216 The Samara Karmic Cycle (2/2)

Master of Time Erosire 54080K 2022-07-20

As a devil, Kozak knows there are 72 Hellion Pillars in all of hell. They are basically Demonic Gods who control all of hell. They are the closest devils that reach accession, stepping into the ageless plane.

Once they do, another devil will take their place, becoming the next pillar. There can only be 72 pillars at any time. The same with the amounts of Heavenly Hosts.

And that is all Kozak knows about them. He has never seen any of the pillars before, and he would not unless he has reached a substantial amount of demonic power.

Killing and devouring demons as well as other devils seem to increase their demonic power the fastest.

Devouring angels work too, thus the real reason for a war between heaven and hell. Neither side has gained any real advantage over the other due to the difficulty of annexing heaven or hell. Devils cannot restore their demonic power while in heaven.

The same in reverse for angels, thus annexing heaven or hell is considered suicidal. By raiding it seems to be fine. Plenty of raids every now and then, and with infinite landscape, it is really hard to defend.


But what does all of this mean for me exactly? Well, I have a soul, and since I have reincarnated, I must become an angel or a devil before this mortal life.

It is reasonable to assume so, as having a soul means that I am part of the Samara Karmic Cycle. There might be an exception as I am an Aspect, and as an Aspect, I can create souls.

Well, I did create a soul for myself when I reincarnated, but in order to reborn into the mortal planes, I must have lived in the immortal planes. All of this are hypothetical though, and I can confirm it soon enough.

There is one more thing that I have learned from Kozak. Soulmate, for lack of better word.

Soul actually created in pair by Aspects and Primordial, like yin and yang. Everything must be in balance and remained in balance, obviously.

As that is the case, Kozak is looking for his soulmate. He assumes it to be the girl that he has never had the chance to say goodbye due to his untimely death.

That is plausible as souls tend to seek out their soulmate, which people assume to be fate or destiny.

The death of the soul will also result in the death of its counterpart too, as both souls are faces of the same coin. Of course, reaching the ageless plane will make this point moot.

It is interesting to know that I have a soulmate out there somewhere. I might have already met her or him but did not know it. I hope it is not him, but it is likely not. In any case, it is good to know.

And that is everything that Kozak knows about the soul. He has gained all of this knowledge thanks to the Power of Reincarnation. Apparently, he is a Power User, but not in the same thread as Zephyr.

It is more like Zeus, as Kozak is not the original wielder of the Power.

He actually acquired as a devil, thus allowing him to keep the memory of his past life. Just one as those other ones were before he acquired the Power of Reincarnation.

That Power does not only allow him to keep his memory, but as well as his power and whatever ability he managed to acquire in his past life. In other word, the more lifetime that he has lived through, the more powerful that he would become.

If Kozak had died and reincarnated before he actually gained anything useful, it would consider a waste of a lifetime. That is probably why he does not fear death, but he still wanted to continue to live, just so he can become as strong as he can.

The Power of Reincarnation also lets Kozak jump from one cycle to another, thus not needing to reborn in the same reality again. Basically, he is a serial isekai, gaining more cheats the more he reincarnated.

Destroying his soul will stop that from happening, but destroying a soul is not really that simple. They are quite indestructible, and even someone could, they would have to think twice about it.

This is because souls are more or less property of the Aspects and Primordial. As such, destroying soul will only invite their wrath. Of course, some idiots still do.

As for why Aspects and Primordial allows immortal to reach ageless state, thus becoming soulless in a sense, I am unsure. Kozak does not even question this part, seemingly accept it as the way things are.

I do not, obviously. Everything happens should happen for a reason.

In any case, Legion has finished preparing the magical chamber for me. It takes longer than usual since Legion has to upgrade himself with new knowledges from my mind.

This Legion is a dumb-down copy of the original Legion, and I have already made quite a lot of scientific and magical progress with the real Legion back in the prime reality.

With all of my knowledge, this Legion should be as good as the actual Legion.

Even so, I still keep all of the primary and secondary directives in place for Azulian Legion. Cannot have him go off and do his own thing with the resource of an entire universe at his disposal.

The improvement in Hyper Space technology should allows him to spread out into the galaxy and the universe at an even fast pace. No other lifeform is disconcerting as the prime reality does have aliens out there.

Most probably waiting for me to come and pick them up to restart the Galactic Empire. I had promised them that I would, and I will keep my promise. It will be called Hydra Imperium, however. Do not want to retread old path.

My time as an evil Galactic Emperor is over. I will just be an evil Overlord now. It is probably mean the same thing, but hey, new title feels newer. It is probably a placebo effect.

I chuckle to myself as I head into the magical chamber. The magical incantation circle is created exactly to Kozak, as it is not a standard magical circle. There are some demonic designs incorporate into it, as he was a devil before this life.

In any case, it should not be a problem, but I did put in some failsafe should something happen to me while I am dreaming about my past life. Or past lives.

Even though I will not gain any ability or power from those past lives of mine, I will gain knowledge as well as greater understanding of the wider existence.

Maybe the real reason to why I was dead in the first place. Now that would be awesome.