122 World Creation (1/2)
Eliana Shadowsong isn't as helpful as I have initially hoped.
While she does know about the monster cores, she knows as much as I do, which is barely anything at all, to be honest.
Apparently, the magical knowledge belonging to an Archmage isn't really as great as it seems despite their heralded and feared status on Azula and in the mind of the Azulian.
The term Azulian refers to the native inhabitants of Azula.
It is really a general term for all the people living on the planet, not just the humans.
That means the elves, the dwarfs, the werebeasts, and so on. There are actually a lot of different races on Azula. And not all of them are living on the surface, where Legion can see them from orbit.
In retrospect, the people of Earth are called Terran. And I do say people instead of humans only.
As long as they are born on Earth – any version of Earth – they are called Terran.
This is just a note for the future and what I have in mind.
Nevertheless, it is not a complete waste of time since Eliana did confirm some of my speculations and assumptions from what I have been able to witness myself.
Monster core exists in all monsters, but it can only be harvested when the monster is still alive. If the monster is killed before the core can be harvested, the core simply shatters, releasing the essence into the surrounding.
If no one is around to absorb that monster essence into their magical core or pathways or circuits, the essence will be absorbed into the environment instead. This happens very slowly over time, and it can cause magical contamination since monster essence is inheritably tainted.
It is called monster essence for a reason.
In addition, if a mage takes in too many powerful monster essences too quickly, it can cause corruption within their magical core.
Or worst, it can cause monsterification.
That is to say, the mage essentially transforms into a monster, usually an exceedingly powerful one thanks to their magic.
Several powerful mages have inadvertently turned themselves into monsters throughout the history of Azula. It usually happens when their magical core is unable to purify an extremely powerful monster essence.
Taking in powers that exceed one's own strength will only result in one's own demise.
That is a good lesson to learn when studying magic.
And it did take an awful amount of Azulian lives to stop and kill these monsterified mages. Luckily, the sacrifices weren't a completely loss, as the monsters did reveal the existence of the Arcane Realm.
The Arcane Realm is a realm with unlimited magical power.
If a mage manages to connect their mind and spirit into the Arcane Realm, they will be blessed with near limitless magical energy.
However, there is a great price to be paid, mostly in the form of insanity.
Insane mages are as dangerous as monsterified mages. Maybe even more so since they can still think somewhat logically instead of going on a rampage, destroying this and destroying that.
Oh. There is still a lot of destroying things going on with insanity, especially when they have unlimited magical power at their fingertips.
But why let a little insanity stops progress, huh?
The danger obviously didn't stop the countless human mages from trying to form a mental or spiritual connection to the Arcane Realm, all in order to attain that sweet limitless power.
Some mages are even trying to create a dimensional rift into the Arcane Realm, so they can go there physically or let out unimaginable horrors into the mortal realm.
Yeah, humans are humans everywhere.
Their curiosity and greed will be their undoing in the end.
And absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Being corrupted by tainted essences isn't the only way to become monster, Eliana tells me.
Monsters can be created when people are subjected to prolonged and extreme traumatic experiences or being taken over by overwhelming negative emotions, such as hatred and despair.
But only in the presence of magic.
Health potions is apparently magical enough.
It has been demonstrated by Nairam Oxford. Since her malicious essence can be absorbed and locked into the monster core, she is – by definition – a monster.
A monster of my own making.
That makes me excited.
Very excited!
Without the presence of magic, people become murderous psychopaths instead when they are being subjected to such traumatic experiences and tortures, emotionally or physically.
Those festering negative emotions just get bottled up in their mind instead of being personified in the real world as actual monsters.
Didn't that already happen so many times already?
Every day, somewhere in the world, a psychopath is born.
A monster of circumstances.
Like me.
”Interesting. I wonder if that is why monsters exist in Azula?”
I comment while examining the monster core in my palm. It is very precious to me since it is the first monster core I have managed to create, even if on accident. I will create thousands more in the future.
Eliana obviously doesn't know the answer.
This is way too philosophical for her. And probably for me too.
”I do not know, Master. Monsters have always existed since the time of creation, and they have always been attracted to negative energy, especially the unintelligence ones. The intelligence ones are more dangerous and cunning. Some even blend in with societies, using disguise and subterfuge.”
Eliana answers while examining the cold and empty corridors around us.
Everything is as grey and metallic as far as the eyes can see.
We are actually being surrounded by unfathomable numbers of micromachines.
In fact, the entire spatial dimension within the ring is filled to the brim with micromachines, and they are replicating at an exponential rate, all just to give me that little extra computational power.
I have shitloads of simulations to run and things to accomplish, so it cannot be helped.
But with their current number, planets and moons and even stars themselves can be disassembled by Legion within a matter of hours for raw materials and energies.
The reverse can also be true, but there isn't a need for that to yet.
The universe is filled with so much junks just waiting for me to disassemble and reassemble into useful things, such as Dyson spheres. Well, Dyson swarms is more correct.
And if it wasn't for the orbital stability of all the planets within the solar system, I would have dumped a few new habitable worlds here and there.
It is not impossible to create new planets from scratch, especially with my power and the seemingly endless amount of micromachines at my disposal. It just takes time and patience, and I have plenty of time and patience.
”Your world is very grey and dark, Master.”
Eliana points out.
I chuckle at the comment and then put the monster core away. I will do some experiments on it later, just to see how it tick.
”We are actually underground, Eliana. And my world isn't as grey and dark as you have said, but I will let you be the judge of that one day. Let heads up to the surface, shall we?”
Eliana nods in agreement.
And the moment Eliana did, the ceiling opens up, forming a perfect squared shaft, leading all the way to the surface.
The ground beneath us begins to ascend, accelerating each passing second.