68 Magic System (1/2)
After this, I don't think I need to attend the court case in the future.
It is unnecessary. It is also because I already have my fun.
I have seen what I needed to see.
Any more would be pointless and a waste of time.
Allison will take care of the rest for me.
That is her job after all, and she is quiet good at it from what I can understand.
Mr. Simmons has given her all the compliments in the world.
And he isn't a one to brag needlessly. None of the seniors at the firm are. They will give compliments as well as critics when it is due.
I like people like that. Direct and straight forwards when working, no bullshits and right to the point.
I will have dinner with Allison tonight to show how much I have appreciated her work.
Maybe it will lead to more – probably.
As for Henry Oxford, his sudden appearance in the courtroom takes away the spotlight from me.
Due to his status, he is rarely seen in public.
And whenever he is in public, the media and paparazzi follows him everywhere.
Even the people in the jury are not paying attention to me or the other party any more. Our case has become secondary in the presence of Henry Oxford.
People in the courtroom and outside in the hallway questions why Henry is here.
The case against me and my company is still fairly low profile despite all the publicity it has generated over the last few days.
Furthermore, this particular case shouldn't concern someone as powerful as Henry Oxford.
In front of so many cameras and people, Henry reveals that Chrono Holdings is the parent company of Terra Entertainment.
It is about time I let the general public know.
Riding the current publicity of the case, it will push Terra Entertainment into the starlight. The media will talk about this for a whole week, possibly more.
That is a good thing. And it is exactly what I am hoping for.
And contrary to what people are currently saying, this court case does concern Henry himself since he still is the chairman of Chrono Holdings.
That is another nail or two in the coffin for Mr. Cricton.
Anyone who have ever tried to sue Chrono Holdings is in a world of pain, financially and emotionally.
Chrono Holdings is so well connected and funded so many multi-billions dollars corporations through its banking subsidiary, Chrono Reserves, in United States that even the Government thinks twice about suing it.
I am sure that Chrono Holdings vs the United States legal battle will happen sooner or later, if not for all the illegal dealings the company has done in the past then it is for the obvious monopoly.
If someone takes the time to go through every transaction by the company and its subsidiaries, it will become very clear that the company directly controls about 80% of the financial and economic sector in the United States.
That is a ground for a lawsuit.
I am very looking forwards to that particular legal battle, as it will demonstrate why Chrono Holdings is untouchable, not even by the United States Government.
Furthermore, Oxford Enterprise also has stake in my company.
It is one of the major shareholders, as I don't mind Henry making money from my plans.
Money to me is growing more and more meaningless. When I can create literally money from nothing with my power, it really lost all meaning.
Aside from simply exchanging courteous greeting with Henry Oxford, I did not speak to him on my way out of the courthouse. Talking to him too long so will likely create another situation like Rebecca.
One beautiful girl dying in a fiery explosion after forcibly driving off a cliff at my hands is enough.
Also, it is boring to repeat the same thing. The next time some dumbass reporters try to exploit things that everyone has told them not, I will just send a death squad to take care of it quickly.
I have a look at Mr. Crichton outside the courthouse.
The man looks ghastly, all alone.
His laywer has bolted on the account of Henry Oxford.
No law firm in the United States would dare to go against Henry. Even if they manage to win and it is a very, very big if, Henry will buy out the firm and crush the ones who dare to challenge him.
Although I am the in wrong for stealing his work, I did warn Michael about refusing my offer.
It isn't a bad offer per se.
If Michael had accepted the offer, he would get to become the original author of the book as well as having the chance to direct the movie.
I have already planned it from the start with the initial M.C. – it obviously stands for Michael Crichton.
There is no need to hide that. He might thought I am too lazy to change the initial.
I didn't really need to hold onto the copyright of his intellectual property. I just need the unrestricted right to distribute and reproduction. That alone will give me the mean to achieve my goals.
Sadly, Mr. Crichton has to let his ego wins over him.
True, there are many ways to reach the same goal, but those other ways are not fun at all.
Plus, doing something like this accomplishes several things simultaneously.
I like to kill a lot of birds with one bullet, so I like to line them all up before I take a shot.
In addition, I just love to see people falling for traps I have laid out blatantly for them in plain sight.
If they just let go of their prides and egos, they would have notice my trap and avoid it skilfully.
It is not that hard, honestly.
”How are you, Miss Bullock? Care to join for lunch? I am starving after getting yelled at and almost get thrashed around in court.”
I ask after I have paid enough attention to Michael Crichton.
What happened to the man from now on is no longer my concern. He has made his choice, and I am not a nice enough person to constantly giving him chances.
Sandra accepts my offer. We have a wonderful lunch together with Antigone.
I pick my daughter up at the company on my way to my favourite restaurant. They did not use a food synthesizer to make my meal. I don't need to check. I know from the unique taste alone.
The Synthesizer is great at duplicating a meal, but it can never create a unique taste each time.
Due to Antigone being with us, Sandra and I didn't get to enjoy ourselves after lunch, so another time perhaps. She also has to return to work after lunch. It isn't really her day off.
Sandra tells me that she is looking for a place to live.
I remind her that the company will provide her one at her request.