130 Subterranean Home (1/2)
Empathy is a very good way of forming a long-term relationship with another person. And sharing the same circumstances or hardships allow for a stronger and better connection to form.
It had worked for the younger Stephanie, so it will definitely work for the older Stephanie.
My mother of this alternate reality in the year 2000 is essentially the same person of the prime-reality of the year 1990. She is desperately looking for someone to understand her. That is the real reason to why my mother was hitched by dad in high school.
Too bad, dad has fucked that up by giving attention to another girl.
He has one fucking job! Be a good sperm-donator.
Maybe I should stop calling him dad and use that term instead.
And while I don't need to show my mother that I fully understand her character and motivation, I just need to acknowledge that I have a good idea of it.
In fact, it is better that way.
Showing that I am literally in her brain will result in a backfire.
I am not talking about my mother, but women in general. They actually become more defensive when I show them that I know way too much when it shouldn't be possible.
As that is the case, I did not speak very much while we are all heading towards the shelter in the middle of nowhere. But I do maintain undivided attention and concern for my mother as she talks. I allow her to speak her mind and listen to anything she has to say without interruption or giving advice.
Interrupting her just means that I am not actually listening or simply don't care.
And giving her advice proves that I am simplifying or neglecting her concerns.
Why am I teaching you how-to pick-up chick?
Surely, you should already know.
Well, it is an art to make someone falling in love with you. You don't actually need to shower gifts with gifts constantly. That kind of love is brought instead of given. You only need to show her that you care and actually care.
Little thing like letting the girl speak completely uninterrupted is sufficient.
Just listen closely and make sure that you are not faking it, you will reap the rewards. Of course, engage her when she is seeking for confirmation.
”Yes. I can understand, Stephanie. I am the same. But it has already happened. I cannot change what had happened to be, but I shouldn't let it stop me from living. This is a second chance. A second chance to live.”
I response with a faint smile. That is enough for now.
The small shelter is coming into view. It is not actually situated far away but the darkness does obscure it from view. The trees do as well. Sadly, they are dying and withering away in mass.
It hasn't really been a single day since the Curse of Decay becomes active, but its effect is already felt throughout the world. Animals would soon follow.
I stop walking for a moment and turn around to give grandfather and the other two some attentions.
Mostly grandfather, actually.
He is the one who remains suspicious of me. Joshua and Misha are too dumb to notice, and Stephanie is starting to become infatuated with me.
I am just good at what I do, conquering girls and stealing hearts. I have to be with all the advance tools and knowledge any disposal.
Besides, love makes you blind.
That is why I will never fall in love.
But that didn't mean I couldn't fake it.
I am such a Faker.
”To be honest, I have never brought anyone here to the bunker before, certainly not in such times. As much as I love to have your company, I am more than a bit wary of people I do not know. It is natural, isn't it? We have only met today.”
I pause to let that statement sink into John. I am basically trying to empathize with his train of thought and concern with the current situation.
I fully acknowledge that I am a stranger to my grandfather as much as he is one to me, so it is his right to be wary of me and second-guessing my intention, but he should not allow it to interfere with what is the logically right course of action.
Furthermore, making grandfather understand where I am coming from would also get him off my back and allow me to spend some quality time with my mother.
That did not mean sexual thing since I do not think of my mother that way even if she did not get with my sperm-donor and give birth to me in this reality.
And how strange would that be to have another version of me?
Is it really possible?
Han's parents have demonstrated that there can be multiple version of them in the same reality. They actually want to meet their prime-reality selves just out of curiosity, but Hydra is stopping them from doing so.
No one really know what will happen if they come into contact with another version of themselves. It includes me since I haven't bother to check on the account of it not being important.
I will check later just out of curiosity.
As for another version of me in another reality, it is likely impossible.
Aspects are unique, and from logical perspective based on meeting Terra alone, we are not unique to a reality but the whole multiverse.
That means there can only be one Aspect of Time in the multiverse.
I am that Aspect of Time.
However, just think for a minute how cool it would be to have two of me?
Unfortunately, in such a case, I will have to kill that version of me since he wouldn't understand what I am trying to accomplish out of some sense of misguided justice, morality or otherwise.
Most people wouldn't understand.
I have been through so much that I have changed greatly from the time I first awakened my power. It has been more than 500 years collectively now.
I am getting very old.
The past me would be a completely different person with different thoughts and dreams. And having another person with power over time is just a disaster waiting to happen.
No one should besides me. Not through technology or magic or otherwise.
Before my grandfather and my mother could response to my noted concern, I continue.
”But I shouldn't let my prejudice and what had happened to me from doing the right and helping out those that in needs, so please don't make regret my decision.”
Once I have said that, I turn around and continue towards the shelter.
I don't actually need to witness the expression on my grandfather's face since I already know what he is thinking and feeling. It is not hard to guess.
Stephanie smiles at me and continue to walk alongside with me. She has a much better opinion of me, not that she hasn't had a good one before.
I show her nothing but decency of a good and upstanding person, which I currently am. I am not really the terrifying leader of a secret organization with incredible reach and the will to do whatever required to ensure the survival of human race, at least not yet.
Not until the first stage of my grand plan for this reality.
Legion is working hard towards that all across the world. The Middle East is being a pain in the ass due to the ongoing war in that region, where kids are running around with guns.