171 Creation of Spiritual Weapon (1/2)
I decide to join Zeus and Zephyr in binging Dragon Ball.
It seems like a good waste of time on a Sunday, but it did bring back a lot of memory. Old ass memory from the time I was back in high school in the original timeline.
I could be considered as an Otaku then, more or less.
In any case, I did give Sandra Bullock a call to reschedule our date to another time. Since Monday I will be having a long business conversation with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates on expanding their company as well as market share, it will be Tuesday then.
Actually, Tuesday is no good either since I have commitment with Mystic. Maybe I can squeeze Sandra in there somewhere. If not, I will have to move her to Wednesday.
Selene just tells me that my schedules are all filled up on Wednesday and Thursday.
Damn it. My days are getting booked up.
I should do something about that, or it will get out of control to the point that I won't really have any free time during the week. Those clones are mighty tempting right about now. Maybe I could use them as a stand in at the office. I would still get the same experiences and knowledges, regardless.
”Alright, Zeus. Tell me about the Black Order and what do they do. I hope that the order is not the one from the Avengers. I don't really want to deal with aliens right now.”
Aliens do exist, but I am referring to the supervillain team that works for Thanos in the comic. They do appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, specifically in the movie Infinity War and Endgame. Neither movies are released yet in the prime-reality. They might be released earlier due to the advancement of technology.
Nevertheless, Zeus should know what I am talking about.
He seems to know a lot about modern pop culture despite being an Olympian God. He must be at least a couple of thousand years old. Likely a lot more. Definitely.
”Avengers? No. It is more like D. Gray-man's Black Order. Less humors and more violence. The Order exists long before Christianity is a thing, but the members do worship basically the same God. Did you know that most religions worship the same God?”
Yes. I did.
As for D. Gray-man, it is a manga series written and illustrated by Katsura Hoshino.
The manga follows an exorcist, who is a part of a religious organization known as the Black Order. He basically hunts down demons and exorcises them with a holy relic that manifested in his arm.
I didn't get to read the ending because the manga never finished, not even in the 31st century.
But if there really is a religious organization that exorcise demons, why haven't I notice it.
I admit that I haven't really paying a lot attention to the religious side of thing since I am not religious, but Shield and Hydra do pay attention, and if they find something that huge, they probably should say something about it.
Zeus seems to know what I am thinking.
”If they are that easy to find, they wouldn't be called a secret organization, Max. You might have eyes and ears everywhere, but so do they, just not in the way you think. There are more dimensions in what can be seen.”
Zeus pauses for a moment to think to himself.
”But I am not certain if they exist or not in this reality. And if they exist, they might get wiped out after all of this time. Many things could happen in the thousands of years that gone by. But I am hoping that they are still around in some forms.”
Zeus is referring to the butterfly effect. No reality is exactly the same as the next, meaning that things can change drastically, especially over the course of several millenniums.
”And what if they don't exist, Zeus?”
I question, wanting to know his plan B. If he is like me in his thinking and logic, he should have plan A to Z and probably more.
”If they don't, I will have to take a trip into the Twisted Nether, but I think I will have to do that anyway because I need to collect some Spirit Shards. They are needed for cultivating the soul, so I guess you're joining me and Zephyr?”
I simply nod as a response while wondering what exactly Spirit Shards are.
Even if Zeus doesn't explain, it is quite easy to figure out from the name.
And I do need to cultivate my soul in order to fight against people wielding godlike powers. I can hold my own on the Mortal Plane, but on the Spiritual Plane, it is another matter.
”Aren't you forgetting that I need to separate my mind, body and spirit first, Zeus?”
I question. I should get started on cultivating. Or at least get the knowledge of how.
Zeus smiles at me.
”In due time, Max. I am not really stringing you along if that is what you are thinking. It is just that I do lack the means to help you with it unless you wish to attempt fate? I know of three ways to do so, and two of them requires me to have a soul. The third. Well. It is kind of dangerous.”
Zeus explains.
And of course, I want to know the third method.
It can't be more dangerous than getting incinerated by the will of a Dragon God.
”The third method is actually how normal people gains spiritual power in the first place. Go and pretty much fight to the death against a spiritual beast. The more powerful the beast is, the better chance of awakening. But it is dangerous because if you lose, the beast will devour your soul and you will cease to exist. Most people don't attempt this method.”
I am not like most people, and I don't think I can actually cease to exist.
”Spiritual beast? I want to try that method. Who knows, I might awaken just like you did.”
Zeus chuckles at my request.
”I know you will say that, Max. Most people like us do, actually. But I don't really have a spiritual beast for you to fight, but the good thing is, the Twisted Nether are filled with them.”
I narrow my eyes and feel like I have just fell into a trap.
”If you just want me to join you in raiding the Twisted Nether then you should have just said so, Zeus. There is no need to beat around the bush since if it benefits me in some way, I am in.”
Zeus cracks up and gestures his hands dismissively.
”Alright. But you need to have a spiritual weapon or a magical weapon capable of harming a spirit.”