192 Being Born to Serve (1/2)
The question startles XI Shi, as she did not expect to return to China any time soon, at least not at the moment, right after she has defected to another organization. My organization.
”Senior brother…”
Xi Shi begins, but I gesture my hand-fan dismissively. Her fear of retribution is unwarranted, given the fact that her defection is a completely secret.
”You do not need to fear, junior sister. Nothing will happen to you when you return to China. The Party will not know of your defection, as long as you do not tell anyone about it. The Master will know if you do, as he has eyes and ears everywhere. He is watching us right now in case you have not noticed.”
I point out. That is more or less the truth, as Legion is always watching. There is a cloaked drone every dozen or so square meters. Meters! Not kilometers. It doesn't really cost me any to manufacture those spy drones, and if I wanted, I could duplicate them with my power.
My statement causes Xi Shi to tense up. She looks around the now rather quiet area, just trying to see whether someone is actually watching her. She doesn't see anything or senses anything, and I do not need to show her otherwise.
”Do you not trust my words, junior sister?”
I question, regaining her attention.
”I trust everything you say, senior brother. Please don't be offended.”
Xi Shi bows to me deeply, lowering her dark eyes to the ground as her long silky jet-black hair streams around her shoulders. Her rather feminine shoulders despite her height and weight.
I smile and continue to fan myself, retaining my calming disposition and scanning her up and down. In my opinion, Xi Shi looks very much like one of those fairies who are so prominently described in wuxia-type Chinese literature.
It is especially true with her current attire and long sleeves. She even adorns a lovely bow around her waist to match her persona.
I admit that Xi Shi has a very good sense of fashion, knowing exactly what colors and stylings will bring out strong lustful desires and emotions, not to mention it also accentuates her already beautiful form.
Xi Shi is quite beautiful, as long as she doesn't speak. A doll by any other name is still a doll.
And the effortlessly way that she had glided through the air and danced to spin her spider silk also add to the illusion she is trying to convey. That is her talent.
Everything that Xi Shi did was quite enjoyable and pleasurable to watch, to the point that I would not mind resurrecting everyone that she had killed here just to watch her do it all over again.
It is probably due to her training as a very effective assassin.
Being one of the Four Great Beauties within the Party, named after their historical counterpart, even if just an imitation, Xi Shi must know how to seduces men and women alike, bringing them to towards their own downfall.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
She honestly deserves the title femme fatale, for it is no different from actual history. All peerless and heavenly defying beauties have toppled mighty empires, and it did mot matter whether those beauties were from ancient China or any part of the world.
Didn't Helen of Troy indirectly cause the Trojan War?
It might be just a myth, but like the Olympian Gods themselves, if it didn't exist in this prime timeline, then it must exist in another timeline, in another reality.
Maybe I should have asked Zeus himself whether Helen of Troy is his daughter or not. The one that he fathered with Leda, the Queen of Sparta, by impersonating a swam.
It seems quite plausible, considering the mythical tale about Helen of Troy is part of the ever-changing Greek Mythology.
And please don't ask me how a physical swan can impregnate a fully-grown woman, actually causing her to lay eggs, to which Helen of Troy was hatched from.
That is just crazy.
In any case, Zeus was such a huge dick, fucking lots and lots of married women, including some of his daughters. Well. He is still sort of a dick right now, but not really any more than me.
Guess that is one reason to why we are associates. Not friends. Just associates. Our goals are not quite aligned, but our paths of getting there are entwined. Might as well help each other as long as it is very beneficial to do so.
Maybe I should bed some married women just to even the score with Zeus. Oh wait, Eliana is married in some weird elvish manner. It is more like a union of convenience than actual marriage really. I never ask whether she has any children with her husband.
Wouldn't mind making her children worships me as well, and considering her extreme age, if she has any children, she likely has many grandchildren as well as great grandchildren. Probably.
It is hard to use science to explain magical creatures, just like it is unreasonable to logical explain things in myths and legends.
And there isn't really a need to. Just accept it with a grain of salt.
Speaking of myths and legends, one of the four Great Beauties of Ancient China might not exist, since there is no evidence of her existence in all historical books. The one named Diao Chan, whom I, Lu Bu had an affair with.
How bizarre is that, considering as Lu Bu, I am actually having a relationship with Xi Shi. Well. The start of one anyway, but I am certain it will evolve into something more illicit.
I actually don't mind as Xi Shi is quite beautiful not to mention elegant when she wants to be. I guess that is expected, considering who she is.
Or more precisely, what she is.
I smile faintly at her before the surrounding changes. Darkness of the night swiftly changes into bright afternoon due to the time difference between the United States of America and China.
Xi Shi tenses up as she realizes she has been teleported again. She is unable to explain how it is possible to do so.
”I can do far more things that that, junior sister. All thanks to the Master. Even though he appears as a man, you should consider him as a God. A God capable of unimagine horrors.”
I comment as Xi Shi remains bowing. Even though, she is aware of where she currently is. It is obvious from the noises and signs and buildings.
No one seems to notice us since they are shooting a movie, a Chinese drama.
”Walk with me, junior sister.”
I request and begin touring the Forbidden City.
It was the home of many Chinese Emperors and their vast households. It was also the ceremonial and political center of the Chinese Government for almost 500 years.
Visiting the Forbidden City is on my list of things to do, just not in this time period. I want to see with my very eyes the wonder of the ancient world, but my plans are sidetracked when I become frustrated with humanity and their ingrained nature.
But it is probably due to the environment that they are born and raised in, just like Xi Shi.
I am glad that I didn't straight up murder her for being disrespectful to me on multiple occasions. It all started when I first met her in the Triad build. I actually wanted to bitch-slap her several times simply due to her lack of intelligence.
If Xi Shi was anyone else, it wouldn't have bothered me so much, but she isn't. She is more than human even before she is a Chimera. That fact makes me more pissed off than before, mostly at those morons who had modified her biology without truly realizing what she is.
Ignorance is not an excuse!
A Hybrid is never better than an Evolved.
Turning the latter into the former is a huge downgrade. A step back from the evolutionary progress in my opinion.