23 PlayStation Inception (2/2)
Larry Norman speaks up. He is the chairman of Crisis System. He quickly explains what DLCD is for me to understand. Hydra personnel already knew since they designed the damn thing.
DLCD is an acronym for Dual Layer Compact Disc.
This effectively doubled the capacity of a standard CD from 700 MB to 1.4 GB. There is also Triple Layer version, but it is not worth the effort due to exponential manufacturing cost.
While DLCD is still far from standard capacity of DVD at 4.7GB, it is more than sufficient for most games of the 1990s to 2000s.
3D gaming is still in its infancy after all.
”Very well. That is acceptable. What else?”
I accept the changes since DVD technology is still very new. It shouldn't be marketable yet. The general public is not aware of its existence.
I am trying to kill two birds with on stone like the original PlayStation 2 back in the original timeline. It is a game console, but also a DVD Player. Why buy two separate devices when one can do both for a lot less.
However, having DLCD as a medium, I can still distribute home media such as movies and serial shows through it.
”Do we really need to have internal memory disk? Not to mention it is detachable as well.”
One of the Hydra scientists asks.
”Yes. People are generally lazy, especially gamers and couch potatoes. If they don't have to switch disc between each play, it is all for the better. I would like to have wireless capability for the controllers as well, but doing so will reveal some of the cards we do not want to reveal yet.”
I look at Larry.
”What is the maximum capacity of a hard disk that your company can produce?”
”About 256GB. 512GB if you wish. Although it is going to be difficult explaining how our hard drive far out pace all our competitors in term of speed and capacity.”
I nod. Sometimes it is hard to keep the tech level to the minimum. I have to – for now.
2GB hard drive is the current limit right now. It still also cost an arm and a leg for the average consumer to buy such amount of storage.
”We don't need that high capacity on release. About 16GB should do. Make sure it is 3.5 inch standard and compatible with higher capcity such as 32GB and 64GB for gamers with deep pockets. Now, as for the cost for the PlayStation itself. I suggest $199.99 as starting price.”
I point out.
”Almost 20 grand? Isn't that a bit too expensive, Mr. Maxwell? A CD player costs about about $200 on average. While the gaming console ummm PlayStation will play DLCD as well as CD, an average person wouldn't know the difference. We do have the manufacturing capability to produce anything cheaply, but it should at least cost reasonable.”
Another Hydra scientist comments.
”20k? No. I said $199.99. $200 bucks!”
Everyone nearly spat out blood.