201 Power of Absolute Command (1/2)
I have made a mistake. A terrible mistake.
And in doing so, I am trapped here in this memory. A memory that is not mine by any mean, yet I will have to live and experience it as if it is mine.
It is to the point that I feel like I am actually George Collins, the original owner of this memory.
This is his life. The life that he had lived between 1970 to 1990, and I have all of his memory as well as his experience and personality. His anger and frustration. His desire and dream. All intermingling with my own, creating a lot of confusions when I had first found myself in a hospital bed with broken arms.
Luckily, I am aware of what is happening. If not, I would have assumed that I am George Collins without a shred of doubt in my mind.
That would not be a good thing, given that I would actually cease to be Maximilien Maxwell.
I am not George Collins. I am Maximilien Maxwell. I am the Aspect of Time. One of the most beings in the entire universe. No. The entire multiverse.
And to think that I am being trapped here in this memory, unable to escape regardless of what I do or do not do. It is frustrating, so incredibly frustrating.
But honestly, I didn't expect a Primordial to have the power to pull my consciousness into this memory and keeping me trapped here despite the Primordial being just a memory in itself.
That begs a question of how can a memory do something like this?
And is it even a memory?
Perhaps it is not, as it quickly becomes aware of where it is and what is happening before immediately turning the table on me, resulting in my current inescapable predicament.
All of this happens because I just want to learn something concrete about the Primordial, and it never occur to me that a memory of it could have this much power. Power to trap me here. It feels unreal.
Maybe I should start thinking that anything is possible with the Primordial as well as the Aspects. That also means I was beyond overpowered when I had all of my powers. Damn. Just damn.
I have to regain all of that power again.
”Is there something wrong, Georgie?”
My mother asks. Well. Not my mother exactly as my mother is Stephanie Connors, not Melissa Collins, the woman who is driving me away from the hospital. The woman who I do love very much. She would go through hell and back for me, and perhaps, I would to in return.
Therefore, it is hard to think of her anything but my mother, especially when I do have all the memory of George Collins. His emotions and desires too. So much intoxicating emotions and desires.
I wonder what happen to the real George Collins. Did he just get erased by Erosire?
It didn't appear to be so, considering the Primordial Sin of Lust states that killing him would be rather meaningless. Why would that be the case? The more I think about this, the more questions I have.
Questions that I cannot really get any answers to at the moment, being trapped here like this.
Maybe I should stop thinking about it for a while.
It will clear my mind and help me find a real solution to this huge problem of mine. An incredibly huge problem of mine, and I do mean more than one thing.
Honestly, how do I get rid of this erection?
Nothing I do make it goes away, including manipulating time itself. Yes. I still have access to my power, allowing me to realize who I am.
I am the Aspect of Time.
Even so, my power doesn't help me break out of this prison. This memory that Erosire locks me in, but for what? That part still puzzles me.
”No. There is nothing wrong, mum. I was just thinking about something else.”
I answer Melissa with a faint smile. I have tried almost everything to break out of this memory, which includes straight up murdering her in the most cruel and unusual way.
It obviously didn't work, but her agonizing death proves to me that she is very real, as real as any living person in the real world. So much so that I dislike murdering her very much, at least again. A few times is more than enough.
It is just to make sure that her death isn't a trigger. It isn't, or I wouldn't still be here.
Nevertheless, her death is still a trigger for something else. A reset trigger, forcing me to actually relive the memory over again, starting from the point when I had found myself in the hospital bed with both of my arms in casts.
That wasn't very fun, considering I cannot speed time up or jump to the point where I had messed up, just so I don't have to be utterly bored.
Killing Melissa is not the only reset trigger either. Killing random people also trigger the memory rest, and that includes killing that fucker who actually called himself my father.
I, as George Collins, have never ever considered him as my father. Not even my stepfather. Or anyone within my family. He is not worthy. Just like the sperm-donor.
In any case, killing him out of hatred and spite resets the memory, pissing me off so much that I murder him again and again just because. I eventually stop doing that since there is no point.
I also stop calling Hydra and activating contingency plans, as that also trigger a reset. In fact, anything that deviate from the original memory causes a reset, torturing me with boredom as I have to repeat everything from when I was in the hospital bed again.
Honestly, I hate redoing thing exactly again. Well, not exactly as I can deviate a little, as long as it didn't change the outcome.
That means despite not really wanting to go with my mother, I have to. Doing anything else would be deviating from the original memory, thus causing a reset. Fuck! That is bullshit.
And strangely enough, I have no problem of enforcing this very rule on the actual man, George Collins when I mind-probe his mind for information.
That was necessary as his mind helps me search for thing much more comprehensively. Downloading his mind into a digital repository before analyzing it doesn't give me the full picture. Only most, and it is not the same.
In any case, it is different when I am enforcing the rule on other in compare to the rule being enforced upon me. It just restricts my movement a lot despite the world within this memory feels so real.
It is so alive.
And if I didn't know any better, I would have assumed that this is an alternate reality. A reality where I am George Collins instead of Maximilien Maxwell.
Shit. That is disconcerting. Very disconcerting.
Being trapped here in this memory… this mindscape… is one of the many ways of incapacitating me. I am not invincible by any mean, and I know there are many ways of making me dead.
Not actually dead, but it might as well be because I am unable to do anything else while being trapped in here like this. Even Selene and Legion are unreachable, preventing from accessing all of my toys.
Then again, any huge deviation from the original memory causes it to reset, so even if I have access to Selena and Legion, they will not be able to help me escape out of here, just like my temporal power.
Damn it. I guess the only thing that I can rely on are my knowledge and ingenuity.
Actually, there is one more tool at my disposal. It is the same tool that was given to George Collins by the Primordial Sin of Lust. The tool that I had falsely claimed to have in the real world.
”What are you thinking about, Georgie?”
My mother questions, as she continues to drive the car towards our new home. She has actually filed a divorce and left that ass, and I am glad that she did. It only takes her a few long years.
If it was me, I gut the fucker before leaving.
”I am just thinking about the house that we are heading to, mum.”
I tell her as I flip the gold coin between my fully-healed fingers. It is the Coin of Erosire. More correctly, it is a summoning medallion. The same one that was found inside the ornate box, which was destroyed by Eric Chou and his gang.
As George Collins, I loathe Eric Chou, and I loathe everyone associated with him. The hatred and anger burn to my very core.
But I am unable to do anything about it at the moment, as seeking out Eric and his buddies to torture them to death for what they did to me would be deviating from the original memory, at least not until it is time for them to die.
They will get what is coming to them. They will all get what is coming to them, as I already know what will happen. Of course, since I can deviate a little, I will certainly enjoy it when it is time.
”What about it, Georgie? It is a nice house, and I have managed to get it for pretty cheap.”
My mother points out, gaining my attention. Despite the harsh years, she still retains her appearance and attractiveness. A lot more attractive than she should now due to the curse. I am just so goddamn horny.