170 Spiritual Side of Things (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 55780K 2022-07-20

I didn't give in to her desire even if the room is currently locked.

No one will interrupt me and Allison even if we are to do much more than kissing and groping. No one dares to on the account of who and what I am.

More of who I am, actually. Nobody in the prime-reality knows that I am an Aspect, and it is better for me if it is a secret.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

In any case, I didn't give into her desire isn't entirely because of the regulations against fornicating in the workplace. It is actually due to the massive pillar of light that pierces the sky beyond the window.

The light is so incredible blinding that I had thought for a second a nuke just went off in the middle of the city. Now, that would be a sight, not to mention giving a sense of nostalgia.

And I don't mean that this pillar of light isn't impressive sight by itself. It is quite impressive, especially when no one seems to notice it. If they did, they would be in a panic, believing it is a weapon of sort.

”What's wrong, Max?”

Allision questions when I remove my lips from hers and cock my head around to look outside the huge window. It is not possible for anyone to us from outside, at least not in broad daylight.

Like everyone else on the street and in the parking lot, she didn't seem to notice the pillar of light even if it is clearly visible to me. She didn't hear anything either despite the ringing sound in my ears.

”I just remember that this is a hospital, so we shouldn't. Besides, your body need a lot more rest after what it had been through.”

I response.

There is no need to tell her about the light if she cannot see it herself. It could be magical or spiritual in nature. I didn't sense any magical power, so it is probably spiritual.

And considering where it is original from, it is more than likely spiritual in nature. It has only been like 3 hours since I left Zeus and Zephyr alone, and they already pulling this kind of shit.

What if someone see the pillar of light? Actually, does it matter? If they can see spiritual energy, they should already be dead or not really humans.

Regardless, how it is a good idea to alert everyone to your position? I will have to ask him when I see him again. I shouldn't worry so much since he could probably handle anything goes his way. He is a lot like me, only doing things if it benefits him in some way.

Allison smiles faintly.

”I think I can go for that ice-cream now, Max. You won't deny me even that, will you?”

I chuckle at her question and shake my head as a response. I will certainly go for some ice-cream, and I think someone else might like some ice-cream too, but I don't think I should take Christina along.

No one wants to be interrupted on their date. I guess Christina will have to spend an hour or so in the inhouse playground. She seems to have a lot of fun right now, so it isn't necessary a bad thing.

”Of course not. How about a walk in the park too? Some natural sunlight will do you good.”

I response and help her off the bed.

”I would love that, Max. Maybe you will have lunch with me too?”

Allison questions. It isn't really like a question due to the way she phrases her words. It is more like do it or I will be very depressed sort of thing. I guess I have no choice. Didn't I have a plan with Sandra in the afternoon?

Yes. I did.

And now, I wish I have another me right now, but my power prevents me from being in two places at the same time, at least in the same reality.

I could actually be in two realities simultaneously, but that requires some planning since when two or realities are connected by the temporal rift, my power consider it as one continuity, thus stopping me from existing in more than one places.

In any case, I could use a clone. But then again, I don't really want any of my clone to score with Sandra even if I will absorb their memory and experience once I have the time to get around to it. It is actually different than what happened with my mother, considering that Sandra is the prime-Sandra.

If it was an alternate-Sandra from an alternate reality, I wouldn't mind so much as I am not responsible for any other realities beside the prime-reality.

I know that statement is not correct, considering that I am an Aspect of Time.

All of realities are my responsibility, but that responsibility only extends to their existence, not any of the people or sentient life living within it.

Adria proves this since her reality can no longer support any life due to the Curse of Decay. That said, she still becomes the aspect of time in order for time to exist now, before and after.

Her whole existence is a conundrum of sort.

In any case, I have another daughter I need to take care of, at least a little.

Aside from resorting to using clones, there is actually a few more ways to resolve this issue I have, but most of them if not all will hurt Allision when she finds out, assuming if she finds out. Even if she does not, I don't want to open those kinds of door.

It is not morally questionable. It is more to do with my principle. It is also due to my principle that I do not just mind control the entire world. I value freewill greatly, at least what appears to be freewill.

No one is truly free the moment they are born, aren't they?

”Of course, Allison. Or would you prefer to have lunch alone?”

I response with a question of my own. Having lunch with Allison will result in more than simply that. I don't mind one way or another, as long as she is happy.

After a few more playful jabs back and forth, Allison and I head out of the room and into the corridor.

”Isn't it left, Max?”

Allison questions when I turn right down the corridor. Thanks to her perfect memory, she remembers exactly the way that she had come. Of course, like any ability, there will always a way to defeat it.

”Yes and no, Allison. Yes. You did come in from that way, but if you go back out the same way, you will not find the exit. This place is actually a maze. Getting inside is easy but getting out is quite hard.”

I tell Allison with a smile. I didn't tell her that it isn't a normal maze. Anyone with a brain could defeat a normal maze. They will not able to if the section of the maze is constantly changing, not to mention signs and symbols as well as placement of items and objects design to confuse people.

The whole research facility is also a huge psychological experiment. I mean aside from trapping people like a rat.

Of course, intruders can try to break out from the window, but they will be surprised to find that those several inches thick windows are highly resistant to impact. Nothing short of a tank round can shatter them.

In addition, not every window are actually windows. They are holographic projectors, designed just to mess with people's sense of direction and position.

It is all very elaborated, but no one unauthorized is allowed to be here in the first place anyway. Those that are allowed here for checkup or augmentation will have a guide with them.

Allison nods and follows me, who in turn follows the direction given by Selene. Sure. I could pick up a scanner from one of the guards, but why bother when I have a super computer in my head.