213 Preparing for a Bank Heis (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 64040K 2022-07-20

Under the effect of my Commandment ability, I learn their names pretty quickly.

The men go by Bob, Jack, James, and finally George. Yes. George. That name is fairly common here in this time period.

As George is already taken, I decide to go by Max to prevent confusion, not that I would not go by Max from the very start. No need for me to go by George unless my hands are forced.

I am more identifiable by Max, as that is the name that I had chosen for myself the first time that I had stepped into the past. The year 1950.

That year feels so far away. Not 26 years ago from today, but more like 400 to 500 years ago. At least to me due to my power over time, and most of those years merely involve me fucking around all over the place and having a lot of fun.

A lot of fun to me anyway. Not so much for other people, especially those people who I have tortured the hell out of for one reason or another. Most out of their own arrogance and disrespectfulness.

Fun asides, I did learn quite a bit of things in those years.

Learning and experiencing new thing is an ongoing progress for me, and it does not matter how much time have passed, there will always be something new to learn and experience.

It is logical to assume so, as the universe is infinite. The multiverse is infinite. Therefore, knowledge is also infinite.

The only exception to this rule is being in a state of Omni-sentience but being in such a state is not as glamourous as it sounds. Not really.

Terra had mentioned this, and it is the reason that she exists in a physical form. It is probably the same reason that I also exist in a physical form as well. The rest of the Aspect too from the look of it.

To become all powerful and all knowing, one has to discard their individuality.

That is the requirement. A sacrifice, to be more exact. A sacrifice that none of the Aspects is willing to give. Primordial too, at least, it does appear to be that way.

I can understand, as retaining individuality is something that most people have taken for granted. Even me in some cases. It does make me really think about how everything has come to this.

Of course, I will get to the bottom of everything eventually. I just have to take one step at a time, even though I do not have plenty of time despite being the Aspect of Time.

That is ironic, isn't it?

Also, what did the Primordial Sin of Lust calls me? Aeon? Is that my original name? Or perhaps, a name that he knows me.

Whichever the case, I go by Max now. The past is the past.

It is the same as my birthname. I have discarded it from the moment that I left my old life behind. Yet, in spite of that, I cannot help but getting myself involved with the past. For example, getting involved with my mother and her livelihood.

It is by my own volition, as I did choose a suburban home where my mother is living when I could live anywhere else. I guess that deep down, I cannot truly cast my past away as it defines who I am now.

And besides, if I am to change the world for the better and help humanity prosper for eons to come, I should start with people that I actually care about.

Sometimes, the individuals do matter more than the majority. At least when I get to know them on a personal level.

It might be strange and somewhat unreasonable for me to spend this much time and efforts on Sarah Langston, especially when I would not see her again after a couple of years.

But I cannot help it as I do feel guilty for what will happen to her under my hands. Well. What already had happened to her under George Collins. The past is relative.

To be honest, I rather not to know too much about the life that people have lived. The dreams as well as hopes that they have. Because knowing about them is to care for them. Sometime, caring way too much.

It is the human condition, and I am affected with the condition despite being an Aspect. It is probably not possible for sentient life to be completely uncaring.

Even unthinking plants care about the survival of their own species. It is evidence in the fact that they are trying their best to spread across the face of the planet, propagating their species in the process.

Having said all of that, in order not to feel anything for these men and their reason for robbing Chrono Reserves, I only ask about their plans and how they are going about it.

No need to learn anything about their life or similar.

Their plan is pretty simple. It involves getting inside after hours, waving their guns around to demand things from whoever, grabbing as much cash as they can, and then somehow getting out of the place without firing a single shot in the process.

Did I say pretty simple? I mean to say pretty stupid. Only in movies, this plan would work out like they have imagined it. Real life is a bit more complicated.

But then again, if these four guys are not stupid, they would not attempt this robbery in the first place.

Instead of doing something like this, they would have tried to hold a proper job and getting an income, building themselves a comfy home and loving family somewhere in the suburb. It is pretty much a goal that most people are aiming towards during this time period.

There is no need to risk their life to rob a bank when they are all capable men, at least physically. There are plenty of job available if one actually goes and looks for them.

That is why I never really like the joblessness nature of people here in the United States.

There is no reason for people here to be jobless other than the fact they are fucking lazy and prefer to waste their time feeling sorry for themselves and the lives that they have lived.

Drowning in sorry and feeling sorry for themselves will not achieve anything. It is just better to use the time and energy to find work and make something of themselves. Anything of themselves, really, given that anything is better than nothing.

It is logical to think so. Of course, I am aware of people having different circumstances. Circumstances that push them to do something like this, and despite that, I am not about to find out.

No point really.

”I like the plan so far but hear me out. Someone should be outside the bank, acting as a getaway driver for the rest, preferably one who can drive well and know the road layouts. Inside, someone should be responsible for watching the hostages while the others grab as much as they possibly can within some predefined time. Should not be more than a few minutes.”

I tell the guys, reshaping their plan to something viable. If not, they will definitely fail as Hydra wouldn't stand by and let them do whatever they want. Shield Security too.

Hydra and Shield do have standing order not to do anything that will harm the employees of the bank as well as the customers, but they will certainly do something if the robbery is not well thought out.

And if they take too long, within 15 minutes, the cops will be swarming the place. It is better for them to be in and out within 7 or 8 minutes. Once the cops show up, getting away is going to be a nightmare.

Eh. I am thinking way too much about this, but a crappy plan irks me. Really irks me.

Of course, I use my ability to make sure these guys acknowledge my methods and plans. While I didn't think of everything as that would take too much time, my idea is still a lot better than what they have planned.

Probably because they have never done such a thing before. Robbing a bank before. Did they even try to rob anything before? Likely not as several of them are quite nervous.

Nothing derails a good plan than those who cannot follow a simple order.

To be honest, these guys should have robbed something smaller first like a convenience store just for the experience before trying the big league. They should already have several successful heists under their belt before attempting Chrono Reserves.