148 God of Thunder (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 60450K 2022-07-20

If Zephyr could, she would be the first person to do so.

My family jewels have been through quite a bit of adventure throughout the years, relatively speaking of course. My balls have been burned, shocked, frozen, vaporized and suffered so much more than all of that combined.

But I don't remember them being castrated, not by anyone or anything, on purpose or otherwise.

And I do have a perfect memory. It is far more perfect than what Allison has. In fact, her ability is killing her slowly, unlike mine.

I will rectify that problem of hers as soon as possible. It is the least I can do for a beautiful daughter of mine. If it wasn't for me, she would live a long and healthier life, so I should take responsibilities.

Aside from that, I do take good care of my own people, just to show them that I do care somewhat for their health and wellbeing. They reciprocate me with their undying loyalty and diligent dedication and much more if you know what I mean.

Having said that, Zephyr is currently not one of my own people. She isn't really my underlings. She and I actually have a mutual agreement. It is more of a pact to be honest.

And even if Zephyr manages to castrate me for breaking my promise, it would be pointless, considering that I can undo any form of physical injuries in an instant.

I might still feel it, however. That wouldn't be pleasant at all, not that I would allow Zephyr to do such a thing to me in the first place. No one would let someone else castrate them without putting up an actual fight, no matter how insane they might be.

Maybe Zephyr means to castrate me spiritually?

Now that is a plausible threat against me.

But does soul have balls? They might be literally ball themselves.

Not hairy testicles. I mean perfect sphere of glowing goodness.

What the hell am I thinking?

Anyway, although my spirit and soul do heal naturally as demonstrated by my experiment with being roasted by Dragon God, they do so at a very slow rate. Far too slow to be useful in battle to be honest.

And there is nothing I can do to speed up that healing process. At least not right now.

Enough damage to my soul in a relatively short span of time will probably kill me, and I don't think my power can save me from that outcome at the moment.

But if I do die for whatever reason, I would just be reborn again, probably into the prime-reality where all my infrastructures are already in place. If that is the case, it wouldn't set me back much.

Just 18 years of my fucking life as I wait impatiently for my power to manifest again. As for Hydra itself, I can assume command even if I take an appearance of another person. I did put in a contingency plan in case that happens.

I have a lot of contingency plans. You should already know that.

But I don't think it will happen like that if I am killed again, considering that my mother does exists in multiple realities. I am likely to be born to one of my mothers.

Alright. This is getting weird, and it cannot be proven until I actually die again. I am not doing that just for the sake of confirmation.

It would set me back quite a bit.

Also, it is somewhat strange that I don't need a soul to be reborn. It is reasonable to assume that since my soul is human within a human body.

Zeus notices this, thus calls me out on my bullshit of impersonating a God, even if it is a fictional God. It isn't fictional anymore since Zeus did mention that Stargate is as real as this reality. Interesting.

And maybe it is a good thing that I don't have an aspectual soul. Having one would reveal who I really am to those who can see souls like Zeus.

Zephyr cannot, so I guess it is an ability of a God.

If I could see soul, and there is no reason that assume that I could not one day, I am sure that Stephanie of this reality has the same soul as the young-Stephanie of the prime-reality.

I am unsure how souls work exactly, but having one allows a person to be capable of so much more if I believe what Zeus is saying. Again. There is no reason to assume he would lie, considering there isn't really much benefits to it.

And it will break the trust between us. He is a smart guy to know it is far better to withheld information than to lie to my face.

It is also understandable for Zeus wanting to cease to exist when he realizes that he is a clone. As one, he would never achieve his goal without having a soul himself. What that goal exactly is, he didn't tell me in so many words, but I can safely assume it requires a soul.

Nevertheless, Zeus still accepted my offer and continued to exist as a phantom, meaning that he must have a sure way of regaining a soul later, but it might be very difficult to achieve.

Very difficult does not mean impossible.

Could it have something to do with those monster cores?

Monster cores seem to be more valuable than I have given them credit for.

And through my power, I can create them from nothing effortlessly. This actually gives me something to bargain. I didn't bother with Zeus since is a gesture of friendship. Besides, Zeus will return the favor, teaching me how to create monsters.

Now that is something I want to learn. An army of mythical monsters will fortify my personification of a God. Am I still going on about that?

In any case, I love to have a wide variety of army. It just gives me more options to overwhelm literally any oppositions.

And since fictional universe is real, I suppose I should find ways to have an army of Zergs. I have many ideas of how to enhance the Zergs and truly make them the Scourge of the Universe.

Legion is already a Scourge of the Universe but having more than one is a good idea.

So many ideas hovering in my mind, and I am sure Zeus is the same.

He will definitely find a way to gain a soul and become his own person.

If there is any truth to his myths and legends, I am certain of it, especially from what I have learned so far of his personality through observation.

Furthermore, he has Indominable Will like Zephyr. That means their tenacity is off the chart, and more so in the face of danger.

I actually like people like that, and I am hoping to recruit more as soon as possible, especially the ones who have managed to leave this reality when Zeus told them to.

As a matter of fact, I could recruit the right now. A little time reversal should do the trick, but Zeus has warned me about doing so. They are not understanding as him. They do not take kindly to being cloned just to be recruited.

Furthermore, if I fail to recruit them, I actually create more problems for me in the near future. Having a bunch of rogue temporal clones with godlike powers and a grudge is a huge problem, for me and for everyone else.

It is better not to try at the moment. It is also better for me to recruit the originals, not the clones.

But Zeus doesn't reveal to me any important details about his former teammates because of his loyalty to the boss-lady. I am sure there is more than mistress-servant relationship going on between the two of them, regardless of whatever he says.

Mutual beneficial relationship doesn't earn such deep loyalty and respect, but I guess if I would do the same if I am in his shoe.

It doesn't make me think of him any less for not selling out his former teammates. In fact, I respect his integrity even more. Zephyr too since her lips are also sealed about that, demonstrating that she does know what is important and what is not.

Strange that her real name is not important enough to keep safely. Elian has told me that knowing the real name of something or someone grants you certain power over them.

Zephyr also confirms this, but reveal her real names, nonetheless. Maybe it isn't really her real name, just like mine: Maximilien Maxwell.

Isn't it lucky that I decide to craft a new name for my new life instead of using the old one?

Since Zeus doesn't tell me much, I also return the favor. Zeus doesn't need to know that I am the one that the boss-lady wants to kill.