192 Being Born to Serve (2/2)

Master of Time Erosire 62400K 2022-07-20

And the Chimera genes introduced to her genetic makeups has contaminated her so much that she is unable to unlock her psionic potential in the future. Not her, but her descendants, assuming that she is able to have any children.

She might not due to the very slobby work.

That alone warrant me to wipe out all the Hybrids. Their bloodline can contaminate the future of the human race. Something that I didn't know possible until now.

To think that the hybrid genes actually devolved her, making her lose the ability that I have gifted her from the moment she was born. Whatever that superhuman ability was, Legion is unable to determine from her genes alone.

But I do have a good idea, considering she was unable to die despite being poisoned and burned alive, not to mention being experimented upon so many times.

I also blame myself for the oversight, for I didn't even realize that she was an Evolved, not even when I had examined her blood. That M-strain within her genetic makeups has been corrupted and stripped away due to the hybridization project, to the point that I had thought it was an unintended mutation.

They obviously didn't strip everything since doing so would have killed her. Maybe it is better off that Xi Shi had died, considering that I cannot help but feel greatly disappointed in her.

In my daughter. Yes. She is my daughter as my blood still flows within her despite the M-strain within her has been nullified due to becoming a Chimera.

I am already working towards a solution to this problem. It is the least that I could do for her.

Honestly, if Xi Shi wasn't my daughter, I would have reduced her to dust already. There is no point of going through all of this trouble to test her abilities and powers. Her hybrid ability is craptacular when comparing to her evolved ability.

Yes. I am biased in regard to my offspring, regardless of how they manage to carry my bloodline. And besides, it is due to me that her life is actually a living hell.

And as much as seeing Xi Shi dances around and kills people, it is actually a waste of time, and it might not be as interesting as the first around should I resurrect people.

In addition, I don't want Xi Shi to know that I have the power to resurrect people.

Not yet anyway.

The same with me being her father.

Too much shocking revelations too quickly is not a good thing.

Xi Shi believes that she can reach my level of power one day if she tries hard enough, and it is also that belief alone enforces her loyalty to me.

Or more precisely, her loyalty to QAI, the Quantum Artificial Intelligence in control of Legion.

It is just another alias for Legion himself.

It is weird for Legion, the virtual intelligence, to be leader of Legion, the organization itself, but it isn't really Legion who is in control. I am.

In retrospect, I should have named the organization as something else, but I am trying to kill as many birds with one stone as possible. It also makes everything connected.

Hydra is somewhat aware of the name Legion originating in China due to the number of Chinese slaves that I had enslaved. It is all to build the first iteration of the micromachines.

But someone must have talked, as I had expected them to. It wasn't possible to stop everyone from running off their mouths unless I make them all into mutes.

Doing something like that is lunacy instead of just plain evil, so I didn't. Pointless too since they could probably write shit down instead.

Anyway, Xi Shi fears my QAI persona more than my Lu Bu persona, but that is my actual intention. An unseen boss is more dreadful than one that is seen and known well.

In fact, what people can imagine due to their fear is far more effective than the actual truth. It is how movies play on fear. A monster shrouded in darkness with unknown abilities is far more terrifying than ones that completely visible and known.

How did I know that? I have been reading up on some film making process. Not actual reading. Selene uploads and integrates whatever I needed into my memory. It still requires me to comprehend all that information, however.

And as to why I tell Xi Shi where I am living, it is for her own safety. I don't want her to stir up troubles in New York City out of some sheer stupidity.

Even if she is family of sort, if she causes me problem, I will dissect her while she is conscious. I actually was about to, and that is the reason why she wakes up on an experimenting table.

I change my mind once it is confirmed without slighter of doubt that she is my daughter. Some traces of the M-strain remain within her genes.

Her current appearance and attire are also my intention. Mostly just because I want to see what makes her so alluring and desirable to so many men that they are willing to shower with everything that they have. Including dying for her.

Kind of ironic, considering that Xi Shi is a Black Widow Spider Hybrid.

She is no longer an Evolved, but a Hybrid.

Black Widows are considered to be one of the most poisonous spiders in the world. Their venom is 15 times stronger than venom of a rattlesnake, which is hemotoxic, destroying tissues and cells, causing necrosis and coagulopathy.

The latter term means basically bleeding to death due to the disrupted blood clotting.

Something that my biological weapon, Black Death, does. It shouldn't be called a weapon as I haven't really weaponized it yet. It will be considered one when it is modified to be airborne and contagious.

At the moment, the biological compound is only effective through injection and ingestion only, and as for how her parents get their hand on it, that is a question I want answer to.

I am not one to leave my wares around for other to loot. Even if I did, the looter will be in for a world of hurt as everything is booby trapped.

The Black Death isn't the only side project I had in China. The name is actually a reference to the real bubonic plague that also originating from China. A lot of things originate from China if history is to be believed. Tea and silk for example. Gunpowder too.

Regardless of how her parents got their hands on a sample, they actually did a good thing, giving it to Xi Shi as a child. The superhuman ability she has when she was a child assimilate the compound within her system, allowing her body to not only become immune but to replicate it.

It gives her a poison body. Not a true poison body, as it only affected her blood. Maybe that is a good thing since I don't want to get poisoned by touching her. Also, she doesn't poison everyone nearby by breathing.

[Stage 2 is synthetized, Father. It can be taken right now.]

Legion informs me, making me smile. I stop moving at the stone railing and look at the beautiful layout of houses and buildings below. People can build some breathtaking things when they are motivated.

Xi Shi stops behind me, bowing, like my attendant. It just fits the setting greatly.

I am the emperor, and she can consider as a princess. She has lost her status right now, but I will help her regain it.

It also fits our position.

”Junior sister, please drink this serum. It will help you grow stronger.”

I tell Xi Shi after producing the serum in my hand. I did not lie. It should restore her back to her Evolved status and my rightful daughter, all while retaining her Chimera powers.

Xi Shi accepts the serum with little hesitation and consume it. She trusts me explicitly, and being what I am, her progenitor, also helps.

To serve for me as long as she lives is literally within her gene.