23 PlayStation Inception (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 23210K 2022-07-20

The meeting went as smoothly as I have half expected it to. The people from the console development team agree with whatever garbage I put forth for the PlayStation.

They are fucking yes-man.

It either that or they are so fearful of losing their job that they couldn't speak their mind.

While I demand respect from everyone working for me, directly or indirectly, I still prefer them to have some independent thoughts and opinions.

More than that, they should have the fucking courage to tell me when I am wrong.

I need goddamn leaders not mindless followers!

And I do not punish people for their brutal honesty.

Heck, I prefer the cold hard factual truth over shitty sweet lies. The latter is like a cancer that must be weeded out before it spreads.

Seeing it is pointless to continue with the meeting any further, I decide to just dismantle the hardware development team and move everyone into game development instead.

At least there, their technical knowledge and coding skills could be put to use.

Due to my high hiring standard – not so high when compare to the 21st century – I am in need of alot of professional game developers and coders.

I have plenty of graphic designers, storywriters and audio engineers working in the game development team, but programmers are necessary to make the actual game.

For that, I decide to bring in some Hydra personnel from their Research and Development division. I also request a meeting with the chairman from Crisis System.

Crisis System deals with the Electronic and Computing Sector.

The company is fairly new when compared to all the other companies under my control.

Despite that, Crisis System has make some significant progress in hardware engineering. It also have a massive manufacturing complex that I can put to good use.

Hundred of billions of dollars have been spend in the company and its complexes after all.

You got to spend money to make money, and putting money back into the economy makes the world go round.

This is why so much money is going and out of Chrono Holdings every single day. The company spends as much it makes in return.

I mean to say it makes a lot more than it spends. Even money in the its bank is making money because it is being lend to the American people at a very good interest rate.

The people I have requested arrive to the company by the afternoon. Some of them has to travel half way across America as well as the world. Hydra has a headquarter in Africa now.

Since everyone is part of the inner circle, we can speak our mind freely.

”It can be done with some adjustments to our manufacturing capabilities, but not in the timespan you have allotted. Perhaps, a few more weeks is in order, Mr. Maxwell. If time is a constrain then I suggest we forgoes the DVD medium in favour of the DLCD. It also brings down the cost.”