150 Dream of the Future POV (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 48560K 2022-07-20

Father did not understand.

He didn't want to understand.

Max isn't dead. He isn't dead. He is still there, trapped in that monster of a God.

And he is desperately calling out to me. So desperately.

I just know it. I really do.

I have to help him. I have to help Max. I have to. I know I have to. I know that he is waiting for me. He has even told me so, in my dream.

In my beautiful dream.

That dream comes every night, whenever I have cried myself into restless sleep.

A brand-new world always greets me, melting away all my pains and sorrows.

It is a different world with unending number of glimmering glass towers, reaching towards the sky and stretching beyond the horizon.

And despite the plethora of lights shinning onto the heaven above, countless majestic swirls of galaxies and uncalculatable number of stars could be seen.

It is just so beautiful. Beautiful beyond words.

Is this the future? My future?

I wish that it is, but everything feels so surreal. So surreal.

But even so, I truly wish that it is, for I am so happy, so very, very happy.

Nothing could be happier than this moment because Max is there. He is there with me, standing above a high-rising balcony, towering over all that the world has to offer.

His hands feel so warm, wrapping around me gently in an affectionate embrace. It is so very warm. As warm and gentle as his breath caressing along my face, telling that this isn't just a dream.

It is as real as what I am feeling in my heart.

”Come and find me, Stephanie. Only you can. I am waiting. I will always be waiting for you.”

Max whispers softly, bringing tears into my eyes.

It is always the same. The same words. The same gestures. The same happiness.

And the same pain, gripping my very being.

Only I am different. Only I am becoming more painful and broken with each passing dream.

A dream that does not last.

”No. No. Please don't leave me, Max. Just a bit longer. Just a bit longer. Please. Please!”

I call out desperately, but he is gone, fading into the wind like he has never there, leaving me all alone in the balcony of the Great Temple, watching over the world that the Ori has created.

As beautiful as the world in front of me is, it is not as beautiful as the world with Max in it.

It could never compare to the world of my deepest wish and longing desire.

I love him. I love Max. I realize that now.

And I regret for not telling him how I feel. How I truly feel when I have the chance to do so. I just hope that it is not too late. I just hope that I will have the chance to do so again with all my heart.

With everything that I am. Everything that I will be.

”Please come back. Please come back to me. I love you. I love you so much.”

I murmur as my tearful eyes open slowly, and the cold lonely darkness permeated the bedroom greets me. The darkness always greets me and will continue to greet me if I remain separated from what my heart desires.

I need to go to Max, as he is waiting for me. He will always be waiting for me.

And if I don't.

If I don't.

No. I cannot imagine what happen if I don't. He would forever be trapped in his body under the power of the Ori. He would be all alone in the dark, slowly fading away like in my dream.

It is a premonition.

I pull myself out of bed and hurry to the door. My hand grips the cold metal knob and turn it. It slowly gives way, and the door opens so ever slightly and very gently, allowing me to peek through. To peek through into the faintly light corridor to see whether my father is still there.

Father is still there, asleep in the hallway amidst the melody coming out of the living room.

A very thin blanket roughly covers his worn-out form.

He has been through much in these past weeks. Just as much as I do. Maybe more.

I know that father is trying to protect me in any way he could, but I must go to Max.

I must help Max before he disappears from my life forever.

I just know it. I really, really do.

And even if I have to give up my own life in doing so, I will not regret it. I will never regret it, not for a person I truly love.

At least then, it will be less painful than the crushing feeling within me.

This is what father must have felt with my mother. The pain of lost and regret. For all my mother has done, father still loves her very much. He is willing to forgive everything that she has done, in the past and in the future.

And he only gives her up for me.

”I am so sorry, dad. For not listening to you. For not being here with you. For making you lose mother. For making you worry so much. For… for everything.”

I utter tearfully and gently covers him more adequately with the blanket.

It is the only thing that I am able to do.

I want to hug him. I want to say more. I want to do more. But any of those will wake him up. And if he is awake, he will stop me again. He will never let me leave.

Father will never let me see Max out of fear.

Beads of tears fall from my face, dotting his weary and tired face. He must have stayed up for so long to have fallen asleep like this due to exhaustion.

His eyes twitches under those dark eyelids, forcing me to back away and hastily head down the hallway towards the elevator.

I must hurry before father wakes up again.

If he does, he will stop me again.

I pass by the opened living room, where my brother and sister are sleeping as peacefully as they could with beautiful melody emanating from the flat television screen.

Max is there, beyond the glass panel, staring down at everything from his unreachable throne.

Flame burns within his eyes as fire continues to swirl around him, preventing anyone or anything from ever getting close.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.