142 God of Lightning (1/2)
God? At least his name checks out.
But I am somewhat disappointed. No. I am really disappointed.
I am under the assumption that Gods would be glamorous.
You know, unearthly, heavenly and godly beautiful or handsome. Those sorts of things.
It is actually one of the many reasons to why I am really looking forwards to seeing the Goddess of the Moon in person. Considering how incredibly sexy the dark elves are in general, it is safe to assume that their Goddess is beyond heavenly beautiful.
She must be. She is a Goddess.
Please don't take that away from me. Please. Please.
Who the hell am I praying to?
I admit that Zeus is a handsome young man. Most women would fall head over heels for him. Did I say women? I mean sluts. Proper and mature women do not pay attention to those things.
And I shouldn't either.
Did I just compare myself to proper and mature woman?
I guess the shock and surprise of seeing Zeus in person did get to me, assuming that he is actually who he say he is.
People lie to each other every day. Gods are no exception.
Therefore, I take everything I heard with a grain of salt, including the stuff that Terra has told me when I met her. She is obviously lying about a few things to make herself more important.
I would to in her position due to my pride, but it is annoying on the receiving end of it, especially when I am completely in the dark about what is truly out there in the multiverse.
For example, these guys.
Aside from the fact that they do not belong to this reality, their powers aren't magical or technological in nature. And I seriously doubt that their power is spiritual either, considering that one of them is a fucking ghost.
How do I kill a ghost?
They are already dead, so is it possible to make them deader? Is that even a word?
And if I can't kill them, there must be a way to trap and imprison them. Calling the Ghostbusters is not a solution. Did I tell Mystic to get started on those proton packs?
Yes, I did. I also recall that Alex and Hans thought I was crazy.
They believe in magical undead zombies, but they didn't believe in ghost? Well. That was before I have brought the haunted house. The house will open their eyes to the supernatural.
Supernatural stuff exists now. Just more thing I have to defend myself against.
In any case, Zeus did mention that the ghost – Ghostly – is not with them. What is with that name? It feels like a joke, but then again, it didn't really matter to me.
What matters is that my time power couldn't create temporal copy of ghost. Zeus seems to be aware of this. He seems to know a lot of thing that I do not.
”Disappointed? I get that a lot.”
Zeus speaks up when I remain silence. He seems to read my mind, so he must really get that a lot. And as he is a smart guy, I do not need to beat around the bushes. It would be insulting to his intelligent.
”Yes. I assume that you are Zeus, one of the Olympian Gods in Greek Mythology? I guess it is not really a mythology anymore. Should I also assume your friend Hades is your older brother?”
I response.
Zeus cracks up and shakes his head.
”Hades isn't my brother. My brother is dead. All of them. And so are the rest of the Olympians, at least in the reality that I was born in. In this reality, I am a myth. Most reality, really. It seems that the chance of someone capable of peering into another reality is more frequent than the Gods coming into being. In fact, it is better if Gods do not exist –
Zeus cuts himself off. It seems that he has said too much.
Still, that is an insane amount of new information.
What did Zeus mean by someone capable of peering into another reality?
”I am not aware that there are people who can see into another reality. Are you saying that all mythical stories and legends are because of those people, writing down what happened in another reality?”
I question. It actually makes a lot of sense if I think about it more.
”Not just mythical stuff, Max. The Ori you are impersonating certainly exist in another reality, and they are as dead as the television show depicts them to be.”
Zeus responses. He confirms what I have already suspected long ago. Fictional realities do exist. Does that mean there is also a galaxy far, far away? Not so far that I couldn't go there.
”Yes, Max.”
Zeus smiles, seemingly knowing exactly what is on my mind. It isn't really that hard to guess, especially when I am impersonating the Ori.
”We will give you the spatial coordinates of those realities if you join us. Your Power of Time will be a great addition to our team. Don't worry about the harvesting thing. It is actually a real pain in the ass of finding another suitable wielder if we kill you.”
Zeus offers or maybe threatens. He did it very subtly.
”Boss-lady? For a God to serve another. Aren't you putting yourself down, Zeus?”
I question while trying to figure out what makes him tick. If I know what button to push him, I am sure to get more information out of him.
Zeus chuckles and shrugs.
”I don't mind serving another as long as I get what I want, Max. She can offer me it, so I will serve her and help her kill an Aspect. Aspects are the guys who sit at the top. I have never met one myself, but I heard powerful cannot even describe them. Gods aren't at the top of the food chain. It is really funny how I once believe I am all powerful all knowing. I am actually nothing in front of an Aspect, and I wish to be something.”
Zeus tells me more than he should. But he didn't seem to mind.
”Sounds heavy. Is the boss-lady an Aspect? By the way, what is her name? Calling her the boss-lady all the time is troublesome.”
I ask calmly.
I am just having a casual conversation with a God. It feels as normal as it gets.
Honestly, I wouldn't even think of Zeus as a God right now. And he seems to have very low opinion of Gods themselves. He also expresses no pain or sorrow when he mentions that the Olympians are dead, meaning that he cares nothing for them.
I wonder what had happened to the Olympians.
Zeus hums a little, thinking to himself.
”Unfortunately, I cannot tell you that, Max. Even I do not know her real name. As to whether she is an Aspect or not, I think you already know that.”
Zeus smiles. Did he just realize that I am an Aspect?
No. He did not. If he did, he wouldn't be smiling like that. He assumes that I can come to the conclusion myself with everything he has told me. Of course, I already know that she isn't an Aspect.
The reason is very simple. Aspects are immune to each other's power.