124 Desolated Reality POV (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 45810K 2022-07-20


It has been two years.

Two years since that fateful day.

The day that every plant life on the planet withered up and died.

No one could explain the global phenomenon, logically. No virus or bacteria responsible could ever be found. It just happened as if the world was cursed.

As if we are cursed by God.

We are cursed by God!

Without a single plant growing anywhere in the world, the land becomes barren. The animal kingdoms become depopulated within a single month. Plants-eating animals first, then the meat-eating ones.

And within two months, paper money becomes completely worthless as the world economy collapses.

The Government is still holding onto what little power and control they can muster, but at the current rate, they too will be gone.

Everyone hoards as much foods and supplies as possible, hoping to wait out this trial – this deadly trial from God as the Church has repeatedly claimed.

Only the faithful may be given salvation. But the faithful continues to die of starvation each and every single day, no matter how many prayers and atonements were given.

This is no trial from God, for he has abandoned us.

That is the truth, isn't it?

Isn't it?

I am at a loss to what to do now. Joining the mass and praying did not solve anything.

It never did.

And more and more people are beginning to understand that now, deserting their shepherd as their faith begins to wane while the ravenous hunger takes hold.

We have taken everything for granted. And now there is no food left.

No food for me or my children.

I have sold everything that is worth anything just to survive another day, and I have done thing that I am not too proud of, all to feed myself and my children.

My wife has left me, leaving me heartbroken when she left. She has never loved me! She has told me that herself when I beg her not to leave. She has even taken my oldest daughter with her.

My adopted daughter.

I truly hope that Stephanie have something to eat these days, unlike me and her younger brother and sister.

I am at my limit. I don't think I can last another day.

”Dad. We are hungry.”

Joshua calls out on the floor. He has become so skinny after all these months. His younger sister, Misha is also the same.

My youngest daughter is too weak to even utter a single coherence word. She lays there on the couch, panting faintly.

”I know that you are, Josh. I am as well. But please try to hang on. I will try to find something for us to eat soon. Just hang on.”

I response and try to hold in my tears. Seeing my children like this simply break my heart. I have failed as father. I have failed as provider. I truly have.

Taking my shotgun, I head back out into the street along with many others, all searching for something to eat. Just something to eat. Just something. Anything.

Water is plenty as it constantly rains and floods thanks to the destruction of the ecosystem, but foods is nowhere be found.

Not even a single bird could be seen or heard. Not even a worm digging in the dirt. Anything that can be eaten have already been eaten.

Likewise, the supermarkets have been stripped absolutely clean months ago. There is nothing left on those selves.

Despite that, people are still wandering and crowding at the supermarket, looking for a deal with what little scraps of food they have. Foods have become the new currency in this new world. With food, a person can buy anything and everything.

Just seeing an expired can of bean for trade makes me drools.

But I have nothing of value to trade. My strength is failing me. I could barely stand upright.

”You look like you won't last much longer. Where do you live? Anyone is living with you?”

A tall and fairy broad person asks me from behind. He looks like he won't last much longer either, and his dark eyes show his desperation.

I don't really want to think too much about it, but many of my neighbors have disappeared.

They obviously didn't die, and their home seems to be broken into. They were taken. Their family were taken.

Oh God!

I need to leave. I need to leave here. Leave here as soon as possible.

”Hey Mr. Connors.”

Someone calls for me as I pull myself from the crowd.

I turn towards the young woman, who is dressing far too provocatively. She is a friend of my daughter, Stephanie, back when they were in high school.

However, they have a falling out after graduation over a boy, so the girl doesn't show up at my house anymore.


I response as Susan approaches me. Unlike my youngest daughter, Susan still has some meats on her frame. She is faring better than most people thanks to her beautiful look.

”Where are you going, Mr. Connors? Do you have any food? I can make it worth your while.”

Susan asks me, leaning forwards, allowing her long hair to stream around her bare shoulders. And for anyone else younger than me, they probably take a good look at what she is offering under that loose tank top of hers.

But for me, however, I am too preoccupied with my own problem to even notice. Like every girl living in town, she is doing whatever she needed to in order to survive. In order to survive another day, just another day.

Perhaps, tomorrow will be better. Perhaps, tomorrow this nightmare will finally be over. One can only hope. By God, one can only hope.

I shake my head.

”I am sorry, Susan, but I don't have anything for you. No anymore.”

I tell her and continue my retreat, without ever looking back.

I have tried to help her as much as I can with what little I have stashed away, but currently, I am in no position to help anyone. And no one will help in return.

Susan will find another person. She always does.

I hope Stephanie isn't the same. Oh God. Please don't let my daughter be the same. Death would have been better.

Darkness slowly descends as I wander the streets and roads, looking for anything to eat. For anything to eat at all. There is nothing to eat. Not even a blade of grass.