183 Attack of a Clone (1/2)
I cast a glance at each person in the room, trying to gauge their reaction as well as reading their micro-expression. Both feats are fairly easy on my own as I am quite observant, but with Selene helping me, I can see things that I would have missed otherwise.
”And is there a reason not to, Lu Bu?”
Xi Shi speaks up and breaks the silence, not to mention getting my undivided attention.
With a glance, I already know what she is thinking. Not exactly what is on her mind as I haven't infested her brain my micromachines, but it is a very good guess on my part.
I am getting good at reading other as I truly want to know why humanity do the things they do.
Hence, I wonder if I am giving Xi Shi too much credits solely based on her codename as one of the four great beauties of ancient China, but I suppose I will find out sooner or later.
Probably sooner if Xi Shi continues to ask stupid question.
I do hope that she is not a beauty without a brain, but hey, I have been wrong before.
As for her rather youthful appearance, it is too suspicious given that she is a Hybrid. Chimera actually, but still, she should be in her mid-thirty considering her actual age.
I will learn why she isn't eventually.
And what kind of Hybrid Xi Shi is, Legion will tell me soon enough.
The air is infested with micromachines, and since Hybrid is a product of biological science, they should not be able to detect the micromachines. They might sense something is in the air, but they probably will assume it is some kind of bacteria.
I would if I am in the dark about all the advance technologies available.
Since I didn't answer her question immediately, Xi Shi decides to take a seat across the table from me alongside with Sun Xiao, who is probably her boytoy.
Or maybe it is the other way around.
I really don't need to know what kind of relationship they have behind closed doors, honestly.
Maybe I do, considering that Xi Shi just crosses her very visible legs thanks to the split in her dress. My eyes drop slightly just to have a look because last I check, I still have a penis. Yes. I do have one at the moment, just in case I decide to take my avatar out for a night of boozes and sleezy sex.
Seems like a good waste of time.
Xi Shi notices my perving due to the smirk on her face. She is probably thinking to herself that all men are the same, having dealt with so many in the past. Well, she isn't really wrong, and the men that she dealt are no longer amongst the living.
Femme fatale.
Still, beauties are there to be ogled at. Otherwise, why would anyone spend so much time and money as well as effort to look beautiful? I should experiment with that, considering that beauty is subjective, mostly based on popular view, culture and environment.
What the western world considers beautiful isn't necessary the same as the eastern world.
In any case, Legion tells me that their relationship isn't sexual form all the surveillance that he is doing on the building and everyone within thus far. He has also infested all their computers, phones and so on.
With that, I can disable anything electronics without resorting to EMP.
That is electromagnetic pulse, capable of frying any unshielded electronic systems. It is actually a more effective weapon against me than most modern weapons, considering what I am currently.
I smile and look directly at Xi Shi. I also note that Yang didn't bother to take a seat. He prefers to stand with his back against the wall. His eyes are paying at lot of attention to the serums that I have brought for everyone.
They are actually quite interested in the serum, but none really show it. The Party uses this to blackmail the Triad into doing their bidding.
In fact, those in powers use the serum to keep everyone in line within their organization. Xi Shi is also included, as she does need those serum to keep her cells from degenerating.
I sometimes resort to such blackmailing tactic, but not so blatantly as the Party is doing. Most people are not really aware that I am blackmailing them. People such as Jennifer Aniston for example.
”Yes, Xi Shi. It is generally not a good idea to antagonize an organization that we do not know anything about, especially one that rivals or even exceeding the Party in term of manpower and resources.”
I decide to answer her question instead of leaving her out to dry. Like I have said, it is a stupid question and I am expecting better of her.
Anyone with a working brain would know that you don't start a war with an enemy that you have no fucking clue about, and I am sure that the Party has no clue how powerful the Syndicate actually is.
Xi Shi snorts.
”We know everything that we need to know about them, and it is time for them to know about us. Or are you too afraid to face them, Lu Bu? I didn't expect the Three Kingdoms faction to this cowardly.”
Ignoring the subtle insult directed at me and another faction within the Party, she is actually thinking about going to war with another criminal organization simply to prove that they are not match for the Party.
Honestly, that is dumb, but then again, it is the kind of war that I want to happen.
I just didn't think it will be this easy, considering that no one really want an all-out war, at least at the moment when there isn't anything to gain aside from territory. Grabbing too much territory might not be a good thing, considering the Triad doesn't have the manpower to hold those territories.
”It is not cowardice, or shall I prove it to you?”
I response and relax against the cushion of the sofa while maintaining eye contact with Xi Shi. It is just a form of challenge, and I wonder whether she is stupid enough to take it. It would give me a chance to teach her a lesson under the pretense of proving to her that the Three Kingdoms faction is definitely powerful.
A faction that I certainly do not belong to. I technically do not belong to any faction, including Hydra.
In any case, the Three Kingdoms faction of the Party should be quite powerful without Legion needing to infiltrate their complexes and headquarter in China. He did fail to infiltrate them in the future, but it is mostly because the drones aren't aggressive enough.
It is reasonable to assume so, considering that the Three Kingdoms is one of three factions that control the Party.
The Chinese just like the number 3. It is considered very lucky. It also signifies a lot of things in Chinese culture. In contrast, the number 4 is quite unlucky. To the point that most building skips it all together.
Good thing there are 5 people in the room at the moment since 5 is a lucky number.
Did I just ramble about China and superstition numbers? This is mostly because my mind is very active, thinking about a bunch of stuff before people could even say anything.
”I think what Miss Xi Shi is trying to say, Mr. Lu Bu, is that it is perhaps time for us to stop being fearful of the Syndicate.”
Mo Shu meditates. He is the smartest person in the room, not including me. I am always the exception simply due to what and who I am, and if someone is smarter than me, I can always cheat with a bit of time manipulation.
There is no need to play fair, especially against criminals.
”We are not fearful of them. We are just being cautious because we do not know what kind of backing that they have.”
I response thoughtfully and keep my eye on Xi Shi. She rolls her eyes dismissively, but she didn't speak up. Instead, she sends subtle signal to Sun Xiao, who is obviously on her side.
”It is true that they have a strong backing, a backing that are still unable to learn anything about after all of this time, and frankly, there is still no tangible evidence such a backing exists either.”
Sun Xiao points out and casts a glance at Mo Shu, who nods in agreement.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
”I agree, but until there is evidence stating otherwise, they should be treated with caution. For them to rise to prominent within a couple of decades, it is safer to assume that the Syndicate do have such powerful connections.”
I argue and wonder why I bother to, considering that I want an actual war to keep them fully occupy, but I suppose I am a bit annoyed at their reasoning.
”If that is the case then why aren't their backers helping them currently? They are being investigated, and most of their business are being seized.”
Sun Xiao retorts, and he does have a point. Jimmy and Johnson did request some help from Hydra and Shield on this matter, but it is way too hot right now. As much as their friends want to help them, the cause is more important.
Until I say so, Hydra is a myth. A myth that scares most powerful people shitless. A global organization that is centuries ahead technologically and has dabbled in almost everything, from human experiment to biological warfare? That would give anyone nightmares.
”Maybe they do not have any federal connections?”
Mo Shu interjects.