121 Spatial Dimension (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 52160K 2022-07-20

Since Antigone didn't want to go back to sleep, I suppose I will have to keep her company until I could drop her off at the Connors in the morning.

That will be about 4 to 5 hours of playdate, as it is currently about 3am on a Sunday.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

Holy fuck!

Where is Stephanie when I need her?

Eh? It seems that I am relying too much on Stephanie lately to babysit my daughter, but it is what she is paid for. And paid handsomely too, considering the minimum wages in the 1990 America.

Maybe I should hire a dedicated babysitter for Antigone?

One that can never leave my sex dungeon.

I mean my house. Heh.

That thought of hiring a full-time housekeeper or a dozen has crossed my mind before, but I am rarely home on the weekdays, so it feels unnecessary.

Plus, I do not want outsiders going through my stuff, which they will purely out of curiosity.

Stephanie already did whenever she come over to look after Antigone, and I already have repeatedly told her off. She couldn't help herself, and I am sure others as well regardless of age.

Curiosity is in our nature.

Without human's curiosity, science would never advance to what it is today and will be in the future.

I suppose Stephanie will have to do for now. Her hourly wage is more than appropriate for her young age, so there is no need to increase it either, at least not until Mrs. Connors is out of the family picture.

The winning lottery numbers should have been drawn, so Mrs. Connors should have known about the result by now. She did not tell her husband about the rather exciting news, meaning that she is likely going to keep the winning all to herself.

It is as expected for a gold-digging slut.

Selene and Shield have confirmed this fact for me at my request.

Mrs. Connors has always been one, even way before she had first met and then gotten together with her husband, John Connors, from all the way back in high school.

She is one of those popular girls in high school, always surrounding herself with friends.

In contrast, John Connors is a nerd of sort in high school, having a few good friends here and then, but always opts to do his own things.

I was also a nerd of sort back in high school since I am very fascinated by science and history. Although I do have friends, I like to spend time to do my own things. I suppose this trait runs in the family even though we are not related at all.

Highschool… that feels so long ago.

It is a very long time ago, relatively speaking.

I didn't even finish high school back in the 21st century. Because once my godlike power awakens and thrusts me into the future, I consider my education completed.

Besides, I did go through some sort of high schooling again in the 31st century. It didn't take years and I didn't have to deal with a bunch of bitches and their fucking boyfriends.

I wonder how those bitches are doing.

Oh wait. They haven't even been born yet.

They will be in the year 2000 or 2001. That is a decade from now.

Just another cause and effect of time travel.

Time to dig a few spike traps for those bitches. I do hold a grudge for a very long time. I do not forgive them for the shits they put me and others through.

And thanks to my enhanced memory, I do not forget.

Anyway, the real reason that Mrs. Connors had decided to finally get together with John and married the man is because John's side of the family is rather wealthy, owning quite a bit of estate.

Selene and Shield reveal this to me when I order them to look into the matter.

I don't usually want to know about people's history. Unlike Allison, who has no choice in the matter, I really don't want to fill my brain with useless stuff.

But I honestly didn't know my adopted-grandfather comes from old money. Mum had never told me about it, but she didn't get to say much before death steals her away from me and dad.

If death tries again, death will learn what it meant to piss off an Aspect.

And since no one from that side of the family shows up in all the 18 years of my life, not even a greeting card on my birthday or Christmas, I guess that they didn't accept Stephanie as part of their family.

Stephanie was adopted after all.

As a matter of fact, I didn't recall my adopted-uncle and adopted-aunty, Stephanie's adopted siblings, showing up at my birthdays either.

They did send greeting cards on the holiday occasions, so that is still something, I suppose.

But that is because dad tries to keep in touch with them in order to keep mum's memory alive.

If only he had paid more attention to me and shown me the affection that I needed, I might have think twice about packing up and leaving for good.

Just providing me a place to live and putting me through school doesn't make him a good father. There is more than that.

Henry has demonstrated this. Just look at how Marian turns out. Great fathering job, Henry. You just create a little monster.

In a twisted way, my father creates a monster as well.


Insert evil laugh here.

Things will change this time around, hopefully for the better.

Maybe I will help my mother get some inheritance in the process. Adopted or not, she is carrying their family name. I did carry that family name for a time, and I will do so again one day.

And as wealthy as my adopted great-grandfather and his rather populated side of the family is, I could definitely intimidate them into submission.

But I prefer they accept Stephanie of their own freewill, just like I want humanity to accept their fault and submit to me out of their own freewill.

In any case, I have a good opinion of my adopted great grandfather. Unlike John himself, the man has a very good eyes for people, thus the man did not help John financially, hoping that John himself would see what kind of person his wife is.

That didn't work out so well in the end since John is somewhat a self-made man, just like his father.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, even if is rotten.

Just kidding.