132 Growing Frustration (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 55730K 2022-07-20

Stephanie finds herself in bed.

She jerks upwards and becomes frantically startled, not being able to remember how did she get here in the first place. She didn't even remember exactly when she had dozed off last night.

Of course Stephanie wouldn't be able to remember since I am the one who basically told her to go to sleep through a little application of magic.

Magic is useful for that sort of thing.

If I did not, Stephanie and I would be having a conversation until my grandfather manages to catch us together in the morning. I might as well call him my father-in-law then.

That will be one mess-up family tree.

Honestly, when women are in the mood to talk and share things, they wouldn't shut the hell up.

The change in scenery also adds to her overall panic, considering that she was sitting in the study room instead of sleeping in the master bedroom.

And the first thing Stephanie does after calming herself is to check whether she has been molested. I suppose what had happened to her in the future-past will haunt her for a while.

I could make the memory go away, but I won't. It is the same reason why Sandra Bullock is struggling against the nightmares every night.

In any case, it takes a good minute for her to make sure she is unmolested.

”I did not touch you when I had left you in bed, Stephanie. I am not that kind of person, and I am really disappointed in you for even thinking of me as one.”

I finally speak up from the floor next to the bed.

In doing so, I nearly cause her to scream in fright.

It didn't help when the bedroom is pitch black.

There are no window or anything of sort in the room. It is built deep underground to survive a nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union after all.

Honestly, if I wanted to molest my mother in her sleep, she wouldn't find any evidences on her person or the bed. She probably wouldn't remember any of it either.

But did I though?

That is for you to find out.


”Ah no, Max. I… I don't think you would… I'm sorry...”

Stephanie hastily replies while I pull myself upwards from the floor and get into a sitting position.

I also let out a small yawn and stretch my arms for effect. It is to demonstrate that unlike her, I did not sleep very well.

In fact, I should be dead tired.

But in truth, I am not tired. Not at all. I haven't been tired for a very long time now. And thanks to the stamina solution I have devised, I will never be tired ever again.

Magic is too overpowered! Please nerf!

Instead of sleeping peacefully like Stephanie was in the very comfortable king-size bed, I was actually in the spatial dimension, practicing my acting and techniques for the first stage of the grand plan.

It will be a glorious demonstration of absolute power.

But what kind of alien species should I impersonate when the time comes?

I will need to be one instead of being a human.

Offering humanity salvation while appearing as a human would cause to much suspicions, especially when I have basically molested the entire world. I still have like 30% of the world's population in stasis.

I could make a new alien species to impersonate, but why bother when there are so many alien species to choose from fiction.

Whatever I can come up with myself, someone else probably already did. If they haven't done so, they will do so in the future. Therefore, I don't need to waste time and brain cell on this.

Shall I go with the Borg from Star Trek?

But the Borg is too stupid to exist logically. Plus they looks stupid in appearance too.

I like to look awesome while making people in awe.

Or making them crap their pants.

Whichever comes first, I suppose.

In any case, I will think of a super advance alien species to impersonate later. It should not be the one that the general public already know from the widespread of movies and games.

”Did you sleep well, Stephanie? You looks extremely exhausted last night, dozing off in the middle of our conversation. Do you remember what we were talking about?”

I ask flatly while trying to match her eyes.

Obviously, I can see in the dark just fine, but I can't say the same for her.

Stephanie nods slowly while following my voice in the darkness.

She recalls talking to me about all her hopes and dreams for the future after we finish exchanging our interests and wisdoms.

Just recalling what had happened in the study room restore the blushes to her cheeks. She didn't hide the blushing since she assumes that I wouldn't be able to see it the dark.

Let me record this cute moment for review later.

Oh wait. Everything I see is constantly being recorded by Selene.

This includes all the sexy times I had and will have. They are just my collection of porn, staring me.

In truth, Stephanie had never reveal her private thoughts and deepest dreams to anyone before. And she certainly wouldn't reveal them to someone like me, who she has only known for a single day.

Less than a day, really.

Grandfather accidently ran me over with his car around noon yesterday. And it is still early in morning right now.

But despite knowing me for less than a day, Stephanie feels that she could tell me basically anything.

Anything at all.

Stephanie has already let me into her heart.

This is usually what happen when I play my pickup cards correctly.

Not perfectly, just correctly.

If I had played my cards perfectly, I would be waking up in bed with my naked mother while immersing myself in the softness and tenderness of kinship.

Junior would love that.

Pipe down Junior!

I did listen attentively to whatever my mother wanted to say for hours on end even though all I wanted to do is blow my brain out. That suicidal thought happens after half an hour or so.

It isn't because it is so boring listening to my mother going on and on about every pointless things that had happened in her life.

Alright, it is because of that somewhat, but that is just me. I don't care much for people's life story, as I am not a hero.

Everyone has a sob story that they want to tell to other to gather sympathy. It is sad. True.

But it is not that much sadder than the countless stories I have already heard about.

Figure a way to move on instead of crying over spill milk!

The real reason listening to her was so boring is because I already know pretty much everything there is to know about my mother, including all the little things that have slip her mind.

I did download her entire memory after all.

Extracting everything that I needed from a person's downloaded memory is no longer a laborious task with all the computing power at my command via Legion.

And hearing everything I already know over and over again seems like a good waste of time.

Time that I could be spent doing something else more fun and productive.

But for the purpose of forming a strong relationship with my mother, I had to sit there and then listen to her while making sure that I am paying her undivided attention.