159 The Avatar of Time (1/2)
There is some truth to what Adria has claimed.
She is simply better than my mother, technically her mother as well, at satisfying me, sexually.
That is a feat on its own, considering who or more specifically what I am now, biologically speaking.
It is safe to say that I am no longer mortal in the sense of the word.
And no matter how much punishment that I have dished out upon her body, she is more than capable of bouncing right back for more despite the exaggerated expression on her face due to our incredible long session of fucking.
Not making love, but just purely fucking.
Her eyes are crossed. Her tongue is protruding. Her face is completely flushed with red.
Adria is riding high on the unending waves of orgasmic pleasure. Her body is constantly convulsing, as her cunt continues to gush hot juices onto my relentless cock, coating it as well as my balls fully.
Her hips press tightly against mine through the help of my hands on her round ass as I unlock another creamy round into her already overflowing cunt without any restrain. That dosage shoots up her body and goes straight into her brain as her dark eyes flash with ethereal energy and her body glows faintly.
It is very similar to what my mother has exhibited when I fucked her with everything that I have within me. But unlike my mother, my daughter is aware of what is happening.
And she welcomes it as it is what she has wanted.
Adria wants my seed, the Seed of Time.
That is what it is called.
And it is not what I am pumping into her incredible body by the bucket loads, but it is more or less the same in the context of how. As in how to give my daughter what she needs in order to ascend into the higher plane of existence.
I am unable to send my aspectual essence into her soul directly to stimulate it towards ascension. This is because I do not know how yet.
My path towards spiritual cultivation has not even started.
Having said that, my aspectual essence does flow into her body and invade her spirit through this very act of love making. It is probably more to do with lust than love. Irrespectively, it is still the very reason that Adria is born to my mother regardless of whether my sperms are dead or not.
Adria is not born biologically. She is born spiritually from my soul, and once her spirit is formed within my mother, she can create a body for herself to inhabit and interact with the physical world.
It is why Adria appears as she is in appearance instead of taking on our traits biologically.
And all of this is possible because of me, for I have used the will and essence of a Dragon God to force open my spiritual awareness. It actually opens a lot more than that from what Adria tells me between her moaning and screaming and panting.
Does that mean Antigone is the same as Adria?
Logically speaking, the answer is no.
Antigone was born from Ambrosia before my forceful spiritual awakening, so her spiritual awareness is not really awaken.
And whether she is as aware as Adria, who inherits my memory, it is still to be seen.
I hope not because that would be super weird.
Adria knows everything about me because she inherits my memory, not genetically since she doesn't really have any of my genes, but through my spirit, to which she is born from.
To which all of my actual children will be born from. I use the word actual since there is now different type of children I will have.
Allison and Lexi are not considered as my actual children, and I am glad that they are not because it is quite depressing as soon as I know what Adria is.
My daughter falls backwards onto the bed, freeing my cock as her body glow brightly. She is almost at her end. The end of her mortal coil. She has existed on the physical plane of the universe for far longer than she needs, but without me, she is unable to ascend.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
Adria cannot ascend normally, as she is not human. Her ascension requires a lot more than cultivation of her mind, body and spirit.
”Father. Please.”
With her heaving chest, my daughter reaches out my arms and hands towards me, pleading me to let her go. To let her be what she meant to be.
To let her be what every actual child of mine needs to be.
And I am somewhat saddened by the fact. I am glad that I didn't raise her and love her because letting her go would be heartbreaking.
”Will I be able to see you again, Adria?”
I ask as I lean towards my daughter and proceed to rest myself on her body. My hips inch between her legs. My chest presses against her breasts. My dripping cock probes her wet nether lips.
”Yes, father. One day. Always, for we are all your children and servant.”
Adria gasps as I sink into her and proceed to pound away to get that aspectual essence out in the only way I truly know how. It is also quite pleasurable considering that I accept her as my daughter and so, I do love her.
Hot cum soon erupts out of her spread cunt, spraying against my balls and thighs as I unload everything into her depth. My daughter groans once more, gripping my body in comfort as her red-yellowish eyes are glowing brightly.
She blinks slowly before that smirk returns to her lips. It is not annoying anymore. It is quite charming now actually.
”Thank you, father, for loving me. For loving all of us. You didn't need to, as you had never done so in the past. You always believe it is merely your responsibility as the Aspect of Time.”
Adria tells me as her hands run along my face. Ethereal energy flows towards her fingertips and enters my mind, filling me with new knowledges.
It is her end of the bargain, and I wish I could exchange it for her to stay. But as what she is, she cannot leave this reality. If she does, this reality would become timeless, and a timeless reality cannot exist in the grand design.
”I am very happy to be the first to receive your love like this, father. And I truly hope that I will not be the last to do so for we all love you very much. You are the very reason that we exist. It is not because of our purpose to propagate time. It is because you want us to exist. You are our master, our creator, and more than that, you are our father. I love you.”
Tears pool into her eyes as her body continues to glow brighter and brighter. Her spirit is ascending to the cosmic level. No, beyond that to conceptual level.
”I love you too, my daughter.”
I response and lock lips with her. But it didn't last long.
Only a couple of seconds, but it is enough for my daughter as well as for me.
Adria vanishes in the brilliant display of light. Ethereal energy surging up into the air before spreading out into the cosmos. The cosmos shudders and welcomes one of its aspect with open arms. Regardless of when an aspect is born, it is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
She has finally become what she always wanted out of her duty and responsibility. It should have been my duty and my responsibility.
I lean back against the bed, contemplating deeply.
The knowledge that Adria sends into my mind didn't add much to what she had already told me when she is riding me into blissful delight.
It does, however, connect all the dots for me to understand more clearly.
And when I said that it should have been my duty and responsibility, I do mean it.
That is because I am the Aspect of Time.
Time only exists because of me, and it continues to exist because of me.