149 Are You Worthy? (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 55550K 2022-07-20

A theme song is playing in the back of my mind, bringing a small smile to my face.

The theme belongs to the Avengers, a movie which Christopher Hemsworth is a major part of. He plays one of the characters, the almighty God of Thunder, Thor.

I mean he will play in the future, if not in this reality then in the next.

And considering that the Olympian Gods are as real as Zeus, I can safely assume that Thor from Norse Mythology is also real.

It will be pretty interesting coming face to face with the real God of Thunder one day.

But I suppose for now, Chris will do.

I do have half-a-mind to turn Chris into a Godlike being just for laughs and kicks, but it would not serve any real purpose other than making me and probably only me chuckle.

In fact, Chris as well as the rest of the world didn't get the obvious reference. They all know about the hammer as it is from Norse Mythology. People might recognize the hammer from Marvel Comics since the company is getting its mojo back.

Still, no one in this reality gets the correlation between Chris Hemsworth and Thor's hammer.

This is because the year is currently 2001, not 2011, a decade later, when the movie Thor is released, starring Chris Hemsworth as the titular character.

If you haven't noticed already, I am a huge fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

Movies about superheroes and their origins have always been a mess, at least not until a spider comes along.

I am talking about Spiderman, which should be released sometimes next year in 2002. The filming for the movie hasn't even begun yet, and I don't think it will anymore, considering the state of the world.

Once Spiderman hits the big screen, a bunch of shitty superhero movies flood the market, since some fat idiots in an office somewhere honestly believe that the people would basically watch anything with a superhero in it.

That is beyond stupid.

People can be really dumb most of the time, but they aren't complete morons.

Therefore, I have to pay my respect to Marvel Studios for crafting such an interesting fictional universe filled with equally interesting ensemble of cast. Most of the actors and actresses plays those fictional heroes and heroines do fit their role and the characters they are trying to portray well enough.

I can't complain, but it did start to go downhill with the feminism bullshits.

Still, it is a good franchise, nonetheless.

It will be a better one under my control this time around.

I am also a fan of the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), despite all of its misgivings. I suppose I will correct those problems in the prime-reality, when I am ready to produce superhero movies.

And perhaps one day, I will get to see the mighty Avengers versus the Justice League crossover on the big screen.

How awesome will that be?

Very awesome, indeed.


Sorry. That was the fanboy in me talking. I try not to let it out too often as I want to think more clearly and logically instead of freaking out pointlessly for the sake of pleasure and more pleasure.

It is not entirely pointless, as I have always said before, you have to enjoy the little thing in life.

If there no enjoyment in what you do, then why do it in the first place?

To be honest, I am a hardcore fan of many things. It couldn't be helped since I was born and raised in the 21st century, where the Internet is quite influential and filled to the brim with tons of memes and pop cultures.

And as I have mentioned before, I am also a huge Star Wars fan.

I really do love George Lucas for sharing his wonderful vision of a galaxy far, far away with me while I was growing up. While his vision isn't absolutely perfect, it is still better than what Disney has shoved down my throat.

Try to shove down my throat, anyway.

Fuck Disney for fucking up Star Wars, pissing me off.

Their money-grabbing remakes also ruin a lot of my childhood memory. I am not sure why people are still paying to see those worthless craps.

I will not rant any more about that, but crushing Disney is on my list of things to do. It will be somewhat easy as I do have some shares within the company, giving me a voice.

Actually, most of their shares. Like 60%, spread out amongst many portfolios.

How the fuckā€¦?

Oh right.

Disney was prioritized for hostile takeover due to its successes by the year 2019.


The only question remains now: do I really want to waste time, pointlessly crushing a giant corporation that I secretly owned.

The answer is yes. I am irrational that way.

Anyone fucking around with the things I love will find themselves not living for very long or at all. I am sure the world doesn't mind in the end if I kill a few people here and there out of spite.

A lot of people. The future is a better place without them, according to me anyway.

And who am I to judge which people should live or die?

I think everyone knows the answer to that.

Besides, protecting all the things that I have loved is one of the main reasons to why I am leading Terra Entertainment in dominating Hollywood from the year 1990 onwards.

Sure. I could have someone else do it, just like I already have done so with all the other entertainment giants around the globe and then reap the benefits afterwards.

Lok Entertainment in Thailand is an example.

But where is the fun in that?

Aside from making movies and television series with actors and actresses I really want, I am also trying to learn how to run a multibillion-dollar empire without straight up killing all my competitions.

Although that option is always available, there is a charm of crushing my opponents at their own game.

Beat a chess player at chess sort of thing.

I admit that I am cheating a bit since I do have plenty of helps and supports from Chrono Holdings and all of its subsidiaries, such as Chrono Reserves.

Having unlimited funding at my disposal just makes everything run smoother. Otherwise, it would take me by myself at least a decade to build up the foundations, connections and financial means.

Years that I don't feel like wasting.

It would also be super boring too. Super, super boring.

I can understand why Zeus advised me to find friends and allies.

I already know I have to do that, but it takes a lot of time and effort to find capable people I can truly trust with all my secrets.

Virtual intelligences don't count. They are merely tools.

And Hydra is Hydra.

The members will help me whenever they could, but they can never truly accompany me in traversing the multiverse in search for my memories and regain my powers.

Besides, their responsibilities are only to the humanity of the prime-reality. I have made sure they fully understand that.