80 The Multiverse Auxiliary Chapter (2/2)
[Prime Reality]
This reality contains the prime universes, dimensions, planes of existences. Since there is no magic or cultivation, there are no natural realms. There might be artificial realms, but let's not get ahead right now.
Realms will form if magic or cultivation are introduced into the reality. Not just introduce like bringing magical artefacts and items back from other realities.
It doesn't work that way.
Maximilien must bring forth magical and spiritual energy, so those energies propagate throughout the universe. Kind of hard since this reality is based on science. Science is not treated as secondary in this story. I have already alluded to psychonic energies, such as telekinesis and so on.
Science is created by the Master of Order as a mean to stick it to magic (actually Terra). Magic comes first. Well, the soul comes first, so spiritual (cultivation). Science is born last, so it is like an underdog or the little brother, but that doesn't mean science is weak. Hell, it is super overpowering if combine with Magic to create Magictech!
Maximilien will obtain a Digital Domain like the main character of Game Over has at the start. That is just another story I wrote (actually I have like 300 chapters stashed away nicely). Digital Domain allows him to have gaming powers. Some realities have this gaming shit going on, where the inhabitants can see stats and experiences point. It will be hilarious and mindfuck with people.
Most of the story takes place in the prime reality, with real people and the likes. They might share the same appearance and name, but their personality are based on what I think those people should be!
[Nazi Germany Reality]
This is the first reality Maximilien and his bands of crazy fanatics have gone to.
It is also the introduction to magic as well as the greater multiverse.
One of those beyond-god idiots decides to dump a magical space rock onto Berlin for kicks and laughs – not really, but you will find out later. The story will loop back around.
The meteor allows German to gain access to magic and produce a primitive form of Magictech. Even as primitive form, the Nazi basically steamrolled the fucking world. Science is not advance enough to defend against magic, and you can't use science to comprehend magic.
However, the Nazi got a little greedy and doom their entire world and probably the universe. And with billions of deaths that are not supposed to happen, so many negative energies cause the emergence of the undead. Chaos ensures.
With Chaos, comes Terra.
Terra does need to keep balance to things (I mention this several times already). As Master of Chaos, she creates chaos when there is too much order, and order when there is too much chaos.
It is like a tug of war between her and the youngest of all Aspect, Master of Order. Deus was born last, and then everything else, Gods and so on. I am not sure where Death, Fate and all the abstract entity fit into this. I know for a fact that they are below Aspect and Primordial.
In time, I guess.
[Azula Reality]
The current arc is here, on the world of Azula, which I dubbed as Azeroth for reference.
The story barely scratches the surface of magic, as there are quite to go through. I will add an auxiliary chapter on their magic system. Their comprehension and understand of magic are different than other reality, but the basis of magic is the same. Runes are required to cast any spell.
Azula is filled with fantastical creatures, such as elves, dwarves, dragons and so on.
There are lesser and greater race on Azula, basically meaning mortals or immortals.
Elves are still considered as lesser since they are not immortal naturally. They have extremely long-life span, but they can still die once they reach a certain point. Like most things, the elves do fear death, especially when their Goddess are out of commission thanks to Ingra (again, see chapter 3 of Aspectual Multiverse book).
Hydra is actually on Azula right now since the temporal rift in Thailand connects the prime reality and this reality together (See chapter 2 of Aspectual Multiverse book). Maximilien doesn't know it yet, at least until they launch a satellite into orbit and scan the entire world.
Azula is also the first world Hydra annexed since Hammond is working on a temporal energy container, which can power a rift indefinitely. They will call those permanent rifts a Temporal Gateway. I will just dub it Stargate – lol.
Alright, that is it for now. Going to write a chapter. It will be the point of view of Eliana. And once Max gets his tiny magical core, he will return to the prime reality to deal with more things and one loose end name Marian Oxford. Her punishment is definitely coming up.
Maximilien does not forgive and he does not forget!
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