7 Hail Hydra (2/2)
Henry answers with a hint of sadness.
As one of the richest man if not the richest in the country, Henry has to attend so many parties and meet so many people. He had met with Harry Truman, the previous president of the United States, in person and talk to the man. He is a friend of the current president, Dwight Eisenhower.
However, of all of the people Henry met, only a handful he considers to be trust worthy. Everyone else just wants to take advantage of him, his fame and money. This includes his long-time friends and even his families.
I laugh loudly since I have expected all of that.
Being rich isn't a gift to many.
It is actually more of a curse, especially in the romantic aspect. Why do you think celebrities constantly getting divorce.
True power isn't through money.
Money is a just a mean to an end.
”It is just another battle, Henry. I am sure that you will overcome the challenge and become stronger afterwards. Now, have you prepare what I have ask of you?”
Henry eyes me.
”Shouldn't you already know, Mr. Maxwell?”
I chuckle and shrug.
”I suppose I do, but I still wants to hear it from you, so next time, answer the question.”
I order him. I didn't want to play trial and error every time I meet Henry. It is not only a waste of time, but it is very boring reliving the same moment over and over again.
Henry apologizes and gestures me towards the car.
I ponder for a while before shrugging and entering the car.
I could teleport to the where I want to go immediately, but taking a leisure drive isn't so bad.
Henry personally drives me to the dock. Along the way, so many people takes picture of him. Many of them even asks who I was.
”This is a good friend of mine.”
Henry tells them. I give them a wave. It might be a problem in the future, but I could always say that the person in the picture is my father or grandfather.
”Mr. Oxford. Mr. Oxford! There some rumors that you are dating Miss Monroe. Is this true?”
Henry didn't answer the question and drives off.
”Is that true?”
I ask since I am aware of who Marilyn Monroe is. She is one of the top icons in Hollywood. I recall that she dies at a very young age – suicide apparently. Since everything has changed, she might not commit suicide this time around.
”Yes. Do you want me to break off with her Mr. Maxwell?”
Henry asks, surprising me. Did he just ask me whether he should breakup with her or not? Perhaps it is because I know the future.
”No. Just curious. How did you meet her?”
It was during one of those notorious casting couch, where actress exchanges sexual favors for a role in a movie.
Henry didn't use Chrono Holdings to gain access to Hollywood even if the company secretly owns both Fox and Warner Bros.
Due to his fame and status, Henry was actually invited to a private party, to which Marilyn Monroe is the dancer.
Hearing what had happened, I regret that I wasn't there, watching the show.
Oh well, plenty of chances in the future.
Once I am at the dock, a huge container ship is waiting for me along with Jimmy.
”Boss. Mr. Oxford.”
Jimmy calls me and greets Henry.
Henry returns the greeting before saying his goodbye to me. He couldn't stay long due to the amount of work he has to do.
It takes a lot of time and energy to run a multi-billion dollar company.
This is the very reason why I don't want to run it myself. Let others do the hard work while I reap the benefits.
”Jimmy. Jimmy. You aged badly.”
I comment before placing my hand on his shoulder.
The greys in his hair vanishes along with wrinkles in his face. He is five years younger than just a second ago.
”Thank you, boss.”
Jimmy utters.
Although I can de-age him without touching him directly, I just want to show Jimmy that I am fair and friendly to those that is loyal to me.
”Now, shall we go to the Bermuda Triangle? I heard a lot of ships and planes go missing there. It is a perfect place for a hidden base.”
Jimmy nods and accompanies to the massive container ships. So many equipment and materials are already loaded onto the ship.
A dozen of people greets me when I enters the bridge.
Like Jimmy, each person in the room is wearing a metallic ring with a special symbol on their middle finger.
The ring vibrates when a certain phrase is pronounce, telling the owner that they are in presence of friends and comrades.
”Hail Hydra.”