141 Those Who Wield Powers (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 56590K 2022-07-20

Did I expect the aging Elizabeth to pull out the sword in the stone and prove herself as worthy of being the rightful Queen of England?


Elizabeth only needs to try, and I will allow her to do so just out of respect.

I have to respect her for trying, considering her age, no matter how much of an asshole I am currently.

Honestly, it is quite hilarious to see the Queen climbing all the way up the summit and then proceeding to try and pull out the mythical blade embedded at the top. She did so with all of her strengths amidst the cheering and encouragement of the English people.

Much of the western world joins in as well.

In contrast, I remain expressionless and watch her without saying a single word. This is actually one of those memorable moments, and I certainly will record it down for later reviewing.

”Please let her pull it out. Please let her pull it out. Oh God. Please let her.”

”Damn. This is hard to watch, but I can't stop watching. Go! Your Highness! You can do it!”

”Bloody hell. Is that Excalibur?”

”Pull it out! Pull it out! Pull it out!”

”No. No. The sword in the stone is not the sword of legend. Excalibur was given to King Arthur by the Lady of the Lake after he broke that sword in battle. I didn't expect the myth to be real.”

”It is real! Blimey! It is real! It is the sword from legend! Excalibur!”

”Like I have said.”

”Shut up old man. No body wants to hear your bullshit.”

”Do it! Please do it. Please pull out the sword.”

”Please pull out Excalibur!”

It obviously isn't the actual sword in the stone from Arthurian legends, which is more myths than facts from my own understanding. Every historian who dabbles in the legends has their own interpretation, which makes it convoluted and contradictory.

Despite that, in every incarnation, the sword in the stone is the ultimate symbol of leadership.

Actually, a sword has always been as such. Not the sword in the stone, but a sword itself.

Throughout the history of the world, a sword has always been the symbol of leadership, power, justice, dignity and honor. It is said to be the emblem of military honor and it should incite the bearer to a just pursuit of honor and virtue.

That is why my weapon of choice is a spear. It is for me to take down all those chivalrous knights from out of range. A sniper rifle would be a better choice of weapon, to be honest.

There is no need to fight with honor and justice in a real battle.

And what is really honor and justice when you are being slaughtered like a dog?

Hasn't it already been proven in the Great War where great and honorable men are mowed down by machine gun emplacements with absolute impunity?

There is no substitute for a good strategy in a real life and death battle.

Even underhanded tactics should be utilized fully if it means that you get to live longer than the enemy.

Play dirty whenever possible.

In my book, the battle is already won or lost even before the first shot is fired. That is how important planning and preparation is. And you shouldn't worry about the morality of things and do what must be done.

Besides, only the victor matters in the end.

History is written by the winner after all.

And whatever everyone thinks of the truth is the truth instead of the actual truth.

That is why the good men and women of Hydra will do whatever they must in order to reach the goal, including killing billions of people and destroying numerous countries. Not numerous of countries, but all countries.

There is no need for countries in the future.

Only the Imperium of Hydra!

What the people of Hydra have done so far and will do in the future couldn't really compare to me for I am literally destroying worlds. Creation always comes after destruction.

That cycle has been repeated for numerous numbers of time in the bible.

Not just the Bible, but apparently in every religion that exist on Earth.

By the way, Christians and Muslims worship the same God regardless of how they actually come to be in the mind of the people. That is saying something.

And I am certain that every monotheistic religion on Earth worship the same God.

The Human Collectiveness confirms this, which makes me wonder if someone has done so on purpose, and to accomplish it across multiple realities, that takes some ingenuity.

But what is the real reason for it? For kicks and laughs? One reality is enough for that. Multiple realities being affected implies that it is for an actual purpose.

What that purpose is, I am not sure yet.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

So many questions that I do not have an answer to yet. But at least it is not directly opposing my desire of humanity supremacy throughout the universe unlike what is happening in this reality.

Killing all life in this universe can't serve any real purpose, right?

And those elusive individuals don't seem to mind me bringing salvation to humanity. A couple of them have even given a chuckle at witnessing the aging Queen of England struggles to pull the sword from the stone.

”So, Hades. Is that what I think it is? Excalibur?”

That question caught my attention. It is spoken by a young man in his early twenties. He is sitting alone in front of a television within a home that did not belong to him.

There is no one else in the house, so who is he talking to?

”Huh? No. Excalibur was given to Astoria by that Lady of the Lake after she had gotten her ass kicked in the battle. The sword in the stone should be called Caliburnus or Caliburn.”

The one designated as Hades speaks up from half way across the world. It appears that these guys and girls are communicating with each other without the using phones or any sort of technological devices, at least from what Legion is telling me.

No electromagnetic waves are detected.

Legion also didn't detect any traces of magical energy, meaning they aren't using magic to talk to each other either.

Does that mean they are using spiritual mean?

Sadly, Legion cannot detect spiritual energy at the moment.

And I don't think he will without having a soul himself.

This leaves only me.

How should I get close to them to sense if they are using spiritual energy or not?

”I am not asking whether it is Caliburn or Excalibur, Hades. I am asking you whether it is the real thing.”

The young man responses. He appears to be slightly annoyed. I would be to if my question is not being answered properly.

”I don't think so, Zeus. But let me check in my inventory.”

Inventory? Like in an actual game?

Before I could answer my own question, an incredibly amount of magical power is detected.

That much magical energy instantly overloads the sensor on the cloaked drone, causing the machine to short circuit.

And even if it did not decloak, Hades notice it.

With the magical sword from Arthurian legends in his hand, he swipes it along the air and sends out a massive energy blast. The energy blade destroys the drone along with half of the city, leaving behind a deep chasm, surprising even me.

Is that the power of Excalibur? It is real!? I want one. Fuck. I really want one. Just to break it apart and see how it works. It is obviously a magical enchanted weapon. A very powerful one.