coldness causes her to gasp, and she quickly throws another punch at me.
Just like before, I repeat the technique with my right hand, and soon enough, both of her arms become crossed over her chest with my body and weight pressing down on them.
”Why so serious?”
I question with a smile and lean downwards, allowing my nose to almost touch hers while still pinning her to the floor with my body.
”It is not cute, you know.”
I add while maintaining my smile and capturing her pretty gaze with my eyes.
”Get off me!”
She demands several minutes later and kicks the floor, trying to knock me off of her, but those legs of hers soon find themselves locked in place with my knees, pressing tightly against the cold floor.
Very similar to me pressing down on her with my body.
”Please get off of me, Max.”
She eventually pleads, struggling to breathe. It is not because I am heavy or anything. It is because her lungs refuse to heed her commands. She is short of breath constantly, and it cannot be helped.
”I will if you give me a kiss, Sherone”
I request and wet my lips before grinning. I am actually making fun of her. It is my thing.
”It's Shirone, and I – I don't want to. Others are watching.”