70 Full Circle POV (1/2)
The way the ropes bind their wrists and ankles is very different from mine.
I know of this when I tried to free Susan.
Even though I don't like her very much, she did help me get out of my binding. And Mr. Maxwell always tells me to try and help those who has helped me because it is a nice thing to do.
Mr. Maxwell tells me a lot of things. He tends to talk a lot when he checks up on his daughter and me during his work breaks or when he is making us some snacks.
I like the food he made for me because it is very delicious.
Mr. Maxwell is lonely ever since his wife had died, I think. There are no pictures of his wife in his house, but I have seen him a lot at the cemetery, standing there in front of his wife's gravestone and looking into the distance.
When Mr. Maxwell is there, visiting his wife with Antigone, he always mumbles something to himself and calling someone named Selene.
I don't know who Selene is since I have never saw him with anyone else in the house. I don't think he is talking to his wife since his wife's name is Margaret Maxwell. I have never asked him who Selene is since I don't want him to know that I have spied on him.
It is rude to spy on adults.
Mum tells me repeatedly when she is with one of my dad's friends. Mum and dad's friend keep making weird noises when they are in a room together. They also swear a lot when they are in there together, but I guess adults can swears and it is okay.
Mum also prays to Jesus and telling him that she is coming, I think. She screams her prayers repeatedly, so that is weird. But at least she is sorry for all the swearing she did from before. The man who is with her also shouts that he is coming near the end to God, usually after mum did.
I thought the man always initiate the prayers.
Dad always did when we have a meal together.
Mr. Maxwell laughs when I tell him about it since he promises not to tell anyone. I don't want mummy to find out that I have tell another person since she is scary when she is mad.
It takes a lot of time and effort to remove Susan's binding. My fingers are hurting now.
”Thanks… Step… Stephanie.”
Susan sniffles when she is free of her bindings. Her eyes are still red and watery. Her wrists and ankles are bruised since she has struggled a lot harder than I did when I was tied up. They look very painful.
Seeing Susan like that, I am unable to cry even though I am very afraid.
I help the other girls get out of their bindings as well after removing their gags and their blindfolds.
I don't know why I want to save them. I think I feel sorry for them being tied up like that. Also, it is less fearful when we are all together.
”Hic… thank… hic… you… hic… Step… Susan…”
The other three girls thank when Susan and I are trying to free their bindings.
Susan manages to free Becky after I have freed Anna and Daisy. Both of our hands are now scrapped and scratched as the result.
The rope is very tight.
Those bad men probably don't want any of us to break free from our binding when they are gone.
Does that mean they will come back to check up on us again?
I hope they are gone forever. I don't want them to come back and tie us all up again.
I still don't know why my binding is different. Maybe one of the bad men tied me up wrong.
”What do we do now, Step?”
”Why did they take us?”
”Do you know where we are?”
The three girls ask me as if I am their leader.
I cast a glance at their actual leader, Becky.
Becky didn't speak up. It is as if she didn't even hear what the other girls are saying. She is still rubbing her bruised wrists and ankles while sobbing. Her binding is the tightest and hardest to remove as if those men intentionally wishes to hurt her.
I think Becky deserves it.
Just because her dad is the Principle, she thinks she can get away with anything. I don't know why she bullies me so much. I didn't do anything to her.
”I don't know, but I think those bad men are gone. I think we should try to run away before they come back.”
I answer and slowly approach the door only door in the room again.
I slowly open the door and look out into the hallway.
The hallway is very dark and chilly. I can hear faint whispering sounds echoing in the darkness. Those sounds are like someone groaning and moaning, and it is very scary.
I quickly close the door again and look at the other four girls.
They have also heard the ghostly noises, and they are as terrified as I am.
Anna starting to cry again while the others are sniffling, on the verge of tears.
I rub my eyes, finding myself crying.
”I will go and check. You stay here.”
I speak up after I stop crying.
If we stayed here, the bad men will come back eventually and tie us up again before someone come to save us. I think one of us must head out and try to call for help.
I don't want to go by myself, but I think I am the odd one out since those four girls are friends.
”Wait, Stephanie, I'm going with you.”
Susan calls out.
”Are you crazy, Susan? There are ghosts out there! They will find you. It is safer here, waiting for my dad. He will come and save me. I know he will.”
Becky is the one who has said that.
Daisy agrees with her like she always does.
Anna is still crying, so I don't think she will have any opinion.
After some more arguments back and forth, Susan shakes her head and grabs my hand to make her stance. Her hand feels very warm.