59 Magic Theory (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 54880K 2022-07-20

After going through the technical information and research data collected, I can confirm that the Nazis have gained access to magic shortly after the meteor crashes into Berlin.

The meteor is composed almost entirely of crystalline magical energy – Mana Crystals.

Its outer shell is carved with symbols – Magical Runes.

These are the same symbols that the Nazis have learned to wield in order to empower their weapons and war machines with magic, effectively giving birth to Magitech.

They obliviously didn't stumble on those symbols through trial and error.

I guess I am wrong about that.

Well, I stand corrected. There is no shame of admitting when one is wrong.

As that is the case, Hydra will never figure out those magic symbols – probably.

If Hydra somehow did, it will likely be a fluke.

And Hydra will probably get themselves killed in the process due to the instability of magic when using incorrect or incomplete runes.

It is like powering a machine incorrect, with the wrong voltage or current. The electrical feedback can blow up the device, severely injuring anyone nearby.

The Nazis prove this over the years.

Not every crater is caused by nuclear bombs.

From what I understand, runes are needed to activate a spell, which convert magical energy from one form to another, hopefully into a more useful form.

The Mana Crystal provides the necessary magical energy for the spell to work since there is no ambient magic in the universe where the physical law is based solely on science.

Terra alludes to this in our a little chat.

It does make you wonder if the law of physics and mathematics were designed by some higher power in order for a universe to function properly.

The Master of Order must have something to do with this.

It is more than likely.

Since that is the case, I am sure that some universes or realities will have different law of physics and mathematics governing them.

This could be a huge problem for me and my men in the future since we will explore and map out all the temporal rifts. Our incredible technological advantages would be rendered moot.

Some temporal rifts will definitely lead to world of magic, where mythical beasts roam.

Speaking of beasts, that dragon is way too overpowered!

It dares to mock me!

I will teach it to respect one day!

Knowing that I am an Aspect blows up my ego a little – more than a little. If only I have all my powers again, whatever those powers are.

Anyway, finding a universe with a complete different law of physics is going to be very rare since it will throws everything out of whack.

Just a small change to such a complex system can create unintended side effect.

Since time is still time everywhere in the multiverse from what I could tell, I reasonable sure that any universe or reality stemming with life will have a similar law of science governing them.

It might not be the same. For example, a pound of coal could release far more heat than what it should.

These are the kind of things that could be altered without causing severe consequences.

Thinking more about it makes my head hurt.

It doesn't really have anything to do with me to be honest.

And if I stumble upon a universe or reality that is completely out of whack, it is my choice to explore any further or close off the temporal rift.

Let's get back to the magic thing.

In its inert state, manastone is not dangerous.

But once a spell is applied to it, it can create all sort of effects, including splitting the atom.

Alex Mercer proves this in his first theory to magic. He tends to call Mana Crystals as manastones, so I will use them interchangeably.

They both sound logical enough.

No actual mages or wizards would have thought about splitting the atom and releasing all that energy in form of heat and radiation. They have never even heard of the natural elements. Fire and water are not natural elements.

As such, only worlds with scientific mind would have thought of such an ingenious ideas.

This is all theories based on what I know.

I will confirm my theories once I have found a world of magic. It shouldn't take too much effort since I do have a huge organizations under my control.

Another thing I learn after reading through the report is that manastone are the purest state of magical energy. It can be transformed to other state, such as bloodstone or firestone.

Life Crystals or bloodstones are created by letting the manastone absorbing the lifeblood of thousands upon thousands of people. That was what the Nazis is doing.

Like its namesake, bloodstones grant life to things that aren't alive in the first place or anymore.

It can also extends the lifespan of a person as well, but the human body normally is so fragile that too much of the good thing will cause some severe mutations.

Knowing that, I don't need waste a lot of manpower and resources into that path of research since my power can do the same thing – without any side effects.

I will still put a team to it since I am interested to have an undead army at my command. Even if I don't raise an army of the damn and scare the living shit out everyone on Earth or other world, it is still good to know how to kill one effectively.

Firestone can be created by constantly heating up the manastone at the right temperature. Too much heat and the manastone will melt, forming liquid mana instead.

Waterstone and airstone can be produced to, but it is very difficult to produce those. They takes a lot of time as according the Nazis research.

Time is irrelevant to me. I can definitely produce those within seconds.

It is very interesting to give elemental affinity to manastones. They can also act as capacitor, releasing the element slowly back into the world – firestone can be used to heat houses.

With all these technical information borrowed by Hydra smash and grab teams, I guess Mystic will be busy for a while – for a very long while.

I want Mystic division to produce all sort of elemental stones for me, so I can introduce the wonder of magic to the prime universe when it is time.

Terra had said that introducing magic to a technological universe will create chaos, but after chaos is order.

No pain, no gain.

It shouldn't ended like this alternate world since I will put a handle on things personally. Good thing that once manastones gain an affinity, it cannot gain another one.

And when the magical energy is depleted, the manastones becomes ordinary quart crystal. This stops the accidental creation of bloodstones.

However, more experiment and research will be needed on this.

Regardless of what happen, the prime Earth should learn magic as it makes people life a lot easier. Its future will give me access to all the wonderful Magitech as well!

Thinking about all the new toys makes me excited.

Once everything is in order, I order the men to return to the prime universe.