183 Attack of a Clone (2/2)
”Or perhaps they do and are waiting to see who take the first bite?”
He adds, making me smile inwardly. I like people who use their brain and think of every plausible angle to a problem.
I nod at Mo Shu, showing my agreement with his analysis. It isn't really far from the truth since I could actually make the problem go away and everyone who is involved with the taskforce are buried in so much shit that they won't be able to see the sunlight.
But like Mo Shu has speculated, I want to see which shark dares to take a bite. Also, I want to test one of my daughters. She is pretty good to connect me to the Syndicate with the tiniest evidence, but she is in way over her head.
Jimmy and Johnson might have her killed once they figure out who is actually responsible, and I cannot have that since she is psionically gifted.
”That is logical, and besides, thanks to your little stunt, he is on the move.”
I continue the pronoun game because it is fun.
Xi Shi questions. She seems to be out of the loop in regard to the Syndicate. If she wasn't, she wouldn't be thinking about waging war. It would be foolish to.
And unlike her, Sun Xiao and Mo Shu both frowned. They know that there is a big boss behind Jimmy and Johnson. Everyone who is anyone in the criminal underworld does, but who the big boss actually is, no one really knows.
It is kind of ironic that they are talking to the big boss right now.
Sun Xiao eventually sighs and smiles weakly.
”Nothing is ever done around here without Dong Bao says so. He wishes to eliminate the competition as they are cornered.”
Sun Xiao finally reveals that he is the culprit, and he is right about nothing ever done within the Triad without the agreement of everyone. While he is the culprit that piss off Jimmy and Johnson by trying to murder them and their family, he is just a trigger man.
The real culprit is someone else. Someone who isn't in this room.
”And Dong Bao will pay dearly for it.”
I response, making everyone looks at me, pondering what I mean. Everyone except Xi Shi, as she is still stuck on the big boss of the Syndicate part.
”I don't know what everyone is actually talking about, but whoever he is, we will deal with him like we always have.”
Yang decides to join in the conversation, speaking what Xi Shi actually wants to say.
”And you are forgetting who our leader is. He is fucking Dong Bao.”
Yang continues and disrupts my flow afterwards. I suppose it is time to make them truly fear whoever they are up against. It isn't complicated, and it is almost time anyway.
”Boss! Boss!”
Someone outside the door shouts in agitation. His voice seems to be frightened.
”What is it? Can't you see that we are having a conversation right now?”
Sun Xiao questions and gets off the seat. He is the closest to the door alongside with Xi Shi, but she is not going to open the door considering her status and gender. Maybe more of the gender thing.
”We are being attacked.”
The goon calls out. He looks incredibly bloodied.
”Attacked? It's not those stupid kids again, is it?”
Sun Xiao responses, referring to Melvin and his siblings, thus demonstrating that he was watching the camera feeds. That mean Xi Shi was watching too, yet she did not come and greet me personally until I call for a meeting.
Does that mean she doesn't think much of my ability and power? Granted, I didn't reveal anything but my incredible speed. I didn't stop time to cut up Melvin since I want the camera to record everything.
It is also unnecessary as everyone is so fucking slow. I actually miss fighting with Zeus, at least he can match me blow for blow in a melee.
”No. It's… a ninja.”
The goon answers, pausing in between as if he couldn't believe it himself. And no one in the room did either because it is kind of absurd.
”A ninja? The Japs? I didn't expect the Syndicate to send someone like that, but just one? They really don't think much of us, do they?”
I question before leaving my seat and heading out. My casual comment makes everyone think, and it didn't take long for Mo Shu, Xi Shi and Sun Xiao to join me.
The bloodied goon that has come to inform us about the attack as well.
Yang didn't since I purposely left the serum on the table.
Once in the lobby of the building, we are greeted with a bloodied sight. Most of the people are either dead or dying due to the numerous wounds on their body. All of them have their limbs severed cleanly by an extremely sharp blade.
”How did this happen!? We were only gone for a few minutes.”
Mo Shu calls out before rushing forwards to check on his men.
”Boss… get… away…!”
One of the men calls out and points towards us, making Sun Xiao narrows his eyes. His hands clench tightly before turning swinging across the air, sending the blooding goon that follows us skidding back several steps.
”How did you know? My disguise is perfect.”
I question and lower my guard arms. It feels kind of strange controlling two avatars at the same time, but there is the first time for everything. Besides, I want to be in more than one place at the same time.
And if I cannot do with my power, at least not yet, then I will do it with technology!
Whichever works.
”Yes. It is perfect. Too perfect. To the point that you do not make a single sound when you walk.”
Sun Xiao points out, making me realize my mistake. I was found out because I was too powerful. That is kind of funny, but his hearing is pretty acute to notice something like that.
”Come to think of it, Lu Bu doesn't make any noise when he walks either.”
Xi Shi points out, and I really want to slap her for being stupid. I don't think I am the only one who do.
Luckily, no one takes her seriously because of course I don't make any noise since I am obviously a lot more powerful than ordinary goons.
In any case, I decide to humor her.
”Oh? Are you as fast as me?”
I question as the ninja before a puff of white smokes surround me before flooding the rooms, making everyone defensive.
Powerful clashes reverberate the air, and once the while smoke is cleared, I am on the floor, bleeding and unconsciousness. I mean Lu Bu.
I basically take out myself, so my consciousness isn't being divided between two avatars. Besides, Lu Bu avatar has served its purpose for now.
”Guess I am faster.”
I comment before looking at Mo Shu, Sun Xiao and Xi Shi. More at Xi Shi actually, and it is not because she is a beauty. I want to see if she can backup what she has claimed in the room.