186 It is Bad Karma (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 65980K 2022-07-20

And since there is no fear in his eyes, I can safely say that killing Mo Shu will not eliminate the danger to humanity that is the Ace of Diamond.

It is quite impossible to eradicate a parasitic entity that can duplicate itself endlessly through the use of infections and assimilations, not to mention it is more than capable of hiding inside countless living hosts, humans or otherwise. It can also lie completely dormant for many years.

Much like a virus.

Actually, it is a fucking virus. A virus that must be eradicated to the last cell.

This is the very reason to why all research data and information pertaining to the Aces are destroyed, so some idiot somewhere cannot recreate them again for whatever reason.

If someone did, much the world might get infected, causing me to press that huge reset button. It is a metaphorical button. I have pressed it once. I hope that I don't have to press again.

Becoming infected is likely what had happened to Mo Shu, considering that he has acted and behaved like Mo Shu half an hour or so ago. It is to the point that I, as Lu Bu, had assumed that he was just one of those abnormal Chimera.

He obviously wasn't.

If I have to guess, I think at some point in the past, the real Mo Shu must have come into contact with the Ace of Diamond and gotten himself infected. Just one cell is enough spread throughout his system and take over his body.

This is different from what had happened to Sun Xiao, whose head is crushed by Mo Shu before being consumed.

It is to ensure that Sun Xiao's memory does not get absorbed and integrated, but this also means that his experience and combat expertise also didn't get absorbed and become of use to Mo Shu.

The only thing that are absorbed is his powers and abilities, if he has any abilities.

Being a false Chimera, I don't think Sun Xiao has any special or unique ability like Xi Shi, who can stop me with her almost-invisible silk threads. That is probably due to being part spider. Creepy.

Actually, Sun Xiao did have an ability. The ability to increase his physical strength, not that it helps him against me. It actually makes him a bigger target for me to easily chop him up.

”Who…? No. What are you?”

Mo Shu questions. He is unable to understand what had just happened to the others, but he is aware that I am the one responsible for their instant deaths.

In addition, Mo Shu didn't see me use any kind of weapons aside from the katana in my hands.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

”I am human.”

I answer his question.

It is the truth, at least from a scientific standpoint.

My body, the original body that is resting rather peacefully back at home in New York City, is actually 100% human even with all the fantastical abilities that I am wielding, such as the power to manipulate thermal and matter.

The latter is actually through use of nanomachines.

While those nanomachines are floating around my bloodstream, augmenting my body, they are more or less like a tool instead of actually being part of my genetic makeups.

It is much different than a body composed entirely of biomechanical cells.

”Bullshit. No humans should have that kind of power!”

Mo Shu argues, making me smile under my mask.

That statement is quite ironic, considering that there are human mages capable of the same feat that I had just demonstrated. The feat of wiping out a horde of monsters.

As for time manipulation itself, there is the Black Mage of Azula, who seems to be a human from what I can understand.

Thus, being able to use magic doesn't make a person less of a human, as their genetic makeups is still that of a human, comparable to a human from earth.

I have actually checked this with Sapphire Solare, my first and only apprentice thus far.

Oh. I check the other humans who had fallen victims to the golbins.

I am curious to how Sapphire is doing at the moment, but there will be time to check up on her. I also need to check up on Eliana Shadowsong too, just to see whether she has convinced the others to see her way yet.

Elune Whisperwind as well, just to bring her into the fold like Eliana. Not the sexual part. I need her to be a lot more useful than she is now, being more or less a backup anchor to Azula to Eliana. I need at least one of them to summon me if I ever need to return to Azula.

I will have to return there personally, so I can learn magic properly, but learning how to cast magic is not more important than this problem.

”Is that so? Maybe that is true several decades ago, when you were turned into the very abomination that you are now, but it is much different presently. There are quite a number of people who are more than capable of ending you. And they are all human.”

I answer Mo Shu. It is not a complete lie.

There are quite a few people inside as well as outside of Hydra who are more than capable of matching an Ace blow for blow. But it is not the same as outright killing an Ace. Doing that will take some effort.

A lot of effort.

For me, it is effortless. Killing an Ace is as easy as snapping my finger, but eradicating one completely is a pain in the ass. A huge pain in the ass, especially when they aren't that stupid.

”That is not possible. I am the perfect specimen. Perfect in every way.”

Mo Shu retorts, refusing to believe what I had just told him. I am sure that he had been called perfect many times in the past by countless of Hydra scientists, and I do admit that he is perfect as a virus and maybe as a weapon.

But as the next step in human evolution? Not so much.

”Yes. You are perfect in every way. Perfectly dead that is, and I can prove it to you.”

I taunt, making him glare at me. I wonder why I am bother taunting him when I could just end his life right now, but I suppose I want to see what he is truly capable of.

More capable than that regeneration ability of his.

”Prove it to me!? I will crush you like an insignificant insect that you are!”

Mo Shu roars as his body ripples.

Huge pulsating veins manifest all over his body before he swells up in size just like Sun Xiao did before, thus making him a lot bulkier.

Also, Mo Shu becomes a bigger target for me just like Sun Xiao before, not that it really matters. While I can carve him up like I did with Sun Xiao, it will just make more of him due to his rapid regeneration.

A fist crashes into where I was standing, shattering the floor and driving up an awful amount of debris, and the follow up smashes through the wall behind me when I evaded.

More destructions afterwards as I leap from spot to spot, dodging his punches.

Despite being a hulk, Mo Shu retains almost the same speed. He is only slower than before due to the air friction against his bigger form, not because of the form itself. It seems like his cells are capable of adapting all kind of abilities, thus making stronger and stronger the more Hybrids he assimilates.

Likely people too.

Just another reason that I must find a way to eradicate him completely. The longer that he is alive, the more of a threat he becomes, not to mention the chance of absorbing an evolved human is significant higher now.

”Stay still, so I can hit you, you damn monkey!”

Mo Shu roars and sends a barrage of punches my way.

I slip through the flurry of fists to slash his tanking body several times and then land behind him. There is a great resistance against my slashes, telling me that his muscles are a lot denser than before.

It is pretty obvious from the amount of power behind each of his punches.

Even so, his huge muscular body is still butter against a hot knife that is my laser katana.

”Even with all of that power, it is pointless if you cannot hit me.”