156 The Inevitable Outcome POV (1/2)
Dreams do come true, especially if you remember them.
And I remember them, as clearly and as vividly as the burning passion from the night before. As matter of fact, from many nights before, and likely many nights after, hopefully.
In this moment, it is no longer a dream, and I am no longer asleep.
I slowly open my eyes and greet the beautiful dawn of a new day. Sunshine emerges from the edge of the world, slowing making it ways into the cloudless heaven above.
Golden light wraps and streams around the unyielding form of a man as he stands unmoving, bathing within the blinding luminescence while staring into the distance.
He always does, every morning of every day, even if I am not with him.
The warm light also streaks through the flustering purple drapes, which are framed so majestically on each side of the massive glass doors, leading into the vast balcony, towering over the world.
And like those dreams that I have so many months ago, I pull myself out of bed slowly and carefully, a leg and a foot at a time.
The cold marble floors beneath press against my weight and spread lightly over my skin, giving me this tingling sensation as I stand upright, letting the white sheets of the bedding to slide off my naked form.
Once I am completely out of bed, I begin my approach towards the balcony, slowly but confidently.
And as I did so, the white bedsheets that had covered me throughout the night while I had slept quite peacefully with a dreamless sleep immediately swirl into the air and morph into a cloud of glimmering silvery dust.
They always do.
The twinkling participles surge along the air, riding the gentle breeze that constantly invades the room from beyond the opened glass doors.
They soon spiral all around me, smoothly enveloping my nakedness and covering my entire body from the chest downloads, binding all of my assets before shifting into a long white gown, which glitters in the golden light and trails my every step.
The nanomachines did not more than protect my modesty, they protect my person, even if it is quite unnecessary in his presence.
I am perfectly safe here, as he would never allow anything to harm as long as he lives.
As long as he is with me.
And I would never part from him, no matter what happens, now and forever.
It feels like a wishful thinking as love, like every emotion, cannot truly be eternal.
But for now, it is the truth. My only truth even if the worlds fall apart around me.
The warm and soft bed behind me crumples apart as if it was constructed and then glued together by indiscernible tiny grains of sand. It is made of the same materials to that of my dress. Nanomachines.
In fact, everything is.
The nanomachines get absorbed into the unmarkable floor, returning the room into perfect emptiness just like it has been yesterday and the day before. That is to say excluding all the statues, decorations and countless portrait along the walls and around the entrances.
The room obviously isn't a bedroom.
And this place isn't our home in a sense.
Our home is where our hearts are, hopefully together.
This place is actually a temple, the Temple of Origin, where countless worshipers and followers across the globe have come and go.
Many never left, as they seek the path towards enlightenment, becoming one with the Ori.
It is the Ori who has erected this place of worship through my beloved, fully enclosing the holy temple around the red obelisk on the day of the great awakening. The day that the world finally opens its eyes to its destiny, allowing everyone to step onto the path towards enlightenment regardless of whatever happened during the burning trials.
The world has learned so much on that day.
We have learned so much about the Ori, the Flood and what is to come in the far future, for we have been given a second chance to live and make preparation.
Sadly, most people are squandering this chance, the chance to reach true salvation.
I speak the name of my world as soon as I stand by his side and follow his eyes to watch the world that I used to be a part of, completely filled with glass buildings reaching towards the sky while glimmering in the sunlight.
But as beautiful as those structures are on the outside, great darkness is dwelling with them.
Great darkness is dwelling within the people within those buildings, even if it is not visible to the naked eyes. It is there. It is always there.
Max smiles faintly at me before exhaling deeply and staring at the sky above. He is looking beyond the sky and at the deep vastness of space. A megastructure had once existed there, protecting the planet and shielding us from the unfathomable danger of the cosmos.
We are so small in the infinite universe, as the Ori has demonstrated.
I do not fully understand why the megastructure was removed since it has protected the world for so many years, but I suppose it must have something to do with the people petitioning for their real and natural sky back as well as the sun and moon.
And it isn't the only thing that the people are petitioning for. No. Demanding for. That is more correct from my own understand and observation.
Their desires are truly unending, after all.
People will never be contended and satisfied with what they have already given, especially when they are fully aware that they could have so much more.
And so much, much more.
”I wish the Ori are still here, Steph. I wish that they could tell me what to do, because I am at a loss to what to do. I truly am. And if this continues, there won't be anyone left to face the Flood in thousands of years from now. No. Hundreds of thousands of years.”
Max speaks up as his eyes avert from the sky and cast upon the world that he has helped created with his vast power and knowledge.
The vast power and knowledge that the Ori has given him as their apostle on earth.
Their only apostle on earth.
The old world has changed greatly thanks to the technology and power bestowed to the human race through Max and will of the Ori, but the nature of people remains the same.
As a matter of fact, the people have really become much worse than before, for absolute comfort is a sin.
The Sin of Sloth.
It is having everything that anyone ever wanted without putting in the hard work necessary to have it in the first place. And if it is this bad now, it will be much worse in future generations.
That is to assume if there is a future generation.
”Not everyone is like that, Max. Not everyone is drowning themselves in indulgent and pleasures with such an uncaring mindset. Not everyone thinks that the desolate future is too far away to even concern about right now.”
I assure Max, trying to give him some confidences.
It is the only thing that I could do by his side, even as a Goddess according to the Book of Origin.
The Book of Origin was derived from Bible, for God must be one of or with the Ori. He is perhaps also an Ori, the one and only Ori, as the Vatican claims.
There is much to be debated about this from a religious standpoint.
Max did not contest to this since he does not know himself, for the Ori never truly reveal who exactly they are. They only revealed what they are, and that is they are unimaginable power.
Powerful enough to ignore the cycle of life and death altogether. That did not mean heaven or hell do not exist. It just means that they are beyond heaven and hell.
Max chuckles weakly at my encouragement and shakes his head.
His hands also grip the stone railing until it cracks, but the crack did not last.
It is made of the same material as my dress, as everything in the world now.
A gift from the Ori to the human race.
Max calls them micromachines even if he is unsure the real reason why. It is very strange that he didn't remember the real reason why it is called that despite the correct scientific term is nanomachines, for they are machines on the nanoscales.
This just shows that he is not all-powerful and all-knowing like the Ori is.
But Max is the closest person to attain enlightenment due to the powers that he wielded.
And there is different level of enlightenment. The higher the more powerful one will become.
It is all very complicated.