8 Island of Time (1/2)
There is actually nothing mysterious about the Bermuda Triangle. Most of it is fabricated myth thanked to decades of writers and authors – just like the Arthurian Legends.
However, whether there is something supernatural or not about the Bermuda Triangle isn't the reason why I am heading there with a ship full of armed men and construction equipment.
”Mr. Maxwell. We are approaching the designated position. There is nothing here, sir.”
The captain informs me and everyone after entering the mess hall. He actually came in person instead of sending someone to relay the message.
This is because of me.
Everyone fears me and respects me.
Fears more than respects for some.
”Nothing here is right now, but there was… a long, long time ago.”
I response and continue to enjoy my lunch.
The people at my table are all high-ranking members of Hydra.
I handpick each one of them, verifying their identity, loyalty and capacity.
None of them will be anyone important in history.
This is because I don't want to drastically alter the future events by poaching someone important. And just because these men are never mentioned in the history book, it does not they are not capable. It is because they weren't lucky enough to get a chance.
It is different now.
They are part of Hydra, the organization that will change the world for the better.
Their names will definitely enter the history book when everything is over.
”My Lord Maxwell. I and many others still do not understand why we are here, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Could please enlighten us with your wisdom and knowledge?”
I roll my eyes at the comment.
Some men coughs and snickers.
”Don't be a kiss ass, Thomas. Speak normally. This isn't the 1910s. We are all friends here.”
Thomas became a 1 star General after the first World War.
He lost his legs in the second one, forcing into an early retirement.
He was a bitter old man, dying on a hospital bed when I found him.
I gave him a new life and a new purpose with my power.
Now, he is a man in his early twenties, with too much energy to spare.
Half of the men here are like that.
They are relics of the past, abandoned by the changing world.
”You will know soon enough. Let's us enjoy lunch.”
I add.
”If only there are women here. My men are incredibly restless after so many days at sea.”
Another member of Hydra speaks up.
His name is Johnathan. He also serve in the Great War in 1911, but was dishonorably discharge due to some unpleasantness.
While a brilliant tactician, Johnathan is extremely racist. He didn't have any problem with black people like a lot of American.
Jonathan actually has a huge problem with the German, the Russian, the Chinese, the Japanese – well, actually anyone from country that isn't America.
I think a more correct term to describe him is extreme patriotism.
Regardless, Johnathan follows order to the letter.
He gladly butcher anything and anyone without questions as long as I give the command.
Woman and children didn't matter to him – hence that is the reason why he was discharged with his men.
His men are not true member of Hydra. Therefore, they are not given rings. They are more like goons, following the command of their leader. I did return their youth to show that I am more than meet the eyes. It also pointless to have old men part of my army.
Some of them did try to kill me to prove a point.
Those were disposed off promptly.
No one questions the Supreme Commander – me.
I like this kind of thinking amongst the high-ranking members of Hydra. And through them, their men will be kept in line.
”Relax Johnathan. There will be women for you and your men to enjoy soon enough. Plenty of women, beauties of the ages. Just have some restrain with the pillaging and raping. We are civilized men after all.”
That earns a laugh from everyone.
They all knows who they are – war hounds.
If they weren't, they would not be here on the ship, armed and ready. They would be back on land, working on one of my many projects like Henry and the others.
The container ship eventually slow down to a complete stop.
There is nothing but water in sight.
”We are approximately 121km east of Bermuda.”
The captain informs me.
I gesture my hand as acknowledgement, all while watching the waves crashing against the side of the boat.
Entire Hydra watches me in silence.
”Have the men combat ready. Tell them to kill anyone who resists, but give the chance for those who surrender. We do not need to slaughter everyone. They are needed as a slave force.”
I give the order.
The men are confused, but relay the order nonetheless.
I close my eyes and concentrate. The sea in front of me ripple as a temporal bubble being to form. The bubble expanded, encompassing a large area of the ocean. The ocean becomes frozen.
Time within the bubble has come to a complete stop.
The men tense up after seeing what could describe as a supernatural event. They all know that it is me who cause this, but they could not get their mind around how.
Time within the bubble begin to reverse. Days went by, months, then years and decades.