212 Good to Try New Things (2/2)

Master of Time Erosire 57670K 2022-07-20

I recall that Steve Jobs practically cheated Steve Wozniak on some cash bonuses on a project that both of them had worked on together for Atari.

While it is not important to know the full detail, the very fact that Steve Job did something like that to his business partner is enough for me to dislike being associating with him on a business level.

But still, I would have to eventually, but our positions then would be vastly different.

”As much as I love to, Steve, my hands are full right now. Perhaps another time. I promise.”

I response, thinking about the meeting that I would have with him and Bill Gates. That meeting would happen, as soon as I get out of here. But I do wonder if Steve would remember this or not.

This is another timeline, right? An alternate timeline.

That is the conclusion I have reached after what I have seen and experienced so far, but there are still too many contradictions, such as my unique presence for example.

I mean the real me, not as George Collins.

”I will hold you to that promise, Mr. Collins.”

Steve Jobs tells me and bids me farewell but not before exchanging some contact numbers. I mention that I might not be able to answer him all the time due to being very busy myself.

I do have a company to start and operate soon after all.

Once Steve is gone, I look over my shoulder and accept the folder that is being handed to me. A symbol of Chrono Reserves is in front of the folder.

”Thank you, Ms. Fleming. I hope you did have to wait long.”

I give my thanks to the woman. She has been sitting behind me for a while but did not want to interrupt the conversation, especially when she recognizes who Steve Jobs is.

Steve Jobs is currently a nobody as Apple is not a multibillion-dollar technology giant, but despite that, in the eyes of Hydra, he is always a very important target.

One of many important targets, as I have designated.

”Not at all, Mr. Collins. I am rather surprised at who you are having a conversation with. Nevertheless, it is nothing to truly worry about. All the information pertaining to Ms. Sarah Langston and Mr. William Wilson, Mr. Collins.”

The woman responses.

I nod as a response before flipping through the pages quickly. It would take me a while to read through all of their information normally, and I could do that alone without needing her here.

”Have Mr. Wilson and Ms. Langston work overtime tonight. That is all, and please remember to discard everything you know about this. It is not necessary for you to remember.”

I tell the woman and allow her to leave.

A trip to the memory bank would be the best for her, but there really no need to go that far. She could just keep it to herself as she has trained to keep a secret even under torture.

Well, not to keep a secret under torture but to fabricate a convincing lie.

It is pretty hard to get really get anything truthful from a Hydra agent using normal means.

And by normal means, I mean the methods that the Government employs. They do get pretty creative, but Hydra is pretty creative in their counter methods too. It just makes the hellish training even more hellish.

Wonder if that is a good thing. Well. Not really my problem.

While reading through the documents provided and committing everything to memory, I keep an eye on the four guys sitting by the window of the restaurant, staking out the bank across the road, without a doubt.

That is obvious from their clothes to their body posture.

They are only staking out the bank today, however. Unless I have anything to do about it.

And I will have something to do about it.

It is better for me if they decide to rob Henry Oxford today than tomorrow or another day. Doing that after today would be too late for what I have in mind, and I have no qualm about using these guys for what the robbery.

Of course, I am in no hurry to get them to do that since it is not 5pm yet. Having way too many hostages and not enough manpower is not a good combination, not to mention having Hydra agents to contend with.

Shield Security personnel too. Each of them a trained to disarm with extremely violence.

Therefore, I think I will have to help these four guys out, at least so that their robbery and subsequent getaway to be successful. For anything that happen after, it is on them.

All of that is for later.

As for William and Sarah, they attended to the same high school as well as the same elementary school near their houses. They lived near each other when they were kids, all the way up to when they finally graduated from high school and enter college.

The same college too. Taking the same classes as well. They also applied to the same job.

I keep saying the same, but it is not exactly the same. William did everything first while Sarah followed out of her unrequited love for him.

Good thing Sarah does have the brain to accomplish the feats that William did. She is actually smarter and more dedicate than him, helping him out when no one is actually watching.

But unfortunately for Sarah, someone is always watching. She will get chastised for that eventually, as she is enabling William. Their works must belong to them and no one else.

This is not high school and doing something like that will not get detention.

I am not sure how Henry Oxford disciplines his employees, but it will not an easy slap on the wrist.

As for why William and Sarah are not together already, William is just oblivious to the fact. Like stupidly oblivious. He considers her friend and nothing more. One of many friends that he has, so the prospect of having an intimate relationship with Sarah has never crossed his mind.

He even stated that himself, so that is why Sarah is so hesitant. She hopes that William would change his mind eventually, as long as she continues to do thing for him.

And I do think William will realize it too, but George Collins screws that up with his dick. I suppose that it is time for me to do the same. Oh boy.

William and Sarah are not destined to be together, but I think I should be able to give them their happy ending. Just not a happy ending together.

I collapse the folder and put the folder on the seat next to me and away from view. With a thought, it disappears without a trace. I have sent it to the end of time. I usually dump my garbage there because it is easy.

Once I did that, I get up from the seat and approach the four men. I take a seat at their table, causing them all to look at me.

”Hello guys. Allow me to join on the fun.”

I tell them as I activate my Commandment ability. It is the easiest and quickest way to join their team, allowing me to rob the bank with them. I have never robbed a bank before.

Never have to, so this is like a new experience for me.

Good. I like new things.