123 Always Experimenting (2/2)

Master of Time Erosire 52790K 2022-07-20

That is unlikely since I am sure that the mages have no concept of such scientific thing.

Seeing microwave beam cooks and melts an organic dummy while it is being protected by a powerful magical barrier is very interesting. The shield didn't even stop the microwaves.

Microwave beam is also invisible, so against real opponent, they wouldn't even know what hit them.

It is actually very difficult to defend against focused microwave beams or electromagnetic pulses, even by the 31st century standard.

That is why most military vessels are usually fully automated or controlled from afar. It is pointless to pack ships with crewmen when they can be killed with little efforts.

The best way to defend against such a weapon is try not get hit in the first. It is quite impossible since directly-energy weapons fire its charges at lightspeed.

And I will not go into the latest and most powerful direct-energy weapon humanity has ever thought of in their infinite wisdom of trying to kill each other – Gamma Projector.

From my understanding, a single gamma beam has about the same amount of energy in a 10 trillion, trillion billion megaton bombs, so it gives me a good idea of how destructive it is against pretty much anything.

For comparison, the most powerful bomb recorded thus far is 50 megaton Tsar Bomba by the Soviet Union back in October 1961. A gigaton bomb of the future is capable to wiping a country off the map, and they spam the damn things all over the planet.

That is really child play compare to Gamma Projector.

Luckily, no one has built and fired such a weapon yet. It is a weapon of pure annihilation. Not only it kills everything on a planet and below the surface, it renders a planet utterly uninhabitable.

And this is not even the most dangerous weapon our ingenuity has created.

Humans are just very good at killing things, mostly each other. And without a stern hand, humans will always bring forth their own extinction.

I am sure that even if humanity is spread out throughout the universe, humans will find a way to kill each other across the galaxy.

The superweapon that fire planetary-busting shells across the solar system demonstrates the extreme length that people will go in order to make those who they disagree with gone.

Aggression is human nature. It helps humanity to become the dominant species.

Sadly, it will lead humanity to their extinction.

Honestly, a good solution to this very extinction problem is to stop technological progress completely.

I could do it with a few thousand satellites around the planet, generating electromagnetic pulse.

No electronics will work within an electromagnetic field, meaning no easy planetary busting weapons, but doing something like that doesn't sit right with me.

It also traps humanity on a single planet since the highest technology they can reach without electricity is steam and mechanical power. Is it possible to launch spaceships into orbit with steam power alone?

I have no clue. I will do some experiment on that.

Once the weapon testing is done, I turn my attention to the curses and blesses rune that Eliana provide for me.

Why did I test new weapons first? No reason other than I like blowing up things.

You have to have fun every now and then.

Most of the Runes that Eliana provided are not known to future Alex or Hans, even if future Alex and Hans are 10th circle mages.

As that is the case, I am sure that there are probably a shitload of Runes waiting for me to learn them.

Runes are like Japanese Kanji or traditional Chinese Characters. That is to say, they are not like English words, formed from the alphabet.

You can only remember the Runes by heart, which is insane since there are like millions upon millions of them, combining together, they can have all sort of effects.

Drawing random symbols with magical power without any knowledge about what they mean will always results in an explosion, so it isn't just remembering them. It is also comprehending them.

Good thing I have a lot of cheats with this, comparing to all those poor mages who have to study each one and try to remember them.

Like Eliana had explained previously, curses are created specifically, targeting specifically thing.

Blesses or blessings are designed to counteract or nullify curses.

But what Eliana didn't mention is that it fucking takes forever to find and formulate a proper blessing against a certain curse, especially if a curse is exceedingly complex.

I don't even remember how long I am at this without asking Selene. Probably months.

[It has been 107 days, Operator]

Luckily, time is being compressed in here. Only about and hour has passed in the outside world. I still have some time before morning comes.

Returning to the problem at hand, the Curse of Decay that kills all life in an entire universe is beyond complex, so finding a counteracting Blessing is way beyond my current capability.

Plan B then. I am already at this for too long.

If my magic is insufficient, my technology will swoop in to save the day.

Fabricating technology is more than sufficient to provide enough foods for an entire world.

Since the Curse of Decay only targets plants that are growing in the field, it should not affect the ones that have already been harvested.

I need to check this first, but I am relatively sure.

Of course, fabricating technology wouldn't solve their problem, but it does give them a future to look forwards to.

I am aware that humanity isn't the only one at the short end of the stick in that reality. Countless other species on Earth as well as outside of Earth are brought towards extinction as well, but I can only save a few, and I prefer humanity to be a part of that few.

At least, humanity would have an entire universe to expand into. There would be no need to genocide of other alien races or fear the intergalactic invaders from outside the galaxy.

Those invaders should be dead, right?

In any case, I wonder if humanity would prosper if they remember the horrors of what had happened to them and their family in the wake of their extinction?

An idea pop into my mind. Maybe. Just maybe.

It will also give humanity a common goal! I want to test this theory out in the real world. No simulation or anything of sort. It is about time.

”Legion. Prepare an interstellar battle cruiser and its escorts. We have a world to invade.”