131 Family Dinner (1/2)
But there is no need to.
Her heart is already flustering from all my words and actions thus far. It is detectible from her elevated body temperature, not to mention the pheromones found within her breath and sweat.
I might give her a heart attack if I did anymore.
The pheromone detector was developed after studying Lexi and her ability. It is one of the many tools at my disposal, allowing me to conquer heart and bed beauties with little to no effort.
Even my mother is not an exception.
But with someone watching us like a balding hawk, I guess I will play this slow and hard to get. It seems like our position should be switched around, but whatever, I suppose.
It could be more interesting this way.
At least I am not acting like a beta Japanese protagonist.
I am not oblivious to the fact of a young and beautiful woman wanting to spend more time with me. I also want to spend more time with my mother too, but not in any kind of sexual way.
Honestly, why do I keep telling myself that?
If mum is game, then I should be as well.
Why let a little morality get in the way of our fun?
Morality didn't stop me from doing whatever needed to be done before.
And for a young and attractive woman, being repeatedly rejected by someone they have taken a liking to is actually quite devastating to their self-esteem. As a direct result, they tend to blame themselves for not being attractive or alluring enough.
Mum is attractive enough. More than attractive, really.
It is hard to say no.
And is there a reason to say no?
”Alright, Stephanie. Can you prepare the vegetables for me? They are in the freezer behind that metal door over there.”
And I do mean the freezer instead of the fridge sitting at the corner of the room.
The connecting freezer takes up an entire room. And it is filled to the brim with foods and other frozen edibles. Someone will definitely question that, considering this is a middle of nowhere.
I might have overdone things when I designed this underground complex for the Connors. I tend to go overboard with basically everything I do, impression or otherwise.
Legion did not input any kind of suggestion when he built this complex to my specifications. He should have but he couldn't on the account of being a virtual intelligence.
This is the real difference in having people with actual working brain and opinion helping me instead of a virtual intelligence. They will tell me when I am wrong or being unnecessarily over the top.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
Oh well.
Stephanie was curious about the huge metal door when she first enters the kitchen, but after opening it and entering inside, she is shocked at what she found.
Luckily, her shock didn't last long thanks to the subzero temperature within the freezer.
Stephanie takes what she needs from the freezer and prepare the vegetables while I finish skinning all the animals. I will keep the skin and fur for something else later. Maybe to make some mittens.
And considering how many animals I have killed and skinned for dinner, it will be quite a feast.
I slice up the animals carefully and as according to whatever creature it is.
Rabbits are carved up a lot differently than squirrels to bring out the best flavors and juices.
I have learned this from experience and practice alone.
People do come in different shape and size.
No, I didn't eat the people I had chopped up and subsequently roasted.
That is cannibalism.
I did feed the nicely cooked meat to a bunch of people as punishment though. Most of them tearfully say the meat tastes very much like beef, a little sweeter in taste and a little softer in texture.
The goblins confirm this when I dissect their brains and extract their memories.
Once the animals are sliced and diced, it is seasoning or marinating.
Marinating does take several hours for the meat to become tender and juicy, but with my power, it is done within a second.
Stephanie didn't notice since she is busy chopping up the vegetables. She is quite good with the knife but considering that she spends a lot of time in the kitchen helping out her adopted mother, she has to be.
Still, Stephanie is not as good or as fast as me with the blade.
And she notices this when I diced up the animals like a professional butcher. It makes her a bit depress since she has assumed that she would be better than me in the kitchen.
”Are you a chef, Max?”
Stephanie asks when she is finally done with the vegetables. Her hands and fingers are hurting due to the frozen vegetables even though she has tried to thaw them with warm water. They are flash-frozen to keep in all the nutrients after all.
Yes, flash frozen vegetables are as healthy as fresh vegetables. It has already proven by science.
And yes, the underground complex has the luxury of hot water amongst many other things.
Like I have said above in the chapter. Over the top.
”No. Just a lot of practice and experience over many years. May I please see your hands, Stephanie?”
I request and take her hands into mine without her confirmation. A little thermal manipulation would get them tender in no time. Heating them up to fast would be damaging, however.
But I do not mind the slow healing process. It just lets me hold her hands a little longer.
And my mother did not mind either. In fact, her fingers curl around my palm.
”It's warm. Your hands are so warm, Max.”
Stephanie exclaims as she feels pleasant warmness spread all over her body from her hands.
I smile and nod calmly.
”Of course, Stephanie. I have something called Solar Hands. It just means that my hands that are a lot warmer than normal people. Great for making breads from what I am told.”
Stephanie didn't understand the cultural reference since it wouldn't exist until 2002 in Japan, but she accepts my explanation, nevertheless. She likes the warmth I fill her being.
Grandfather coughs from the doorway, forcing Stephanie to pull her hands back abruptly. The blushes on her face couldn't be hidden, however.
Thanks a lot grandpa. Why are you interfering my conquest of mummy?
”Can I talk to my daughter a minute, Max?”
John requests.
”Sure. She has been a great help so far, and I would love to have her back after you have your father-daughter talk.”
I jest and return to cooking without paying attention to my grandfather and my mother. I already know what my grandfather wants to talk to my mother about.