211 Being The First is Importan (1/2)
As I recall, Sarah Langston is a lovely girl, and she would have a lifelong career here at Chrono Reserves like most people who are currently working here at the moment if it was not for one George Collins.
It is not easy getting employed at Chrono Holdings and any of its subsidiaries while Henry Oxford is in charge. This is due to some unpleasantness a few years ago with several employees.
Therefore, in order to prevent such unpleasantness from happening all over again, everyone has to go through a host of preliminary analysis, including quite invasive screening processes, all done with the consent from the candidate of course.
Just for legal repercussion later on down the road. The Firm is not founded yet in 1976. Not exactly. It is already founded, but it has no business in drabbling with legal yet. It will by the dawn of 1980.
Draconic interviews are conducted as well if that is plausible. Psychological analysis from Shield too as always. Thus, even I think that this is way too much.
I was not even this crazy cautious when hiring people for Hydra from way back, but then again, I have the benefit of my time-based power. No one can really backstab me without me knowing about it way in advance.
Speaking of Shield, she is capable of learning new things on her own without my inputs but doing that does require a lot of time as well as data. Data that would have to be collected progressively over the course of many years. Data that cannot be fabricated or simulated in any way.
All of this does make the learning process for Shield exceedingly slow, at least not until Shield has eyes and ears everywhere in the United States. And the rest of the world too, eventually.
By the dawn of 21st century from my plans. Probably sooner now thanks to the emergence of Legion, and just like Legion himself, Shield is not allowed to learn things that she is not designed to. This is just to stop her from becoming self-aware.
Cannot allow that to happen to any of my virtual intelligences, as a genocidal war against the machine is not really something that I want to deal with yet. It is troublesome too, as all of it would consider to be a distraction.
Aside from the inputs from Shield in hiring people, Hydra is also part of the screening processes, acting as a human component to Shield herself. There is a reason why there are no virtual intelligence within Hydra even though it would make things a lot easier and smoother for the members.
I did give Hydra a virtual intelligence once, in another timeline. The Galactic Empire timeline, and while having one does make their job easier to some extends, it makes them lazy and slobby as hell. Not to mention complacent too.
This is usually what happen when people rely way too much on technology instead of their own brain and skillset.
And when the rebels successfully destroyed the computer matrix, Hydra becomes an ineffective group as a whole, simply because of their reliance on virtual intelligences doing the menial stuff. Sure, I could have fixed all of that, but by then, a reset would be much better.
With my power over time, it does feel like a game. If something screws up royally, I just push the reset button and try again. It is as easy as that.
Although I could fight it out and lead my Galactic Empire to victory, it is way too troublesome.
The rebels are like cockroaches. They are everywhere and discontent with everything that I did. I guess that is really why Palpatine is all crazy and evil, at least from the perspective of major characters.
I like Palpatine for what he had managed to accomplish in the prequel trilogy with his intelligence, but I highly dislike him for what all the stupid things that he did in the original trilogy.
Do not get me started on the sequel trilogy, where Palpatine reduced to basically to a plot device for Luke-wannabe. The wokeness of the 21st century is incredibly contagious.
That is why I like the 20th century better, where women are actual women. Men are men. No gender or racial diversity bullshit that plague pretty much everything. It is not sexist or racist to like thing that are relatable.
Asian likes Eastern stuff. White like white stuff. Black like black stuff. Guy like girls. Girls like guys. That is not being sexist or racist. That is called having a preference.
Did I just defend George Collins, who had commanded Sara Langston to join him on sexual escapade?
Technical, it was commanding her to join his new transportation company as his sex secretary. He just needed someone to fuck whenever he wanted, thus not treating her like a normal person. I guess that being able to command anyone to do anything changed him for the worst.
By this point in time, George had already taken his revenge on most of the people who had done him wrong in the past, and he is going to just abuse his power from here onward. Meaning that I will have to as well.
It is more fun enacting revenge or vengeance of people who deserve it. It is not fun doing it to someone like Sarah Langston, who is quite nice and humble.
It takes another couple more minutes before the door into the cubicle opens again. A young girl in her early twenties step inside alone.
”Hello, Mr. Collins. I have been informed that you need my service. How can I be of help?”
Sarah states before taking the sit across the table from me. As she did so, I scan her in entirely, having a really good look at her assets. I could see why George was smitten with her, wanting to turn her into his personal cumdump.
I would to if I was a sexual deviant.
”Yes, Ms. Langston. May I call you Sarah? You can call me Max in return. It is better that way since we will be acquittanced for a long time. Like for the next couple of years.”
I comment. I recall that once the transportation company folds, I will also discard her along with most people working at the company. George simply grew bored with all of them over time. It cannot really be helped since that is who he is.
That is also who I am, I guess, but I try not to discard people like a piece of trash, at least those people who are devoted me and the cause. They are given up their life for something important, and I should treat them with dignity.
I should also treat Sarah Langston with dignity. There is no need to turn her into a mindless sex puppet when there so much fun could be had if she is also into it.
George had never used his ability in a really interesting way, thus making me incredibly disappointed.
”I do not understand. Am I getting fired, Mr. Collins?”
Sarah questions. Looks like she has been informed who I am, but to what extends, I am unsure. I trust that she only knows the bare minimum just to prevent her from being disrespectful or similar.
I am currently in the position of power, at least in her eyes. In actual fact, I cannot do anything to her in relation to her job. Doing so would raise a red flag, all the way up the chain of command.
There are plenty of safeguard in place for these sorts of things, especially when mind control is possible with psionic power. At least theoretically.
”No, Sarah. Please think of it as a promotion of sort, at least you will be making a lot more money than you would when working here. A lot more benefits too, not to mention other enjoyable stuff.”
I point out and try to recall what happen to her after being discarded. Nothing comes to mind, so I am unsure what to do with her afterwards.
Would be nice if she has a stable job and a life after me. I am nice to people that I know, and I do know Sarah, even if this is the first time that I have met her personally.
”Do I have the option of refusing, Mr. Collins?”
Sarah questions. Her expression remains calmed and collected, but she is under enormous stress. It is visible in her eyes. I wonder why. Might be because her current job demands a lot from her.
That is expected, as only dedicated people can succeed.
”Please, call me Max. And of course, you do have that option, Sarah. It will always be available to you as this is not a coercion but a once in a lifetime opportunity of sort. But let us look it at this way, where do you see yourself in a couple of years? Do you see yourself still working here?”