140 Rightful Queen of England (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 57520K 2022-07-20

Fortunately, Selene didn't choose the Queen of England to be the next person. But since the Queen is still on the list, she will eventually get her turn to be burned with light or burn with fire.

That is the only two options available for everyone. Technically one since the flames and lightings are just for show.

Everyone is actually going to the same place regardless of whoever they are – except for those that somehow managed to elude Legion.

Yes, there are people who managed to elude Legion.

It is very interesting to know.

I had assumed that legion had gotten every living person in the world, including newborns and infants, but I guess I was wrong in that assumption.

As a new person appears in the arena area below, I wonder how those people manage to avoid Legion in the preparation stage?

I am unsure, but I could theorize through the process of eliminations. It is more or less what I am doing right now, to be honest.

Eliminating all the supporting actors until only the main casts remain.

My burning eyes narrow at the new balding man. And within a second, I know his entire history. He is obviously worthy just like Bill Clinton, but I will let the world be the judge of that. By which I mean the Australian people.

”John Winston Howard. You do believe that you are worthy of salvation? Worthy of stepping onto the path towards enlightenment and become one with Origin?”

It is actually tiring repeating the same phrase over and over again. Boring too.

I have to spice thing up every now and then to keep thing interesting. Interesting for me.

It is already terrifyingly interesting to the remaining people of the world.

Like Bill Clinton, the Prime Minister of Australia trembles in fear. I didn't get the Queen, but I suppose he will do. It is close enough since Australia still acknowledges the Queen as their monarch.

And just like what had happened before, regardless of whatever John answer is, the Australian people will get to see for themselves.

I will obviously vote for or against him based on whichever side has more people for me to burn. In all honestly, it didn't really matter since whether they vote for or against him, they will all go to the same place.

But still, it is to drive the fear of me into them. And it is working very well. They are terrified. But they also have hope.

Hope for a chance for salvation. False hope, but still hope, nonetheless.

As the people watches the slideshow and judges the 25th Prime Minister of Australia, I turn my mind to those that eluded Legion.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

How they manage to do so eluded even me.

It is obviously not through the usage of any form of advance technology since I would have known the instant they did. It is very hard to disguise advance technology from me unless their technological level is far beyond my comprehension.

That is a possibility.

It also feels implausible for anyone residing in this reality to wield technology more advance than what is available to Legion.

Thanks to the near limitless computing power, my technology is actually more advanced than the 31st century in many areas, so beating Legion in technological prowess is just not possible.

And even if it is possible, I would have known.

Legion didn't even notice that he has missed a handful of people until he finished analyzing everyone's memory and constructed a Human Collectiveness. HC for short.

Also stands for hardcore.

It is pretty hardcore, considering I now have the combined knowledge of 6.2 billion people.

That beats Wikipedia any day.

And as such, several people are found within the Collectiveness only visually. They are not part of the Collectiveness, and they are not being infested with micromachines like everyone is. This means that Legion has never devoured and molested them for their delicious genetics.

That shouldn't be possible since the spherical drones are equipped with many advance sensors, giving them the ability to hunt down anyone and everyone regardless of where they are. Even those hiding deep beneath the sea within their nuclear submarines are captured and molested.

For those elusive people preventing themselves from being captured by Legion, they must have power or ability capable of surpassing or maybe bypassing my technology.

It is likely to be magic from my knowledge. Most certainly due to the ongoing devastating effect of the Curse of Decay in this reality.

They might even be responsible for the magical curse itself.

I do hope that they are since I really want to have a good chat with the culprit. I do not see any reason for them wanting to render an entire universe void of life.

Perhaps there is no reason at all other than wanting to kill all life in the universe.

But if that really is the case, then why haven't they shown themselves to me and everyone when I had publicly discredited them and offer humanity salvation? Do humanity even matter since it is only one sentient race amongst countless other throughout the universe?

They might not even care since they never did show up to see their beautiful work in the future.

Or maybe they did, and I didn't look hard enough.

It could also be because they are being overly cautious since they haven't detected any magical energy radiating from me whenever I use my godlike power.

Everything I have demonstrated so far is purely technological. And my time power is not really magic, as whenever I use it, no magical energy or residue could be detected.

But then again, for them to sense my magical energy and aura, they have to be pretty darn close. They are not anywhere near the coliseum right now.

How strange.

They are actually scattered all over the world since Legion is keeping an eye on them for me now that I know who they are. So far, they didn't seem to be bothered of being spied upon by me.

But it is likely that they didn't know they are being spied upon.

Avoiding being captured is easy since you now who or what you are fighting against. Being spied upon is different. You have to actually find the spy first.

Nevertheless, there are just so many possibilities and explanations to why these people aren't heading to here to confront me. They might even be enjoying the show. Or their original self might have already left this reality behind.

Did I say original self?


That is to differentiate these people from the original.

I know for a fact that I am not powerful enough to reverse time across all realities simultaneously, so if the culprits have already left this reality, reversing time would not bring them back to this reality.

It doesn't really work that way.

Logically, it should, but if it does, it would mean that they didn't go to that reality in the first place.

Therefore, to prevent a paradox from happening, a temporal clone would be created when I reversed time of this world.

The temporal clones would reenact exactly what the original versions had already done, leading to the exact moment they would leave this reality.

But since my action has changed the future of this reality, the temporal clones could no longer reenact what their original selves had already done, thus their current course of actions is entirely of their own freewill.

It is very bizarre.

And did I just create temporal clones of those who are responsible?