187 In Middle of Nowhere (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 72920K 2022-07-20

As for how I am able to walk on water, it is thanks to my antigravity technology. The same technology that allows Legion to fly around without any sort of wings or engines.

In an alternate reality, Legion actually flies around as a highly reflective sphere of random dimensions, and the sphere could be as small as a marble or as big as a planet, thus giving Legion a very alien feels just like I had wanted.

That is all to bring maximum terror or bewilderment or both. People are naturally more fearful of what they do not understand or comprehend.

Obviously, the ability to fly by manipulating gravity isn't as speedy as using actual engines to produce necessary lifts and thrusts like an airplane would, but it is a lot more convenience due to lack of moving parts.

The speed isn't exactly slow per se. With enough power being pumped directly into the internal gravity manipulator engine, Legion can theoretically exceed hypersonic speed. It is the same speed that those missiles had taken out the plane.

That is about Mach 10 to 25.

Or 3500 meters per seconds to 8500 meters per seconds, give or take a little.

March 1 is the speed of sound on Earth. On other planets, the speed of sound is actually different due to different atmospheric conditions as well as temperatures. It is the same principle why sounds travel much faster in water, reaching and exceeding 1500 meters per second.

That is 5400 km per hour.

Note that I am using metric terms since metric will dominate the future. Honestly, the imperial system of measurement fucking sucks, and the only reason that the United States didn't convert to the metric system is mostly due to the people.

This is one instant that the will of the people wins out, but the people can really be stupid sometimes, and they are really against changes unless everyone adopts it simultaneously or in a short amount of time.

Anyway, while that speed does sound superfast compare to any vehicle on Earth, it is actually super slow for any sort of space travel. Sub-light speed is required to reach anywhere within the solar system in a reasonable amount of time.

For interstellar travel, hyperspace speed is compulsory.

That term means the distance that light is able to travel within a whole year expressed in velocity. Just for comprehension, light travels approximately 300,000 kilometer per second.

Therefore, in a year, light can travel 9.5 trillion kilometers.

That is the same distance that a primitive hyperspace engine can cover within a second.

In other word, hyperspace speed is lightyear speed.

Even so, it would still take about 4.24 years to reach the closest solar system to ours, Proxima Centauri, so that is why I need to advance the hyperspace engine if I ever want to colonize another galaxy.

Without faster hyperspace engines, reaching the next spiral galaxy is but a dream, let alone exploring the vastness that is the universe.

The universe might actually be infinite or so big that it might as well be called infinite. Infinity is not a real number. It is just a word for a number so large that it is pointless to cite.

Andromeda Galaxy is the closest spiral galaxy to the Milk Way Galaxy, where Earth resides. It is about 2 million light years away.

With my current hyperspace technology, it would still take me about a million years to reach there, so there is no point of sending any ships to another galaxy even during my time as a Galactic Emperor.

I didn't even finish colonizing the entire galaxy back then.

For one, it is fucking huge. For two, it is fucking huge.

Did I mention the galaxy is fucking huge? With billions of habitable planets and stars.

Oh. People didn't breed fast enough to make every colony possible. Also, a galactic wide rebellion just because people love to destroy the peace.

Same reason why the rebellion in Star Wars didn't make a buttload of sense. It isn't like the people in a galaxy far, far away didn't have freedom. 99% of the people anyway.

So, what if there is an evil guy at the helm? As long as he provides security and safety against external forces, it should be fine, but nope, what the minority wants is more important than what the majority wants.

But then again, it did give me an awesome childhood, so that is all what matters in the end anyway.

The sheer scope of the universe is mindboggling, but since I do have infinite time at my hand, assuming that I didn't get killed again, I will explore the universe one day and find a lot of interesting things.

Antigravity will allow me to spend time on universal starship in comfort.

I wouldn't want to float around in a spaceship for years. And using centrifuge force to create artificial gravity like Shield Headquarter in orbit pales in comparison to actual gravity.

Walking on water and flying around aren't the only thing that antigravity allows me to fake. I can also fake seemingly supernatural abilities. Abilities that drive absolute terror into Xi Shi, for she is forcibly being lifted into the air from the ocean by an invisible force.

The same invisible force that pulls her limbs apart, preventing her from doing anything but speak.

Xi Shi is also naked due to get burned in the explosion. I didn't really pay much attention to that since it isn't like I haven't seen a superhot and naked woman before.

Beauty isn't something I am interested in at the moment. Absolute terror is.

For effect, I did a few hand seals as well. There are twelve hand seals in total from Naruto, a manga to which I am basing my ninja knowledge on.

They are Monkey, Dragon, Rat, Bird, Snake, Ox, Dog, Horse, Tiger, Boar, Ram and Hare.

It isn't stealing when it is already stolen in the first place.

These animals are from the Chinese Zodiac, which is kind of ironic, considering that Naruto originates from Japan and based on Japanese Culture. If it was originating from China, it would be a manga series about cultivation and face-slapping privileged young masters.

Well, I am sort of face-slapping one right now.

Whether I am going to kill Xi Shi or not really depends on how subservient as well as useful she will be to me. It is probably easier to just kill her and replace her with a mind-controlled puppet.

Or I could just mind control her, but that would be going against my principle of freewill. My principles are the only thing I will not compromise on. I just don't want to cross that line.

”By the way, I remember you were saying that you aren't actually Xi Shi. I am a bit curious about that since I did have a good chat with Mo Shu right before I kill him and turn him into ash. Shall I kill you as well? Maybe by drowning. Can you breathe underwater?”

I speak up since Xi Shi is unable to find words to put into her mouth. In her mind, she is utterly terrified as it is not possible to make her float in midair completely unaided, at least not without actual psychic power.

More specifically, telekinesis.

The Chinese is actually aware of the possibility of having psychic power, and like most countries in the world, they are actively seeking out those who have latent psychic power. Of course, it is quite fruitless since psionic potential individuals are emerging only recently thanks to me basically fathering a bunch of superbabies.

Hydra is already working on it for many years, and they have a lot more resources than even the United States, not to mention they do not need to resort to kidnapping their own citizens, something that the Party in China actually doing way more blatantly.

It is a good thing that I had released the cloning technology to Hydra. The ability to clone people allows Hydra and the scientists to have an endless supply of specimens. It also makes them more of a monster than they already are, but let's not talk about that anymore.

Cannot really stop progress nor I would want to.

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Xi Shi questions, knowing full well that infectors are notoriously difficult to kill. This is thanks to their insane regeneration speed. The only real way to kill them is probably just nuke them.

That is not really a viable option, considering the fallout. Political shitstorm afterwards too.


I answer before stabbing her shoulder with my glowing blade, causing her to scream on reflex. She did try not to scream afterwards, but the laser edge of my katana makes it incredible hard for her wound to heal due to the cauterization effect.

And while the blade is stuck inside her body, it continues to burn her. Being burn alive is actually really painful.

I should know. I have been burned hundreds of time before.