65 Allison McBill (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 45680K 2022-07-20

Of course, I know what Allison is thinking.

She had thought that I would take her right there and then on the couch.

Allison was even ready for it, waiting for me to take the initiative with her eyes closed.

I would be a fool not to, even if I have no desire to father anymore offspring at the moment.

Sex would be simply for pleasure.

Something to be enjoyed by both parties involved.

It doesn't necessary mean anything in the long run unless I wanted it to.

I am not oblivious to the fact like so many, many and many characters in those fictional Japanese and Chinese stories that I have immersed myself in before my power awakens.

It is quite amazing that those protagonists can keep their pants on for any period of time, especially when they are constantly being surrounded by a plethora of heavenly-defying jade-skin beauties or huge-breasts goddesses, who desired nothing more in life than to jump the protagonist's bone.

Let's not talk about the lolicon fascination.

If I was one of those protagonists, the adventure would be filled with endless debauchery.

That is a fact.

To be honest, when I first gained some controls over my power, I have thought about jumping back to the distant past and play God for a few centuries or so.

No one in ancient Egypt or Babylon can stop me – probably.

With my absolute dominion over time, I would be seen like a literal God.

Those ancient humans would have worshiped me as such, carrying out all my desires and wishes, regardless whatever they may be.

However, I fear that something unexpected might have happened if I go back to the past and play God without any preparation.

Meeting someone like Terra for example.

To play it safe, I had jumped to the future to upgrade myself first and get access to all those wonderful technologies.

My whole plans changed then when I realize humanity always ended up extinct regardless of whatever path they take. It's like it is in their nature to destroy each other over stupid reasons.

If humanity is more unified, I would have at least 41st millennium tech to play with.

Sadly, humanity's conflicting interests will be their undoing.

The future has shown me that it is almost a certainty that humanity will go extinct, if they are not in the 31st century then it will be in the later centuries. But if there even a tiny shred of possibility in all the impossibilities, I will try to find it.

That is one of the many reasons to why I am laying brick by brick, wall after wall, building up foundation after foundation instead of just fuck it all and take over the world forcefully.

I do have the military might to do so.

Hell, I can do it alone if I wanted to.

In fact, I kind of did the first time around.

However, it does not go well, as I have seen the constant riots and rebellions throughout the galaxy.

I might have done too many things too quickly to cause such an unsalvageable scenario.

People doesn't like changes too quickly.

Furthermore, I am only one person, I can't really be everywhere at the same time.

It is also fucking annoying, listening to all the boring politics and everyone craps.

And once those goddamn rebels hijacked a few destroyers, it becomes a galaxy-wide war. Corruptions within the Senates I had set up crumbling away the entire Galactic Empire.

Oppression is not the way to prosperity.

So, this second time around, I will do thing a little bit differently.

The new plan is called the road to imperium.

The Galactic Empire is dead, hail to the Hydra Imperium!

It is a very catchy name.

Hydra plays the bad guy last time around for the Galactic Empire to rise, as according to my plan. This time, I think they should be the good guy, instead.

When the world gone to shit, who will come and save them?

Hail Hydra!

I also spend a lot more time taking care of things personally instead of jumping ahead and reaping the benefits repeatedly like before.

It did not go well the last time around since I am out of the loops most of the time. Those damn higher ups go rogue when I am missing in action for years at a time.

This time is also different because I must contend with those temporal rifts.

Their existences open a whole new dimension for me, so I welcome the new change. At least, I will get to see how other alternate realities prosper far into the future. I might learn a thing or two and adjust my plan accordingly.

Magic is also a bonus.

I will need to experiment with magic to learn its secret like Terra had advised me to.

Magic is the primary cause of speeding up the terraforming plan of the planets and moons within the solar system.

I can't test magic on Earth for obvious reasons.

And just like this apartment building that Allison is living in and all its inhabitants cohabiting together, everything I do is an experiment or a work in progress.

If successful, the experiment will spread to the rest of the world.

If not, it will be a good lesson.

I am very flexible that way.

As for Allison herself, she is quite a lovely beauty with shoulder-length golden blond hair framing her distinctive facial features, especially that starling emerald eyes of hers.

Like I have said, I would be a fool not to accept her invitation to have sex.