80 The Multiverse Auxiliary Chapter (1/2)
This is an auxiliary chapter! It is marked in the title. You can skip it if you prefer.
I have thought about adding this chapter to the Auxiliary volume, but this chapter contains things that are major spoiler for those who haven't read this far yet. I wish there is a way to add auxiliary chapters throughout the main story, allowing you, the readers to skip it if you choose.
The author notes are inadequate, especially when no one seem to read them.
Oh well.
Also, those author notes are limited to 500 characters.
I don't know about you, but that is insufficient. Hell –
Anyway, let's describe some of the worlds, universes, realities, dimensions, realms, domains, planes of existence that the main character, Maximilien Maxwell as well as some of the secondary characters visit or live in. There are quite a lot due to the story revolving around the Aspectual Multiverse.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.
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All my stories do exist within the same continuity (multiverse), but some stories will only take place in a single universe like Hollywood Delight for example. Well, the main character in that story can go into movies and films (any sort of media, really) – but that is still considered as a single universe.
Is that a spoiler? Yup.
As the Aspect of Time, Maximilien Maxwell is not bound to a single universe or reality, so there is quite a lot of crossover. He does go to fictional realities, but that is a story for another time, and those side adventures are not in this book. He might allude to those fictional realities in his plans as he does use them and what they have accomplished as inspiration.
I use different terms to describe things. Some terms are obvious, so you don't need to think too much on that.
Worlds are planets. Moons are celestial bodies that orbit planets, but I will refer them to planets when they are seeded with life (this already been allude to). He is planning to terraform planets and moons in the solar system. The story has some literally world building. He does play God for a while. It is all his social experiment.
Universes are universes, usually infinite in size. Realities are used interchangeable with universes, so don't need think too much on that until much later. But when I say reality, it encompasses every little thing in that reality, including the visible universe. There are just so many things we don't understand about our own universe, but it does make my imagination run wild!
Those are the basic terms. Easy enough, right? Let's get complicated!
Dimensions are not exactly what you are thinking. I am not talking about another universe that running in parallel with our own. Dimensions are based on science. We are living in 3-dimension, hence 3D. In the story, there are entities that live in higher dimension. Master of Space have absolute control over this as this is his domain! Getting crushes into a singularity (zero dimension) is instant death!
Maximilien is residing in 4-dimensions, the standard 3 dimensions and the time dimension thanks to his power. The higher the dimension a person occupies, the more powerful they are. I think there are 10 spatial dimension and 1 temporal dimension. I might use that limit for the story, but who knows.
If we really want to get technical on the detail, everyone in the story is actually 5-dimensions or higher. This is because their soul occupies a spiritual dimension and their consciousness occupies another, which is also a spiritual dimension. This does get a bit complex later, but it does give people plenty of ways to attack another person. The main character is invincible in the mortal and time dimension, but he is not in spiritual dimensions.
Plane of existences has been stated in the recent chapters. They are considered as parallel universes, running alongside with the prime universes. Time does affect all planes of existence at the same time, since they occupy the same reality. There are two plane of existences that we all know without even reading the story. They are Heaven and Hell. Heaven is obviously occupied by angels (Celestials) and Hell is occupied by demons (Hellions). There are more as more myths and legends become facts. Those Olympian and Egyptian Gods? Yeah, they are real.
Realms are basically worlds with infinite size. Think flat Earth theory! Realms are not important to the story right now, but they will be in the cultivation arcs. If you read enough stories on here, you should know what they are. In simple terms, once the soul ascends into a higher realm thanks to cultivation, the owner should ascend to higher realm, where spiritual energy is denser. Otherwise, they will not be able to ascend further. This also prevent overpower characters from crushing everyone in the lower realms into oblivion. Some cultivators do break this golden rule, but Maximilien will deal with them appropriately (as in he will torture the shit out of their soul).
Domains are in the story this whole time, but not reference or mention yet. This is because Maximilien himself does not know. However, some readers probably have figured it out already, so I will just tell it here for everyone and stop beating around the bushes.
Time is a domain. Space is a domain. Currently, Maximilien has one primary domain, which is Time, as he is the Aspect of Time. He has a secondary domain, which is Space – allow him to teleport anywhere since time and space are linked. Domains are not magic, and they cannot be sensed normally.
His power is not magic, but something else entirely!
In the story, Gods and Goddesses usually have their own domain. It is what give them their divinity and power, and their domain grows thank to the belief and worship of their followers. That is one the reasons why Gods and Goddesses need followers. But I am usually talking about Gods that are born, not those who already exists like Dragon God Ingra (see Chapter 3 of Aspectual Multiverse Book).
The Dragon God Ingra's domain is fire, which mean that his flames are absolute. It can burn everything into ashes and cinders, mortals and gods alike. Only those with fire domain (even as a secondary) can resist his fire. This makes domain more powerful than magic or cultivation.
Domains does have level, with the highest rank is Aspectual. Only Aspect has Aspectual rank domain. Primordial is very close to Aspectual, this just mean Aspect is more powerful than Primordial when 1 vs 1, but it still pretty darn hard to kill a Primordial.
Impossible really since they exist everywhere and nowhere at the same time. If just one piece of them remains anywhere, they will restore themselves instantly! This also mean Aspects are pretty darn hard to kill as well.
That are all the terms you need to know for now. Let's talk about some of the world!