157 The Seed of Time (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 59430K 2022-07-20

”Hello, father.”

A beautiful young woman with reddish-yellow surprises me.

Mystical flames swirl around her in a similar fashion when I had impersonated the Ori.

And my surprise isn't because of seeing her in person, especially when there is no one left alive in this cold and desolate world with multiple ring-like megastructures, rotating in orbits.

The surface of the once beautiful green planet is now covered completely by metal, reaching for more than a thousand mile deep. Titanic chasms are everywhere, glowing brightly with thermal energy from the countless Stellar Reactors.

Earth might as well be called Cybertron, considering the extreme makeover. Even the moon itself isn't spared, becoming a mini-Cybertron, housing trillion upon trillion of minds.

A million years has gone by in a flash, after all.

My surprise isn't because of her existence either, as I already know that Adria exists the moment that Selene integrates a new set of memory into my brain.

It is quite disorientating, but it is the quickest and easiest way to know everything there is to know.

I have to make sure that the new set of memory doesn't dwarf or overwhelm my current memory and personality due to sheer size. There are actually safety measures for this sort of things, as it is an actual form of brainwashing.

Legion has recorded everything that had happened in all the years that gone by, allowing me to review exactly what my clone has been doing during that whole time at my leisure. I mean other than banging my mother, of course.

Did I just cuckold myself?

Well, I suppose it is for science.

In all honestly, my clone is me and not me at the same time. I didn't map an exact copy of my memory and personality since doing so would only cause confusion.

It is also unnecessary for my clone to know everything that I do, especially when it doesn't have all the power that I have. Power to manipulate time for example.

For effectiveness of the social experiment, my clone only needs to know specific things and the actual goal of making absolute sure that humanity will continue to prosper and spread out into the galaxy.

And in doing so, humanity will conquer or enslave other alien species, inevitably forming an interstellar empire. A Galactic Empire of sort.

All before the Curse of Decay hits the universe.

A million years is more than enough time to do something like that. It shouldn't take more than a few hundred thousand years to map out the entire Milky Way Galaxy, and that is already generous in my humble opinion, considering that I pretty much give them a technological upstart.

Of course, I didn't give humanity everything, however, since they should figure something out on their own. Space Compress for example. Hyperspace Technology is another. The latter shouldn't take more than a couple of millennia to figure out while the former might require magic.

I obviously didn't give my clone magic, as doing so will introduce too many variables.

But in any case, I have expected humanity to spread into the universe and claim their rightful amongst the stars.

It is their supreme destiny.

Unfortunately, humanity did not for one thing or another, mostly thinking it is somewhat pointless in the grand scheme of things.

They already have everything they ever needed for trillions of years to come.

For an eternity, actually.

Or at least until the last star burns out, resulting in a cold and dead universe.

Just like the 31st century, humanity has colonized the entire solar system, transforming every planet and moon into a metal world since it is far more efficient because they have practically unlimited foods and energies thanks to my technology.

But unlike the 31st century, they didn't kill each other and bring forth their own extinction.

And that is because I have given humanity a common enemy, the Flood.

I basically blame the unsolvable Curse of Decay on the Flood, hoping that humanity will eventually get over their differences, discriminations and intolerances to band together to face a common enemy.

That works somewhat, but the final result isn't what I have expected.

To truly win a battle, is to avoid the battle in the first place.

Therefore, humanity decides to transform every world and moon within the solar system into basically a mega-computer and use the digital space and computing power to give them immortality as well as a reality where they are basically Gods.

Congratulation, humanity didn't bring forth their own extinction through violence. They just find a far more efficient and bloodless way to do it.

And that is through technological stagnation.

Honestly, their technological level didn't exceed mine even now. There is actually no need to advance technologically since there really is no reason to. It isn't like they have to invent way to kill each other just to stay alive.

The world becomes a Utopia, after all, where everyone has everything they ever need. Resources are practically unlimited.

This just give me a new perspective on violence.

Chaos really do make people evolved and become better than who they are. It is through conflicts and wars that humanity truly shine.

Having said that, I am still disappointed at the inevitable outcome of this reality.

Yet, despite what happened to humanity, Adria is still here.

And like I have said, it isn't because of her presence that surprised me.

It is actually because of her appearance, for she takes on the fictional Adria in Stargate franchise.

And if I didn't know that Adria exists in the first place, I would have thought someone is fucking around with me.

”Alright. You got me, Adria. How are you able to be born? I have made sure that I do not impregnate anyone unless there is a reason to. And there is no reason to impregnate your mother to give birth to you.”

I point out as I examine her up and down repeatedly. Her appearance is that of Morena Baccarin, who plays Adria in the procedural science fiction series, Stargate.

The fictional Adria appears in season 9 and 10 as the Orici, an antagonist. She is basically a spoiled brat with too much power and time on her hands.

I shouldn't say fictional since Zeus did say those universes do exist. He even offers me their coordinates in exchange for something else, so I will be able to go there one day.

Not me personally since it would actually be a waste of time and energy.

My clones will do that for me while I reap the benefits.

It is the reason why Legion is focusing on cloning at the moment, so my clones have greater chance of successfully accomplish their smash and grab mission.

I want my hands on all those wonderful technologies that exist within those realities. I do wonder why Zeus didn't take some with him when he is there.

Stargate reality has a lot of technology that violate the law of physic.

Violate the law of physic…? Strange.

But in any case, Legion is working on it.

And when the time comes, the clones shouldn't have a problem of carrying out their mission in those realities, especially when they know everything there is to know about those realities along with every toy at my disposal.

Adria purses her lips before frowning deeply.

”Good to see you too, father. And thanks for telling me that I am unwanted. I have waited for a million years to see you and finally have that father-daughter talk, but if you don't want to act like a father to me, then I will take my leave.”

Adria pouts, making me roll my eyes.

She obviously knows way more than she is letting me know.

For example, Adria can send dreams to her mother even before she is born, and she has shielded that dream from Legion.