59 Magic Theory (2/2)

Master of Time Erosire 54880K 2022-07-20

It is unnecessary for them to be here anymore.

The prime universe must be unfrozen for them to pass through the temporal rift.

And when everyone return home, I have a good look at the desolated landscape around me.

Before I reverse time of this alternate universe and correct a little mistake of the past, I decide to have a little firework to celebrate.

Alright, a huge firework.

”Selene. Activate the 'Fuck You All' plan!”

[Acknowledge, Operator.]

All my units across the world stops whatever they are doing and enters self-destruct mode. It gives all the Nazis a moment to breath.

However, that is all they were given.

The fusion reactor housed within each unit undergoes rapid overload.

And within a minute, the tank and aircraft all explode in a titanic explosion.

The intense heat generated by multiple fusion detonations in close proximity of each other glasses the planet and kills everything.

It also set the atmosphere on fire and crack the planet crust, expelling huge amount of dust and debris into space, including me.

That wasn't intentional.


As I drift in the vacuum of space, I stare at what remained of the once beautiful planet.

Aside from the beautiful oceans, every landmass on the planet is plastered a dull colour.

Nazi Germany still there since none of my units invade the country, but with all the fusion detonations around the planet, the people will not survive the incoming nuclear winter and radioactive storms.

I might have gone a little overboard with my firework, but I am still disappointed that much firepower didn't crack the planet.

”Let's it all be undone.”

I call out. It is unnecessary.

Time immediately reverses at my command, returning the Earth to its relatively beautiful appearance, several years before the beginning of the Second World War.

Far into the distant, a meteor spiralling through endless space. It is just one of the countless meteors scatter across the infinite universe. It is quiet impossible to stop magic from appearing in this universe without finding out the one who is responsible.

The said meteor would enter the gravity well of Earth and crashes into Berlin.

That will not do. No point of repeating history again.

I freeze the meteor and wait until the moon gets into position before unfreezing again. I watch it as it crashes into the moon, leaving a sizeable debris.

While I could send it directly to the United States of America, I want a natural course of history to take place first. It will bring forth a relative peaceful time.

Furthermore, I wonder if the moon landing did happen.

It obviously did happen in the prime universe thanks to Henry and Chrono Holdings, but I am currently talking about this alternate universe.

If it is a hoax in this universe then too bad.

And if it isn't, America will be the one to discover magic.

Once I done all I set out to do, I fast forward time to the 1990.

The world didn't destroy itself after the Second World War, which wasn't all that surprising. Without magic, Nazi Germany falls to the Soviet Union while the United States bombs Japan.

However, there are spaceships going back and forth from the planet to the moon, bringing boatload of manastones. From the flags imprinted on each shuttle, they are American.

I guess the moon landing did happen after all.

On Earth, things hasn't changed that much even with the discovery of magic.

Cars still crawl slowly on the ground and people are still staring at the idiot boxes that will burn their eyes out.

This is because all the manastones being mined on the moon and taken back to Earth are property of the Government. Its discovery did cause a lot of buzz after the moon landings, but that is all.

The world is not ready for widespread magic. Too many things can go wrong. However, since the public knows about magic, a lot of scientists have applied to study it.

With the influx of new brilliant minds, America becomes the beacon of human civilizations. They will remain as the world superpower for many decades to come.

I wander about a bit to see what else is new in Hollywood. Nothing really stands out. As I was about to head home to the prime Earth, a cute girl in her early twenties bumps into me and drop her tourist pamphlet.

”Ah, I'm so sorry, mister.”

She apologizes profusely. Her English is not very good, so she must be an international tourist.

”The fault is mine. Miss...?”

I learn her name as Emilia Richter.

Emilia is currently visiting the United States with her brother, who is the leading scientists in studying magic from German.

If there is one thing Germany has in abundant, it is scientists.

If it wasn't for the Nazi and its oppressive regime under Adolf Hitler, brilliant minds like Einstein would have stayed there and advance them technologically.

Likewise, her brother is quiet brilliant as he figures out that even if magic cannot be explained by the current physical law, it still follows a certain law. He has formulated his magical theory and publishes a book on it.

Not only that, he is also the first person to discover elemental affinity.

I have a read through the book that Emilia has on her using my time power. I decide to buy a copy for myself and for Hydra. I would love to have her brother working for Mystic alongside with Alex Mercer.

”Hans! Hans!”

Emilia calls out to her brother, waving at him as he got out of the taxi.

”Big brother, this is Mr. Maxwell. He said he wants to give you a job offer.”

Hans Richter gives me a smile and shook my hand. His grip is firm but strong. He must be soldier before he is a scientist.

That is good.

”It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Maxwell, but I am currently in a hurry. I have a seminar to attend. If possible, can we talk more after the seminar?”

”Of course. May I attend the seminar as well? I am very interested in your theory on magic. It is related to the offer I have for you.”

I response and join Hans and his sister for the rest of the day.

Hans Richter accepts my job offer the moment I demonstrate my magic, but on the condition that his family joins him in the prime universe.

I suppose there is something worthwhile if visiting these alternate universes.

Looks like Hydra will be swelling in ranks.

It is probably time to send ships to Mars and Mercury for terraforming.