66 The Morning After (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 38330K 2022-07-20

I spend the rest of the night in bed, staring the ceiling while a beautiful woman resting upon my chest, sleeping rather soundly.

My fingers stroke her bare back gently and playfully, feeling the smoothness of her skin.

Our legs are entwined beneath the warm blanket.

Allison desires me partly due to her basic instinct, wishing to mate with an Alpha male.

Even with her fear, she is unable to contain the growing feelings.

That feeling only strengthened when she comes to understand that I always keep my promises.

Furthermore, the closed environment of the apartment building also changes some of her perception subconsciously.

Even if Allison doesn't join most of the people living here in their cohabitations, it is hard not to notice their intimate relationships and question herself.

It is subtle reprogramming.

When in Rome, do what the Romans do.

But it might also have something to do with the familial connection between us.

In a sense, Allison is my daughter along with countless others.

I obviously didn't bang her mother and father her the normal way.

That is her actual father's job – the man who has raised and loved her.

I did something else entirely. Something that I am not too proud off, hence the upmost secrecy even within my secret organization.

Ironic, isn't it?

The retrovirus that supplemented the prenatal vitamins Infinite Health has marketed throughout the last few decades inserts a part of my biology into the growing fetus.

So many mothers in the United States and all over the world take the prenatal supplements due to its effectiveness and relatively cheap pricings ever since 1975.

They have no clue what they are subjecting their unborn baby to, but I do make sure that the retrovirus does not cause miscarriage 99.9% of the time.

It is impossible to get 100% due to everyone having different biology. Side effects will always happen regardless.

Regardless, it is necessary to bring forth the next evolutionary step in human.

That will happen naturally over time, but why should I wait centuries when I could do something about it? Waiting around for something to happen is also dumb.

However, a paternal test between Allision and me will not reveal anything. We are not actually father and daughter. It is more of progenitor and inheritor relationship.

I have already confirmed that familial relationship between us the day before yesterday.

It is when Hydra had experimented upon her.

Allison is as much my descendant as Antigone is.

The only difference is that Antigone is my direct daughter while Allison would be like my great, great granddaughter – depends on how much of her DNA has been altered by the retrovirus.

That doesn't make it less wrong though.

It is still incest, I believe.

Thankfully, Allison will never have to know.

Only three people know about this, including me.

And I prefer it to be that way.

The reason I am not too proud of what I did is because I am unable to care for all my descendants like I would for Antigone.

There is simply too many of them to keep track off.

Even with Shield Surveillance Network, only about a third of the babies are accounted for in the United States, not to mention the rest of the world.

And not all of them exhibits abilities like Allison.

In fact, only about 0.001% of the baby born between 1975 to 1990 do – which is still a lot considering millions of people take the supplements.

Infinite Health even give those supplements out for free to those that are unable to afford it. It is part of their plan for better health and longevity for everyone.

This makes the company has great public opinion, worldwide.

Of course, some dumbasses still try to sue the company for absurd reasons.

Due to my advance biology, Antigone is an evolved human. Her brain function is off chart even though she is only 5 months old.

Well, she is approaching 6 months now.

Therefore, I am sure Antigone is somewhat aware of her surroundings. How much she is aware is still to be seen, but I do hope she doesn't inherit my non-biological ability.

It will be a pain in the ass to track her down if she starts jumping through time.

Antigone is beginning to talk now, but her first damn word is Heinz.

It makes me sad, more than a little.

I will strive for her second word then. It shall be 'daddy', I swear of it!

If she doesn't, I will jump back in time and try again!

”Mr. Maxwell…?”

Allison mumbles when the first light enters the bedroom. She wakes up very early each day due to her job as Mr. Simmons' assistant.