69 Intentional Scenario POV (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 46090K 2022-07-20

I'm scared.

I'm really scared!

Everything is dark – really, really dark!

I can't see anything through the thick blindfold tied around my head, covering both of my eyes.

I have tried squinting my eyes, but no matter how many times I had tried, I still can't see anything.

The only thing squinting did is getting the thick blindfold wetted. This is because of my tears. My eyes are still watery from my crying.

I can't take off the blindfold either.

My arms are bound tightly behind my back and not letting me to. I can barely move my fingers when my wrists are tied tightly together.

My legs are also bounded by a rope around the ankle. I have tried to move, but the rope won't budge even a little.

The binding is really tight.

My wrists and ankles are starting to really hurt, so I have stopped trying to move all together.

I don't think I can break free.

And I don't want to be here, wherever here is.

I want to go home. I want to be with mummy and daddy.

I sniffle. My eyes become watery again.

Mummy! Daddy! Mr. Maxwell!


Please come! Please! Please!

I'm scare. I'm really scare!

I want to scream for help, but I can't.

I can't even close my mouth. The ball of wet cloth won't let any sound out, and when I try to bite down on the ball, it just hurt my jaw and teeth.

It also makes me cough because a lot of water get squeezed out of the cloth when I bite it down. The liquid runs down my throat.

The water tastes a bit sweet, like the ball of cloth has been soaked in sugar water or something. When I am getting very thirsty, I try to squeeze out as much water as I can, but it is getting harder and harder since the cloth is becoming drier.

Maybe I can spit the ball of cloth out when it is dried enough?

Those bad men have come in the room and re-soak the ball of cloth a few times already. I don't think they will let me spit it out and scream for help.

What do they want with me?

Is it for money? My parents don't have any money.

Mum and dad spend it all on things like that flat television.

The new television is really nice. I like to watch tv on it. It doesn't hurt my eyes like the old tv does.

And the images are very clear and colourful.

It is just one of the new things mummy and daddy have brought, so they don't have any money left.

Mum even takes all the money I've earned babysitting Mr. Maxwell's daughter.

She said I am too young to use it wisely, so she will put it in the bank for me for safekeeping.

Mum will give the money back to me when I am older.

I'm not too young...

I'm twelve! I'm turning thirteen soon.

Hic... hic... anyone? Please come and save me.

Save us!

I wasn't the only one those bad people have taken. Those mean girls have also been kidnapped. They are also tied up and bounded, and I think they are in the same room as me.

Those girls have stopped crying after I did, but I can still hear their whimpering. They are trying to call for help like me, I think.

But their mouth is also gagged.

Aside from the whimpering, I could hear something else really faintly from the closed door.

I think those bad men are at it again – talking.

They really talk a lot, and they talk about things I don't have any idea about.

They are talking outside the room very loudly at the moment.

It is like they don't care if I can hear them.

I can't remember how many of those bad men there are. I think it was five when they grabbed me and the other girls and throws us into their black van.

”So, what should we do with this lots? Cut them and dump them in the river? Have we ever done that before? I mean for others, not them.”

”I don't think we ever did. It will just create too much evidences for others to find. Also, feels kind of old school. This is not the 1960s anymore people. Get with the time. We should put them in a blender and make a bloody smoothie instead.”

Some of bad men laugh as if they have done something like that before.

I'm scare.

I don't want to be turn into a smoothie. It will be really disgusting.

No one will want to drink it!

”Nah, I think we should sell them little girls overseas for some quick bucks. Some Japanese NEET – that stands for not in employment, education or training – want a loli sex doll to be keep locked up in their sex dungeon, also known as their mother's basement. I'm sure they will pay a handsome sum.”

The bad men laugh again.

I don't understand what they are laughing about. Are they going to sell me overseas, in Japan?

And what is a loli sex doll?

I know what a doll is. I have many dolls at home, in my room.

My dad brought them for me.

Mr. Maxwell also brought me some dolls as gifts and presents for taking care of his daughter. The dolls he had brought for me are much nicer than what my dad had brought, but I still like them all.

The dolls Mr. Maxwell had brought for me are also very expensive. I have seen them on display in the stores a few times when I go with mummy.

I also know what sex is. I have learnt about it from my mum.

Mr. Maxwell laughs when I asked him about it first. He tells me I am too young to know about those kinds of things, but mummy thinks I am already old enough.

My mum tells me that when two older people – a boy and a girl – like each other very much, they will spend a lot of their time together alone in a room. And I should never tell anyone about that because it will make them hate each other.

That is sex.

Mummy likes a lot of my dad's friends. Those men usually come by the house when daddy is at work, and she spends a lot of time with them alone in a room together. I like them since they give me some candies and chocolates whenever they come by.