202 The Start of Sweet Revenge (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 64790K 2022-07-20

And as for why I have to actually ask my mother about the car again, it is because the Commandment is most effective when it is used to give a command, not to request something.

It is called a Commandment for a reason, and that is something George Collins did not fully understand or grasp, thus failing spectacularly to accomplish more despite having such a godlike ability.

I suppose that George isn't as smart as he has given himself credit for, but then again, if he has resorted to using his ability smartly, he might have come under the radar of Hydra.

Me, in other word.

And things wouldn't turn out like this.

In any case, it is somewhat disappointing, considering that I have to follow some of his idiotic ideas as I relive his life, just so the memory does not get reset once more, sending me back to the hospital bed to start my journey all over again.

How annoying. How fucking annoying.

I sigh inwardly and accept the car keys from my mother.

Sure. I could have demanded it from her instead of request it, but it just doesn't feel right when she has sacrificed so much to raise me.

My mother is also wrong about Helen being my girlfriend. Helen is not, and as much as I have bragged about it to everyone, it doesn't really change the truth.

”I will, mum. I will.”

I assure my mother and then head out of the house, leaving her to her things. There is no need to test my newfound power on her any further today, as the original George Collins did not.

He will eventually give in to his lust in the upcoming days, just as I will have to.

I am so horny at the moment. So very horny.

Just imagine what it is like to walk around with a huge hardon. A hardon that doesn't go away even if I have masturbated so many times. Never thought I would have to do that again. Seriously.

And as I get into the car, I take a look at the house once more.

It is quite an impressive place, and it is strange that my mother could afford it with her meager salary, and if I don't do anything, she will not be able to keep up with mortgage.

Luckily, I do have the power to do something now.

Nevertheless, there is obviously more to this house than meet the eyes, given the previous owner and all the gatherings happening there. There are also a lot of interesting books in the library.

Books on the occult, not to mention whatever interesting secret being buried within its wooden walls, above in its moldy ceilings and beneath its timber floorings.

I guess I will explore all of that once I finally escape from this memory.

Nothing bad happens to my mother and me when living there, so there isn't any need for concern. At least I shouldn't worry too much about it at the moment.

I drive the car to the nearby mall afterwards, and once I am there, I start heading towards a cloth shop at a casual pace. It is where Helen works, and if the sequence of events remains unchanged, she should be working there at the moment.

But I am unsure. It is very hard to remember exactly what happen, considering that I am currently just a normal human, not an evolved human.

Having a perfect memory is so useful, especially when Selene is there to inform me on things should I forget. That is because the human brain can store so much before it becomes detrimental, thus I store nonimportant stuff digitally.

”Hello. Can I help you with something?”

A very attractive blond asks me when I approach her. She is in her early twenties with nice legs and a pair of breasts. Firm and supple.

I smile at her before speaking up.

”Yes, Helen, is it? I am looking for some thongs for my mother. Can you show me some?”

Helen didn't seem to remember me, as she has never truly paid any attention to me back in school. It is more of me stalking her and gifting her things, all in order to get into her pants.

Also, it is not really possible to get close to her due to her boyfriend at the time. He is still her boyfriend from what I recall.

”You are buying thongs for your mum?”

Helen questions me with a hint of disgust in her expression, but I suppose it is expected, considering I am not that attractive. I would never be attractive, but at least I am not super fat right now. I still am still pretty fat though.

Sweaty too.

”Yes. Is there a problem?”

I question calmly and composedly. It is a deviation from the original memory, but I am not going to be all shy and stupid because I have grown out of that hundreds of years ago, relatively speaking.

”No. It is just weird. Please come. I will show you some. But don't run your hands over it if you're not going to buy it.”

Helen shows me an aisle filled with lovely thongs. Sexy ones. A lot more sexier than I had imagined for this time period. I guess I never really pay much attention to this sort of things.

As I look at each one, I could see the disgust in her eyes. That is because I am a man in a woman shop, even if I have stated that I am buying for my mother. It doesn't really matter really.

”Are you done yet?”

Helen questions afterwards, becoming more and more annoyed with each passing moment. She didn't want someone like me in her shop, especially when I spend way too long checking out the thongs.

I actually want to buy some for my mother, just because I want her to be comfortable with her body and feel desirable. It is a bit weird, considering that I am her son.

”Not yet, Helen. May I ask do you wear these? How comfortable are they?”

I question without resorting to my power. It is merely another test since I do want to fully understand what I can actually do with this power.

”No. Don't ask me those kinds of question, you creep.”

Helen responses and decides to show me the door.

I smile faintly as my eyes flicker a little.

”You don't really remember me, do you, Helen?”

I question. This is also deviation from the original memory, but it is a fine deviation since I have tested out these things while I was in the hospital, when a reset isn't as severe as it is now.

”I don't know any creep like you. Please leave or I will call someone.”

Helen responses and about to call someone to her aid.

Even though that there are really no other customers in the store, there are plenty of people outside who would rush to her protection, especially against someone like me.

With that alone, I suppose Helen deserves her fate, as most of them do.

As Maximilien Maxwell, I have killed plenty of people for speaking to me that way when I am trying to figure out how to deal with them like a normal humane person.

Honestly, why do I even bother, as all of them actually deserve what will happen to them. At least for Helen, she gets to live a life luxury as Mrs. Collins. She doesn't have to do anything more than burning money day in and day out.

If possible, I rather that doesn't happen.

”Helen. I am a customer, and you should treat me like one. You should answer all of my questions with a smile on your face. You should try to do everything you can regardless whatever I request to make me leave this shop utterly satisfied.”

I tell her flatly. It is not exactly the same thing that George had asked her, but it is more or less resulted in the same thing. Probably.

If not, I could always give her a new command.

”Yes. I am so sorry. How can I help you?”

Helen response. A smile on her face. A beautiful smile. This is much better.

”I will as you again, Helen. Do you wear these thongs? And how comfortable are they?”

I question while trying to hide my erection. It is kind of hard since I am kind of packing.

”Yes. I do wear these thongs. They are quite comfortable. Your mother would love them.”

Helen answers. She is completely submissive now. Her freedom is still there, but it has been modified by me through the use of the Commandment. It is as easy as that.

”Interesting, but I need more convincing. Please take me to a changing room and show me it?”

I request her, and Helen obviously has no choice but to do so, as the command take hold of her mind, just like something out of Code Geass. That is an anime.

”Sure thing. Right this way.”

Helen leads me over to the changing rooms, as I watch the curve of her ass swish back and forth under her tight skirt. Even after a decade in the future, she still retains her attractive figure.

”Please come inside.”

Helen shows me into a dressing room and steps in afterwards.