139 Mass Execution (2/2)
I made that up. It sounds plausible enough, considering the humans of this reality are unable to find a scientific explanation to the Curse of Decay. Of course, they couldn't since the Flood is an interspatial dimensional species.
As an interspatial dimensional species, the Flood do not exist physically. Therefore, they cannot really be harmed or killed, but their effect can be felt throughout the universe, as demonstrated by the plant dying all across the world.
The people of this reality do not need to know about magic. Magic sounds too out there to be believed when compared to a godlike alien species such as the Ori and the Flood.
At least it is grounded in science.
Anything grounded in science is good.
”We have spoken enough. Show us that you are worthy, and we will deliver you from darkness. As for you, William Jefferson Clinton, you are found to be worthy. Those who follows you will also be given a place by your side.”
I speak up. The flames in my eyes flicker once more before becoming brighter.
Bill Clinton blinks before his body glow bright white. The blinding light gains everyone's attention. And more lights are coming from the spectator area as well as across the world.
”What is happening!?”
”Why are you glowing!? Oh God!”
”Is it the rapture!?”
”Are you going to heaven!? Wait! Take me with you! Take me with you!”
”Mummy!? What is happening to me!?
”Woah! Woah! No. No! Don't leave me, honey! Don't!”
And once the light finally dies down, Bill Clinton is nowhere to be seen along with many others.
In fact, over 1.8 billion people have just vanished, including all children in the world.
I have used the opportunity to send all the children into the spatial dimension as well.
”They have been given salvation and allowed to step onto the path towards enlightenment.”
I announce while looking at the empty area within the coliseum. It is time for the next person to enter the spotlight. And I wonder who I should choose amongst the spectators.
Obviously, I do not need to choose anyone from there. I can choose anyone from the world as well as within my spatial dimension. Just because they are being held up in a stasis cell, it did not mean they are exempted from my scrutiny.
But I rather not. It would be taking a step backwards.
I decide it is better to go through all the state leaders first. It is just to cut down the number of people in the world. But that still leaves me with the question of who I should choose. There are just too many countries in the world.
Each country has more than one leader. I decide to let Selene picks one randomly. Anyone will be fine, I suppose.
Flames swirl within the arena, teleporting in a man in his 60s of Asian descent. His appearance causes many people in the spectator area to glare. They all know who he is.
I am somewhat surprised, but I did not express my surprise upon my face. Doing so would be so unlike the Ori, who is shown to be all-powerful, capable of bringing back the dead on a whim.
”Kim Jong II. Do you believe that you are worthy of salvation? That you should be allowed to step onto the path towards Origin?”
I begin, speaking in Korean fluently. It is to demonstrate that I know all languages, which I sort of do now that I have Legion. He can analyze any language in an instant as well as producing new one with little difficulty.
Like Bill Clinton before him, Kim Jong II is frightened. He has never been out of his comfort zone before, and he certainly has never stand before a God.
Kim Jong II utters.
I narrow my eyes as the holographic banner flickers. Just like Bill Clinton before, I will allow the people of North Korean votes for his fate. To my surprise, the number is 95% for and 5% against.
Almost every North Koreans votes for their leader as worthy.
That is some massive brainwashing. Maybe I should try that out one day, just to see how it feels to be basically a God. Oh wait. I am a God. Is there a point to doing that?
As for the other 5%, who votes against, they are likely enemy of the state or in prison for speaking out against the state.
I close my eyes to see if my assumptions are true. Most of them are. And once I open my eyes, I begin to speak up loud and clearly.
”We have reached a census. We are in an agreement that you are not worthy, Kim Jong II.”
That kills the smug off his face and forces everyone to gasp in surprise.
They have assumed that I would go by the popular vote. They assume incorrectly. Those votes are just for me to see the popular opinion. It did not dictate my actions. I highly dislike Kim Jong II despite not even meeting the man before.
Honestly, I would like to torture him for a little bit. Alright, for more than just a little bit. It is to show the people of North Korea that he is just a man. I will do that in the prime-reality.
As for this reality. His anguish screams and wailings are enough. I made sure the pain last longer than usual.
”No. Supreme Leader!”
”Supreme Leader! Ah!”
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”Father! No! Save me!”
”Great Leader!”
The North Koreans call out as they are burned with their leaders. In an instant, North Korean becomes a ghost country. That is what happened when 95% of their population get wiped out.
I couldn't help but express a small smile upon my lips. People notice this, but it didn't matter anymore, to be honest. I could do pretty much whatever I damn pleased now.
So, who is next on the list? Could it be the Queen of England?